A nurse practitioner and a technician asked if I could recommend information, links--including my own podcasting site--regarding my criticism of the mRNA vaccine. The NP asked it I could send him an email. That was Wednesday. 19 October 2022. I do not know if there is a causal connection, but on Friday, 21 October 2022, I received two letters in the USPS mail, dated 21 October, informing me that both my accounts at the bank were to be terminated and that Monday (tomorrow) was the last day that I could access my account.

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And it is all apparently legal, as far as I can tell. A paragraph in the account agreement allows them to act with complete, summary arbitrariness. Essentially one weekend and no business days to change my auto deposits and auto payments since I work on Monday.

This is the America that we are letting happen.

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Get in touch with the lawyer that's working with the organization I,C,A.N (Informed Consent Action Network). Siri is his first name. Can't remember his last name. I'm pretty sure he will want to add this sort of behavior to the many lawsuits he's already got going against F.D.A, C.D.C, The Biden Administration Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma and various State and local governments. You said what they are doing is legal apparently. Well I'm confident Siri can find an angle on your case to stop them in their tracks.

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Oct 23, 2022

Aaron Siri

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Thank you. This is a very interesting suggestion.

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See why the move to corporatize medicine and push to replace M.D. physicians (for all of their faults) with other "healthcare" providers?

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Are the NP and/or Tech people who work with you or near you? Too coincidental in my opinion. Possibly the bank was already looking into you and needed some type of confirmation by contacting these individuals for "evidence." Hopefully at some point soon this kind of Soviet coercion will be illegal 🤬

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The NP and the Hospital Tech are my "healthcare" providers. I went more than a year before this having been blackballed by another physician who did not like my opinion on PCR (I have experience with PCR---though not by any means an expert) as well as opinions regarding the vaccines and the masks (though I dutifully wore one in his lobby/clinic). Just for informing his wife/office manager that, "no," the CDC is not an enforcement body, she "fired me as a patient" and without warning called the police while I waited, pleasantly and peacefully, for my complete records which she promised would be given to me at the clerk's window. These people seem to be drunk with manipulative power that the exaggerated COVID policies provided them. There seems to be some very odd, dark energy from within that animates their tyranny. I tell this story so that people can begin to apprehend more details of their tactics and so that they can begin to find the legal, lawful, peaceful and righteous responses in their worlds. Depression and resignation are not the answers, but energized activism of the kind that I just described.

We must keep organizing and organizing more deeply and effectively. Elections are important, but elections are are too limited in outcome. We must inform all of what is looming ahead.

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Agree - even substack seems to be manipulated. Why doesn’t like button work on replies? Anyway - thanks for taking a stand - this medical tyranny needs to stop.

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Couldn't 'like' your reply.

I have been wondering why it often doesn't work.

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So annoying, isn’t it? Just because we’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get us, huh?

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And remember, these are our fellow "Americans."

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Thus, it would seem that the United States is dissolving---which of course is what the oligarchs (the "Garks") desire. We are in a massive depopulation and destruction event orchestrated by the total capture of the institutions of government and society worldwide. There is not other reasonable conclusion. Banks are the principal players. We saw this during COVID. In very submissive/slave nations, one could not even bank in person without being vaccinated.

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Nah. Going to continue to get worse. Just wait till the roll out of CBDC's and implementation of Social Credit.

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Oct 23, 2022Edited
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Unfortunately any solution I manage come up with involves some sort of "Deus ex machina" arrangement... that, or I (or possibly you) have access to Captain-Kirk-from-the-Alternate-Universe's "Tantalus Field".. Frankly, I feel like Jenny Lerner and her Dad from the movie "Deep Impact", waiting at the seaside for the tsunami to roll in.

At the very least, any solution would call for a mass awakening of humanity -- or at least those of us living in North America, Europe and China...and come to think of it, Ukraine... Do you see that happening?

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If you and others continue to act. Do you have a podcast or your own Substack page? If not, now would be a good time to start. A captain-level officer should have some problem-solving and writing skills. Promulgate your ideas. Modify them, Refine them.. Dare to be wrong here and there.

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I have a blog I occassionally post to: https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/ -- Named after my favorite author and his curious novel, "Sex Diary of a Metaphysician."

I also have a substack page come to think of it.. https://substack.com/profile/40679137-capt-roy-harkness?utm_source=user-menu

"Captain" is an online pseudonym I adopted based on my favorite Dr. Who character, "Captain Jack Harkness"... I actually only ever made it to Master Corporal😥.

But hopefully my continued jaundiced comments may help to wake others up.

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Oct 24, 2022
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Yes. I call it prayer and miracles.

