More selective group being given higher attention… the hurricane did NOt pick out just one group.. it took people of ALL ages from ALL groups.. getting fed up with certain people ignoring the masses in order to focus everything on the minority.

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I did not know if to cover it or not but was so outrageous that there are people whose daily life involves this type of thinking...they think in 'groups'

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Seems they are hive minds... incapable of thinking for themselves, and seem to not be able to decipher right from wrong.

These kinds need to NOT be running OUR government... at all.

We still have a lot of good men and women who do know right from wrong and its time to Remove those who do not.

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This tiny minority is going to turn the good people against these groups being given favorable treatment.

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OhYeah! FEMA will be Gone because NOW Everybody Knows they are a Fraud!

Well, let me put it to you like this... in Appalachia, everybody knows what a boy and girl is and they know Who God Our Creator is.

So that means FEMA is going to rescue No One.

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FEMA needs serious revamping under Trump...complete overhaul

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While I agree with your comment it's hardly surprising that this is happening. One has to remember that in cross-national comparisons American males are the most homosexual people on earth, along with Filipinos who are tied with Americans for first place. The so-called "right" to practice sodomy is enshrined in the US constitution, as was found to be the case by the SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas. No other people on earth have allowed such a purportedly "right" in their constitution. The homosexual population in many other countries is only about 1-2% but among Americans it is far higher than in other countries, and on the increase, particularly in the younger demographic.

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so appreciate your candor: 'in cross-national comparisons American males are the most homosexual people on earth, along with Filipinos who are tied with Americans for first place. '

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Probably best to shut it down and send the funds to private charity. Let communities self organize their own "FEMA".

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US military is woke and weak.

The Pentagon is corrupt.

Our adversaries will kick our ass.

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you said it and I fear it.

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we are being real

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We do Still have Trump's Real Military and they are Not weak and impotent. We can Never give in to fear, beczuse the battle starts in the mind. We Must use our SuperPowers!

Call on God, Jesus, Holy Spirit to send their Angels , Cherubims, Seraphims, And Angels of Thrones to Fight them. Just one Angel can sleigh a

180,000 man army (or more) and it has happened before... We Need to talk to God, Jesus, Holy Spurit Every Day so they won't feel lonely. They want friends too, and most people ignore them and never even think to talk to them.

Gail Walters on an interview with Randy Kay was taken to heaven and saw them and God showed her how some of the people were more intersted in how their hair looked and going to the beauty salon (vanity) than even thinking about God and talking to him as a friend.

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2 out of 3 ain't bad. Those of US still alive in The USA who own guns, we're not endoctrinated and value our Freedom beg to differ. There are still millions of US daring any piece of shit CUNTRY to come here and try to take over....

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we will repel such cuntries

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The US government is destroying the US.

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Well WE Can Stop Them!

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yes we can

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Turnabout is Fair in Love & War.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

100% Agreed. Putin with 6 % of our military budget has an incredible array of high tech weapons. We build huge military bases like Afghanistan that we can't defend, we are loaded with Air Craft carriers (named after Politicians) that will be sitting ducks against Russia. We are loaded (over 40) with 4 Star Generals that are either freaks or incompetent butt kissing "special needs groups". Trump wanted Col MacGregor an Iraqi tank commander and another Patton but Lisping Lindsey Graham and Bitch McConnell said no and gave us Throughly Modern Milley.

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Just wait until one of the Houthis sink a US Navy ship with one of their missiles.

Low tech warriors kicking butt.

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I was shocked when I saw the Houthis jump off a hovering helicopter yelling Allah and take a cargo ship with a crew of 25 without firing a shot. If there is an MVP award when this is over they should get it.

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Highly unlikely... Our Real Military is kicking the cabal's @ss, and REAL AmeriCans are Tough.

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Americans when pushed to that point will handle business

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There have been sooooo many hills to die on in the past 4 years. I would’ve thought injecting our children with dna-altering, myocarditis-causing poison would’ve been the line on the sand, but alas, no.

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The real warriors were kicked out of the military for their refusal to take the covid DeathVax.

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Many were warned not to take it and they left the military. They will come back...they are still warriors.

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there are NO LGBTQIA+ people in those small mountain towns. any young man with a sensitive bent moved to NYC or at the very least, Asheville, as soon as he had a driver's license, looking for museums, nightlife, glitter and a pool of casual sex partners.

we desperately need a new government. right now!

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Revolt or DIE TRYING. Fuck DC. They have been fucking all for far too long. Bring out VLAD the Impaler to mount 388 known TRAITORS until they rot. #Eject388TraitorConsNOW #SupportLoyBrunson #ThereUsNoStatuteOfLimitationsForTreason

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Yes...because the affected lgbtiadnbsc and illegals make up .001% of the population and that is all the funding FEMA has.

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Mockery from our psycho overlords...

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

These things are as we should expect. When craziness reaches these levels, it *MUST* be exterminated or it will spread until it consumes the entire body. It's exactly like a cancer - eradicate it or die.

That's why I repeat tirelessly: "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out!"

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I think queering of our missiles went too far...ISIS and terrorists figuring out ways to cut off our heads and we worried about bathrooms and queer PRIDE weapons

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We've reached a point where 'enemy' countries (whatever that means) fear the US **ONLY** because of our nuclear arsenal. I wouldn't fear a country that had "proper pronouns" and "DEI" as a primary goal for its military - would you? Today, our military forces could probably be defeated by a 3rd-rate military *EXCEPT* for the fact of our nuclear arsenal.

And that's scary because it makes it almost certain that going nuclear will be the result.

