
- I hate to say it but it genuinely looks like a cult at this point. A death cult. These people have ingested the Kool Aid and they are damned if everyone else doesn't as well.

if it was a depop agenda, then they would obviously exclude themselves, but the evidence suggests these people actually believe their own lies.

I have to process this for a bit but this is nuts. These people know they are killing themselves and their families and want everyone else to die as well. Saline was just a meme. This is literal Jonestown psychology.

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I posted this on Lockdown Sceptic (now Daily Sceptic) last year:

It’s a cult. I could see it was turning into a cult with the appalling “clap for the NHS” BS and associated social shaming of anyone not participating.

We now have a brainwashed population with no critical thinking skills going deeper and deeper into the delusions.

It starts off with good intentions, but before you know it you’re shunning the non believers, and then you are willingly drinking poisoned Kool Aid.

Let’s take a look:

I noted previously that even though cults should be defined from a theological point of view, we can nevertheless gain valuable insights into certain aspects of the cultic mentality from sociology. . . .

[1] Authoritarian Leadership

[2] Exclusivism – Cults often believe that they alone have the truth. The cult views itself as the single means of salvation on earth; to leave the group is to endanger one’s soul. .

[3] Isolationism

[4] Opposition to Independent Thinking

[5] Fear of Being “Disfellowshiped”

[6] Threats of Satanic Attack – Finally, some cults use fear and intimidation to keep members in line. Members may be told that something awful will happen to them should they choose to leave the group. Others may be told that Satan will attack them and may even kill them, for they will have committed the unpardonable sin. Such fear tactics are designed to induce submission. Even when people do muster enough courage to leave the group, they may endure psychological consequences and emotional baggage for years to come.

Now let's apply some Covidian to this:

[1] Authoritarian Leadership - Yep

[2] Exclusivism – Do as the authorities say or die

[3] Isolationism - social distancing?

[4] Opposition to Independent Thinking - Heck yeah!

[5] Fear of Being “Disfellowshiped” - Winner winner

[6] Threats of Covid Attack – Finally, some cults use fear and intimidation of catching muh deadly virus to keep members in line. Members may be told that something awful will happen to them should they choose to disbelieve in the killing power of the weakest pandemic virus in human history. Others may be told that Covid will attack them and may even kill them, for they will have committed the unpardonable sin. Such fear tactics are designed to induce submission. Even when people do muster enough courage to leave the group, they may endure psychological consequences and emotional baggage for years to come.

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Welcome to Fauciville ... not unlike Jonestown

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FDA - criminally insane satanic mass murderers

Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies: A 17-Month-Old Baby Received a Second Dose Despite Multiple Seizures From the First


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you would think that the death of the 17 year old daughter of a Representative would trigger some investigation

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Positively heartbreaking, that death notice. Perfectly healthy seventeen year old girls do NOT die in their sleep, peacefully or otherwise. If alarm bells aren't ringing in that congressman's household, they damn well should be: Your daughter's tragic death... Demand an autopsy!

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She was supposed to attend University of Vermont. https://www.uvm.edu/uvmforward/vaccine-requirement-faqs-summer-and-fall-2022

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

I guess if you don't want your teenage kid to die, you shouldn't give them poison. On the mean side, 1 dumbocrap down, how many to go?

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Our refusal of this new religion cost my relationship with three children and four grandchildren. Matthew 10:34 is true.

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This looks like relative risk reduction, not efficacy. A work of statistical fiction.

It can't inform on efficacy unless all subjects are exposed to equal, measured amounts of virus infection.

If exposure is random for both cohorts the results are too. Repeat the trial and results could be opposite, like a coin toss. Even with the placebo, about 90% of subjects didn't get infected. Likely they were not exposed. You could claim 90% efficacy for the placebo. That would be more meaningful than the numbers given.

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Facts, data, real science do not matter. Globalists, Demorats and others are operating according to an agenda. They do not care about anyone or anything else. Media, social media, activists, etc., all play a part. Too many in the medical field have been silenced or went along to keep their jobs. A number of elected leaders seem to be doing the same thing. All we can do is find the truth and fight back, and pray.

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No longer difficult to see the "good versus evil" battle. It's a mystery if saline for the elites was NOT true. Why would they kill themselves? Unless the cult structure is in play; those at the very top survive (saline, fake jab) and the blind foot soldiers below won't know what hit them. Not hard to see when you look at cults like free masons, jesuits, communist states, etc.

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It’s about money and keeping the “safe and effective” illusion going….

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Could someone explain what this 3rd column means? What does .95 cl... mean? What are the 3 dots for? Does cl mean confidence limit? Are we seeing a range of numbers meaning that the confidence limit interval was calculated from -285 to positive 95? Does -285 mean vaccines were 300% likely to kill you? WOW WOW WOW I think I see what you mean! AAARGH

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