Depression (a.k.a., "learned helplessness") is not something that I am given to---nor should it be for anyone fighting for our Cause for life, for political and intellectual freedom, and for humane development. Anger (properly understood as Aristotle eloquently defined) is the positive response that must be accepted in circumscribed, mastered form, and then virtuously channeled into legitimate and lawful action.

And that use of anger is not--contrary to Leftist/Would-be Enslavers' lying propaganda--a prodromic and sufficient cause of criminality or violence. Such ugliness and retribution is how the Left behaves, but violence and mayhem should never be what our side resorts to. My principles a those of Catholic virtue theory and stringent moral theology.

I do not watch movies. I have never--never--owned a television. So, I am quite unplugged from the System's poison to mind control our people. Radio is captured as well.

You are quite correct about what I am going to characterize as 'meditation' and 'contemplation'. And we must remember that forgiveness is empowering. But we do need to point out evil and respond to it with well-considered, dispassionate reason and principled coordination for achieving wholesome and honorable goals.

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Which bank was this? Have you followed up to ask the NP anything further?

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That did not happen to me,, it happened someone else. my son and daughter in law.. well it was my son who is the computer security architect CAUGHT someone hacking into his wife's account.. it was Bank of America and he and his wife went to meet with the local "manager" where upon John explained.. politely the security flaws in their system.. after a couple phone calls, the local bank manager, called HQ and all accounts were closed and money refunded.. it is Northern Va. that is al I can say online. don't want to say more.

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WTF what? If that is real.. I would take the day off and GO TO THE BANK IN PERSON.. (get an appt) close all accounts. cash in hand.. and fyi. IF THEY SAY YOU CAN'T have your cash.. ALL BANKS have the capacity to issue a CASHIER's CHECK for the full amount in your bank account; don't leave until you get satisfaction. a similar situation happened with my son's wife.. they both went to the Bank .. you know which one... and put in the local bank here which has been here since the mid 1800s; his wife is an accountant. and my son also is a computer guy.. you we get around and know the banking systems .. probably better than the people who work there .. after years of dealing with their crap. No, after you do that ASK THE NP if they or Human Resources.. were informed of your comments. which MEAN ZERO LEGALLY. If the Bank gives you any issues you can actually go to magistrate (or threaten too) and force the bank to give you all your money. well you are smart but act fast. THEN WRITE A NASTY LETTER TO CORPORATE AND POST on Twitter or something outrageous like that (I don't use Twitter but if forced I would)

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Hi Science is political 2.0. I have accomplished a good bit so far to protect my money. The Bank refuses to give me reasons for their actions, however.

It is a civic duty, really, that I explore this. If we do not push against these incursions and injustices, they simply become emboldened. The Left/globotyrants/Garks do not have a "live and let live" attitude. My past experience has been that these operatives have something dark going on in their soul. That is why, so far, when they take over there is always--always--a mound of skulls that they create.

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Up here in Canuckistan I've been careful not to leave more than a dollar in the bank since 2015 when I overheard the Governor of the Bank of Canada (Canada's version of the Federal Reserve; both are abominable Rothschild Central Banks) pontificating about "Bail-Ins" -- If a commercial bank is in trouble? They can seize your money, and the contents of your safety-deposit box. Since February 2022 I've been VERY careful not to leave money in the bank after that evil bitch Chrystia Freeland in the wake of the Trucker's Convoy announcing the government would seize the money of anyone they didn't like. I strongly recommend reading "The Creature from Jeckyl Island" by G. Edward Griffin and "The Web of Debt" by Ellen H. Brown

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I have and am (still) reading the former. Good suggestions.

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Are you in California?

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Not any longer.

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Dont get your hopes up Doc. They will lie or refuse to answer, the media will completely ignore it and they will all get off scott free.

Look at all the dirt the Durham investigation uncovered? You see anyone put in jail?

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They all plead the fifth?? They all need to be truthful, so we get rid of the vax before stupid and lying CDC make it something that is needed for school. They have to IMMEDIATELY STOP that from going through now.

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Too late. Done Deal since Thursday, October 20th.

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it's a good place to start.

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I have had my hopes dashed too many times to get excited about this news...

The damage has been done.

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The damage hasn't even started yet! Wait until the die-offs start gathering speed and there's no-one left to run the power plants, do food deliveries or perform essential services!

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The truth will come out, it is a matter of time.

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No it won't: The people who own the drug companies and the politicians also own the media.

High time you read George Orwell's "1984." 🤔

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The truth is ALREADY OUT...and nobody seems to care...least of all those who were most harmed by these crimes against humanity.

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Not "nobody."

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Hope it works. Deserving for their evils!!!

