Just can’t wrap my head around the evil of these people’s minds!

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It is another way to depopulate, and our Govt works for the Globalist cabal who don't care how it gets done, just get it done. This will be a "peaceful" solution. https://www.bitchute.com/video/4GZz1fO3wset/

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I shared a tik tok on this with my daughter said it’s not real it’s fear mongering and I have to stop believing everything I see on the internet...I’m a conspiracy theorist according to her. She’s one who was considering taking a second booster..I can’t even open my mouth on the vax before I get shut down.

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Til-tol is a manipulative chinese site!!!

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I realize that but the message was true in nature...I happened upon in on IG, I have never had til tok for the reason you gave

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This is an economic effect of prohibition. Portugal has demonstrated that a highly effective response is decriminalization with free methadone maintenance. Portugal has the lowest addiction and overdose rates in Europe. Addicts are able to function in society, and wean themselves off opiates over time without any "rehab" intervention. BTW, I'm an anesthesiologist, and have personally administered literally gallons of Fentanyl. It's an excellent drug. Its presence in overdoses has everything to do with the economics of prohibition.



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I was a PACU nurse and I too have given a ton of fentanyl but I’ve also given Narcan for OD of this drug in the PACU (and for no more than 50mcgs). This drug is not for the street. There is no need for mixing fentanyl in other other drug other than for nefarious reasons.

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Understood. But what's missing in your comment is a lot of information I included in the podcasts. Fentanyl hits the street because it's easier to smuggle than heroin and it creates more "hit." This is a pharmacologic response to economic realities created by prohibition. Without prohibition, there would be no economic incentive to sell drugs on the street. The trade would wither away.

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Great insight, and under Prohibition the same thing happened, high alcohol liquor displaced low alcohol beer. Something I've always wondered about is the overdose statistics of the 'opium dens'. From my understanding, when opium is smoked the user goes to sleep way before he smokes enough opium to suppress breathing. Is it fair to say that while opium dens led to addiction they prevented overdose ?

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Absolutely on the money!

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They do remember the opium smuggling into China by Westerners some 100 years back as an inspiration. The Chinese higherups always view things very long term.

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It's like weed compared with Carfentanil.

Fentanyl multiplied by 100.

This is basically chemical weapons level now. Let a load of this go in a subway or other public space, horrific consequences.


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Rainbow fentanyl!?! Sick sick world, this could be the rainbow pill to finally end the woke brigade 😅

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My friend is having eye surgery next week.

Fentanyl is the drug being using on her, during that procedure.

Hopefully in the correct dosage...

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