I would say both drugs have potential with little evidence of harm and are worth a try. Learn how to dose it and go for it!

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In addition to fenbendazole, ivermectin has also been shown to have some anti-cancer properties. If I had cancer I would probably take ivermectin over fenbendazole until I saw more research regarding fenbendazole causing potential liver problems. Also, I've read that eliminating carbs from one's diet is also very effective method of treating cancer, becuase cancer feeds on sugar.

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I took ivermectin 12mg per day and my cancer spread happily. Added fenben and stopped it in its tracks. Now I take 48mg of ivermectin and feels like it’s making a difference, not spreading. Fenben 20-30ml per day. I’m considering increasing the ivermectin substantially with off-days.

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Thanks, and I don't disagree that Fenbendazole is effective at treating cancer. My concern is that it could have a side effect of damaging the liver. Do you happen to know of any research that looks specifically at Fenbendazole impact on the liver?

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There is no liver damaging side effect -- this was floated by an individual that is incapable of parsing the liver enzymes data.

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Fair enough, but can you point to a specific page in any of the studies that you linked to that specificity look at effects on liver, showing that it does not have any potential liver damaging side effects, as to support your claim that it doesn't? Or, would that be a task for the 1st Smartest Guy?

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The problem I have with “proper clinical comparative research” is WHO IS DOING THE “Proper Clinical Comparitive Research!!!”

If the people doing the study (The Deep State Cabal’s Medical Researchers) want Fenbendazole and/or Ivermectin to look ineffective or dangerous at fighting Cancer then guess what??? The study will show that using Fenbendazole and/or Ivermectin are ineffective and/or dangerous for treating Cancer; it really is that simple...

When the Covid Planned Demic was first sprang upon us and Trump said Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) showed promise in fighting Covid infections he was trashed, ridiculed, made fun of and called an idiot by the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical Mockingbird Media Mob! I knew right then it must be effective in treating Covid infections!!!

And then a bunch of front line, Emergency Room Doctors came on National TV and said they had personally treated hundreds to thousands of patients who had Covid with HCQ and EVERYONE TREATED recovered from it and the patients had no adverse health effects from taking the HCQ and all the Doctors talked about what a wonderful drug it was and how it could potentially stop the Covid Planned Demic in its tracks if other Doctors and Hospitals would start using it along with antibiotics for secondary bacterial pneumonia infections, blood thinners and other therapeutics and low dose oxygen, not ventilators which they knew where killing people by literally breathing them to death, etc. And what did the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical Mockingbird Media Mob do??? They trashed them!!! They called them Quack Doctors and even called one African born Lady Doctor a “Witch Doctor” and said they all should lose their medical licenses and be fired from the Hospitals, Clinics and Practices they worked at; and some of them were!!! Everyone of the Doctors was completely shocked thinking their information would be heralded as cutting edge treatment for saving lives and that they would be considered heroes for their efforts! No, they were vilified and destroyed by the Legacy Deep State Cabal Media!!!!

I KNEW RIGHT THEN THAT HCQ WAS EFFECTIVE AT FIGHTING COVID and I got some from a friend of mine who has lupus and it worked great at healing my wife when she got Covid and kept me from ever catching it!!!

Next up was Ivermectin!!! Stories started circulating o the alternative news sites that Ivermectin worked to cure people who got sick with Covid!!! Then Joe Rogan went on his Podcast and admitted to taking it when he had a bad case of Covid and he believed it helped him recover quickly!!! And what did the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical Mockingbird Media Mob do??? They LAMBASTED HIM AND CALLED HIM A FOOL, MORON AND IDIOT FOR TAKING HORSE DEWORMER PASTE!!! The CDC even went so far as to make a joke about it on there website telling people that they were not hoses so don’t be taking Ivermectin for a Covid infection!!!

I knew right then and there that Ivermectin too was effective in fighting Covid Infections!!!

But then a “proper clinical comparative research” study was done by some researchers, who I will bet what I own, were paid by The Deep State Cabal, that showed that HCQ was ineffective and useless at fighting Covid infections, Right??? And what did we find out about that study after it was published and reported by the Deep State Cabal Media to the world that it proved HCQ was not to be used to treat Covid infections??? That the levels of HCQ they used in the study were TOO LOW TO BE EFFECTIVE IN ANY WAY TO TREAT A COVID INFECTION!!! So the study was DESIGNED to show HCQ was not effective at fighting Covid infections, right???

So why should we think that there will be any way in Heaven or Hell The Deep State Cabal is going to let a “proper clinical comparative research” study be done that will show that Fenbendazole and/or Ivermectin can cure people of Cancer???

I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of testimonials here on Substack from every day ordinary Men and Women who tell of having been diagnosed with Cancer, sometimes advanced Stage 4 cancers, who begin taking Ivermectin and/or Fenbendazole, usually along with cutting out sugar and most carbs out of their diets while starting a time restricted or fasting diet, and who cure themselves of their Cancer!!!

That is all I need to see and hear to know that both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, probably along with diet and lifestyle changes, can cure a person’s Cancer!!!

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"! can't wait for clinical trials" If there anything like the fraudulent designed to fail trials of IVM and HCQ forget abut it, we will have to rely on observational data like we did with IVM and HCQ that served us very well.

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Like I always said they will never find the cure it is too lucrative, and it keeps them working!

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There is tremendous Fenbendazole research - do not listen to "doctors" like naturopath Huber that is unable to parse the research -- there is sufficient research and anecdotal experiences that skew the risk/reward heavily in favor of administering both Fenbendazole and Ivermectin:






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Also getting approval to test things that work is practically impossible. The FDA is an enemy of man.

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I suggest volunteers recording results. Clinical trials would be nice but are impossible without funding.

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Love that quote--"fraud leech pimping grant money enriching scheme" lol

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I know of a very curious case. My friend had brain cancer and they told him that he only had a year to live. They put him on chemotherapy and did some surgery to remove the tumor . He started taking the "dog dewormer" Fenbendazole shortly after that and almost a year after they said the tumor hadn't grown. A few months later they went in to remove the rest of the tumor. the doctor said that he got almost the whole tumor. Then my friend got worse and died within a few months. He lived almost 2 years after his initial diagnosis. I found it very unusual that he died only a few months after the surgeon "removed over 90% of the tumor."

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Thanks for the plug.

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I praised the master...cant forget...

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Not a master.

Not close.

The master is the one above.

I’m just the messenger boy.

Key point: jabbed people developing turbo cancers have lost their immune surveillance against cancer. Therefore, the standard approach is useless as it only worsens immune suppression. That’s why in that setting I would recommend IVR/FebBen. Also, Paul Marik is doing a lot of work in repurposed drugs.


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The $trillion cancer treatment industry won’t allow a cure for cancer.

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A cautionary tail, Thank-you!🙋‍♂️

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There is a cure for cancer.

It's called death.

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That’s not a cure....

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