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It won't. The system is too corrupt and self-serving, the corruption is too deep and too long-standing. This has been going on for over a century now. In case "The Real Anthony Fauci" wasn't curative enough, read, and weep:

"The Medical Racket" - https://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

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Thank you! I just spent the last hour reading through The Medical Racket. What I've learned so far makes so much sense. I understand now why so many (financially able) people leave the US to receive cancer treatments. I was always told the US had the best medicine in the world. Now I know there are

exists several effective, less harmful treatments for cancer which people may never be allowed to receive in the US... because $$$.

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According to my chiropractors, the cure for cancer has been found again and again, (but buried one way or the other) One thing we do know is cancer cannot live in an oxygenated and alkaline body.

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Wade Frazier's website as I've said before, is the single most effective Red Pill I've ever taken.


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After this court case they can investigate Fauci and the rest on murder charges from the death shots, then lock them up under the prison.

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🎵"Mr. Sandman... Send me a dream...

Make him the cutest, that I've ever seen..." 🎶

-- The Chordettes

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They all have legal immunity from prosecution, because they are covered by the same legal status of the Emergency Protocol that the vaccine makers enjoy and their costs will be met by you, indirectly, because that provision is written into the secret contracts which cover everyone, down to the last person who injected you with your life saving vaccines (some hope with that).

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Justice will NOT come via the "justice" system in this country. It is completely organized and in place to PROTECT the entrenched war criminals and those committing crimes against humanity against the citizens of this nation.

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I agree these are just feel good distractions

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Scum like these losers will say they know nothing. You won't hear one word of truth between the whole bunch.

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It is amazing development. If we win the midterms, this could go somewhere. We lose, the country is over.

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"If we win the midterms..." oh, you silly sod 😥... read "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion"; first posted in 2006, but I'll quote the salient paragraphs for you:

"Panic is setting in, and for some silly reason, people think this upcoming election holds the key to the future.

Guys, wake the F--- up. This Republican/Democrat thing is beyond embarrassing.

Please understand: THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS THE U.S. IS FACING. The outcome of this election is meaningless, one way or the other. The more you keep grasping for glimmers of hope within the political system, the worse off you will be."


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We have to start somewhere…the avalanche must surely follow.

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The avalanche only happens when it’s assumed we still have a functioning justice system, which I would argue we do not. But I pray you’re right and I’m wrong

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The justice system is at least as corrupt as the medical racket. Regrettably, "Jomico" is wrong, and you are right. If you're one of the Purebloods, if you're going to hang around -- as opposed to heading for the hills and finding a good place to hide -- as Br. Alexis recommended, better invest in a hazmat suit, you're going to need one for the mass burials coming up...

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Gaius Seutonius, "The Lives of the 12 Ceasars" .. Find a copy, read it, reflecting that the depths of corruption and depravity in Washington is worse than that of Ancient Rome's... 🙄

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The banking/medical community harassment of me continues, as described in these comments below. The bank relented somewhat today (five days later), providing a new date of absolute cancellation, but I still would have to make a 60 to 70 mile round trip to transact in the lobby of a distant branch office. This makes no real sense.

Recall, no specific reason was given by the bank for this action on their part. This extends and represents a negative development in approximately a year and a half-long series of bizarre treatments, including what could reasonably be suspected to be 'persecutions', as well as verified blackballing by the medical and, now, possibly the banking or business community in my area directly--or closely--surrounding peaceful conversations regarding COVID, the PCR method, lockdown/distancing policies, and the mRNA injections.

Disrupting society and human trust may well have been one of the tactics of the high-level COVIDian strategy, fitting in well with other acts of depopulation, anarchotyranny and national dissolution. But they are showing, with others suffering much more than me--even losing their lives--that the oligarchic regime is not going to be turned back easily from their broad and nefarious designs.

I will be fine after some minor monetary losses and considerable frustration. But it is time that we demand--in our local areas--protections of our rights and freedom to engage in political activity, discussions and philosophy, as well as productive and humanizing enterprise. These things are at risk in a system capable and boastful of intentionally causing food shortages, vaccine deaths, denial of care, blockading of travel, the crushing of dissent, massive barring of people from employment and the artificial suppression of the economy. This sudden and unexplained decision by the bank may involve some internal and secretive policy of being brown shirts for "wokism."

I may never know about the causes in my case and whether they are generalizable to many given the rules that institutions establish and enforce for themselves. If this is what is going on (as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demonstrated in Canada with his abuse of the truckers), we need to make sure that systematic deprivation of livelihoods based on political megalomania cannot ever happen again in our nations. Well, realistically, resisting tyrants forever requires vigilance.

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