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is it too late?

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I can only *wish* that it were "at the bud". That stage has long since passed.

The "bud" was likely Obama, and a strong case could be made that Clinton was the "bud".

In any event, Clinton, Bush, or Obama, we are well past the "bud" stage.

These monsters are now deeply entrenched and it's going to be Hell to get them out.

We shouldn't expect that they'll go out quietly, and so violence and blood is in the forecast.

As terrible as that sounds - and it is - that may be what's needed. A kind of "purge" - where these monsters get to face REAL justice, the justice that they've evaded for decades. Imagine a gallows where creatures such as the Clintons, Obama, Bush, Biden, Mayorkas, Fauci, Dimon, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and hundreds of others await their turn to dangle from the end of a rope. *THAT* would be the start of fixing the USA - finally!!

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correct: "These monsters are now deeply entrenched and it's going to be Hell to get them out."

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some argue that its only when we see Americans with their legal weapons marching down the road will we able to smile and know things will get better

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I'd be one of those. It has simply gone too far - end of story.

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The bottom line and the reality is that anyone voting for Trump they want to murder. There is no other reasonable explanation or excuse.

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As horrific as this is, it shines the light of truth on the government and the complete lack of caring for US citizens in utter distress and disaster. It couldn’t be clearer.

I hope this finally shines the light into those brains that still want to vote for knucklehead and Kamala. How to remedy the brainwashed? I hope this jolts them back to humanity.

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In 3rd world countries parents are known to break the bones of young children so they are obviously impaired so that they can beg on street corners and make a living. It is this kind of mentality that is taking over our society.

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How about we just lock up every single member of that club until they can pass a SANITY EXAMINATION. Until then, they would be in a safe place void of impressionable children.

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its the impact and incessant reach to our children that is our biggest concern...they are relentless

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I vote for the gallows... they are a waste of space and will likely never change as they've gone way too deep in doing all kinds of evil. Except they Repent and get baptized and turn from their evil ways, they will be in hell for eternity.

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Please tell me this isn’t real.

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we are dealing with mentally deranged lunatics, not normal!!

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

I will say a prayer for America and I ask that you touch and agree... as the Bible says to do when asking anything in Jesus' name.

God, in Jesus' name I ask you to send your Legions of Good Angels to help us in this battle against the fallen dark angels and for these dark entities to be taken out until there are no more of them and their hived minions left to cause any destruction on this earth. Also send your Cherubims, Seraphims and Angels of Thrones to Rescue the people who were in the path of this storm...nourish their bodies and keep them strong and pluck them from harm and gathrr the families back together. If there are any hurt, heal them supernaturally. And even raise the dead back to life as happened to Lazarus after he was dead 4 days and stinkng...

Send your Angels to Break the "toys" of the cabal that they may never use it again to destroy what you have created God...and take away All of their money and finances so that they cannot hire minions and mercenaries to do evil for them ever again. And above All else, Rescued the children in every way...medically, spiritually, give them Your Wisdom and bring back the days of innocence so that children may be children and have a pure childhood before they grow up, and let parents raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord that they may pass on the Truth to future generations.

Bind every, witch, warlock, sorcerer and worker of iniquity in chains so that they cannot cast spells on the people, or harm the people. Show Your Marvelous Workings to the people that they may believe in you and know that You are Real.

And thank You to Strengthen every Person and every Warrior that they faint Not. And send the Comforter to Every Person in Any kind of trouble and bless all these good people...not the wicked.

Curses are reserved for the wicked as they know your laws.

We Thank You and All of Your Heavenly Hosts for Saving America and the World!

Amen, Amen & Amen!

And Special Blessings to All Good People Who Are Praying And Helping This World And Our Country In Any Way They Can, And Save Those Who Are Lost And Those Who Are Deceived. Amen, Amen, and Amen

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I will say a prayer for America and I ask that you touch and agree... as the Bible says to do when asking anything in Jesus' name.

God, in Jesus' name I ask you to send your Legions of Good Angels to help us in this battle against the fallen dark angels and for these dark entities to be taken out until there are no more of them and their hived minions left to cause any destruction on this earth. Also send your Cherubims, Seraphims and Angels of Thrones to Rescue the people who were in the path of this storm...nourish their bodies and keep them strong and pluck them from harm and gathrr the families back together. If there are any hurt, heal them supernaturally. And even raise the dead back to life as happened to Lazarus after he was dead 4 days and stinkng...

Send your Angels to Break the "toys" of the cabal that they may never use it again to destroy what you have created God...and take away All of their money and finances so that they cannot hire minions and mercenaries to do evil for them ever again. And above All else, Rescued the children in every way...medically, spiritually, give them Your Wisdom and bring back the days of innocence so that children may be children and have a pure childhood before they grow up, and let parents raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord that they may pass on the Truth to future generations.

Bind every, witch, warlock, sorcerer and worker of iniquity in chains so that they cannot cast spells on the people, or harm the people. Show Your Marvelous Workings to the people that they may believe in you and know that You are Real.

And thank You to Strengthen every Person and every Warrior that they faint Not. And send the Comforter to Every Person in Any kind of trouble and bless all these good people...not the wicked.

Curses are reserved for the wicked as they know your laws.

We Thank You and All of Your Heavenly Hosts for Saving America and the World!

Amen, Amen & Amen!

And Special Blessings to All Good People Who Are Praying And Helping This World And Our Country In Any Way They Can, And Save Those Who Are Lost And Those Who Are Deceived. Amen, Amen, and Amen

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