what Naomi went through was monstrous, wrong and no doubt damaged her...it will damage anyone and many of us have wounds...she is brave and is fighting...fighting for children, women re the vaccine...I remain a friend and so in awe and inspired by her...the real deal!

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It is ridiculous how they have treated her and negated her attempts to redress this issue, Especially after the ridiculous debacle in New York with the E Jean Carroll case…

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exactly...it shows the patriarchy but set that aside, its just power...and IMO this was a criminal matter...still is

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You're indeed right, and I totally agree with your stance on this issue. What Dr. Naomi Wolf went through is not uncommon in conflict management. Dr. Michael Dues of the University of Arizona developed an instrument called the Conflict Climate Inventory, which assesses an organization’s culture and its influence on conflict management behavior among its members. I also experienced a similar situation with my own college on June 8th last year when Laval University canceled me and sabotaged my academic career. Big organizations often use the same dirty tricks against their victims: gaslighting, dodging, minimization, blame-shifting, intimidation, moving the goalpost, denial, guilt-tripping, changing the subject, straw man tactics, etc. I've been there myself, too.

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thank you Luc and again, we are so sorry for what they did to you, the fuckers...you know university in Canada did same to me...the fuckers yet I slap them each time I can...I have no fear of them or anyone and will fuck them up in media and anywhere anytime I get...you were left standing Sir, wage war on them...go native on them in the media, showcase them...let me help you

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I'm compiling a dossier and will inform you accordingly!

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Right is wrong, wrong is right, white is black. black is white.

Life goes on, many lie, most believe, and many die.

The jab kills many, the CYSTem lies, corruption reigns, and Freedom cries.

Evil wins, the Truth attacked, democracy, will end up sacked.

So what to do, just stand for right, to hell with liars, and always fight.

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thank you for this

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I have lots more and proof of criminality by the OPP.

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Wow. What a horrible place Yale. Degenerates, all of them.

I had the opportunity to attend an “ivy” league or two, thank God I chose not to for some reason… Thank God!

I can’t believe she had to go through this.

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degenerates yes

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I experienced a small small version of this. At 19 I attended a community college summer class back in my hometown and the professor was a tenured professor from Cal Berkeley. He was married, about 50, and rode a Harley.

In the last couple weeks of the class, he planned a picnic for the class and asked me if I would like to go with him saying that he would come to my parent’s house and pick me up on his Harley and wanted to meet my parents!! Ii was so creepy to me that I did not attend the last week of class, I did receive a perfect mark. He had been embarrassing me in class telling everyone I was the best writer he’s ever read in all of his years as a tenured Cal professor…. He was totally inappropriate and was definitely grooming yme for a relationship and I could feel it. He was so creepy. This was the 80s and I had no idea what to do about it. Today I would’ve raised holy Helen and reported him everywhere.

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Had an instructor told the students point blank if you want to pass this class you must have sex with me. It didn't matter what sex you were. I found it so sickening didn't want to be on the same ground. Told instructor go f yourself no way will this happen. His comment was then you won't graduate school and won't go to college. I told him I'm already in college right now what's your problem. Years later he died of aids don't know what became of the other students. The worst part was reported it to the principal and the school board no one wanted to listen to what was going on. They didn't see or hear anything that would have ruined the school reputation.

Military told the higher ups to pound sand when they tried to make things difficult for myself.

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this is very troubling and terrible. thank you for sharing with us.

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Many places academic, military, corporate, youth groups, juvenile hall, nursing home to autistic dementia. All of these places don't want it to be known if someone has raped or make a hostile environment difficult situation sweep under the carpet to keep their institution pristine image yet it is soiled and tarnished even earn back the respect or name brand of the consumer. It was a case in the army where women were repeatedly raped and when they spoke up ended up dead some suspects disappeared and even the woman women disappeared to be found dead later on. Rarely does the person who committed the crime are still alive in a rare case the woman committed suicide to what they thought there was no way out of the situation. Many academic places back in the 1970's young women were being murdered by serial killers. Today sometimes the student kill professor vice versa. Many rapes occur daily yet fear to report or retaliation go unreported. There was a case sometime last year or this year a not verbal female was raped by staff member the male workers gave dna to clear them found the guilty party. I do not know what happened to the child in this case.

Some women have been kidnapped and sold into the sex slavery or a child bride abused with no freedom at all. Cannot leave the house no education no ability to call for assistance doesn't even know how to do it. Many are beaten by the husband family starved worked to death. These lives are more than likely never seen again if they don't agree some places stoned to death. FLDS marry many under age children to serve the man such as Jeff Warens he was brought to justice. The former FLDS was on television show with alleged psychologist also known as "Dr Phil" Phillip Calvin McGraw











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Many states have concealed carry...get with it gals, buy a handgun, take NRA training and kill anyone who attacks you.

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America is not a very modern society in protecting our females is it?!

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very true

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still male dominated, power imbalance.

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Unfortunately no. Something to lust over, marriage, or something else. Years ago if woman unmarried couldn't keep the child, adoption. Some of the children from South Korea were stolen from their family and adopted out many told their parent(s) were dead. Only to find the lies out later on in life. Even social security they penalize for being married man can't be in the household. If woman wanted assistance couldn't be married with spouse penalized and the dollar amounts if exceed are well below poverty fed levels. But they never get around to changing the situation. Women should be able to defend self in any situation. The notion that women were hysterical is downright rude and not the case. Who ever started the stereotypes in my opinion should be shot in a joint for spreading lies. There was a point even religious places made women not even worthy of anything yet prior held positions in the church.

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Thank you for your comments, everyone needs to read them. A friend's granddaughter has been taking martial arts lessons for 6 months or so, she's 12. That's what this country has turned into, and it will continue to get worse because they refuse to control the border and refuse to punish criminals.

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Abuse of children in military day care. No child should be harmed abused in any form or fashion continue of the sick mentality. Whatever makes the command look good PR will handle the civilians and military family members.


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Navy Lt. Christa Gunsauley was harassed bullied over 2 years no one would investigate her case and was reported as having a personality disorder so would be denied medical benefits after retirement.

It all started when her superior asked her to go to church with him. Step 1 in grooming and gaslighting. Taking screen shots of the text messages to prove what was going on. My question is why did no one take this seriously. Why does accusation of sexual assault harassment lead to no one want to see or hear the information male or female?

screen shots of texts

she alleged victim of sexual harassment forced to prove not crazy

superior invited her to church

instead of filing preliminary investigation bullied me by stripping me

of command collateral duties

re-reported to naval information forces NAVIFOR leader

took more than 6 mos. from first reporting incident initial finding sent

to fleet forces command

took USFFC more than 10 months to respond

4 inspector general complaints

3 congressional inquiries

claimed all unsubstantiated

saw doctor not regular erroneously reported to the investing officer she had

been diagnosed with personality disorder a diagnosis that lawmakers have argued

used to discredit service members n deny them medical retirement benefits

defense department reports more than 1,000 formal sexual harassment complaints received by military

services n national guard bureau in 2019 10% increase

2018 n continuation of the rise in reporting since 2016 0.4% of military

reports 63% of female 20% male cadets midshipmen harassment 2022

1% experienced harassment filed

1,021 formal active duty guard complaints

2019 43% substantiated 26% unsubstantiated 15% remain open 15% were categorized


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In Hawaii the Army is assisting the Philippines.


Paralyzed after surgery at Walter Reid


Maj. Gen. Phillip Stewart, the former commander of the 19th Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio, pleaded guilty to pursuing an unprofessional relationship with a subordinate and adultery. The two-star general still faces charges of sexual assault, dereliction of duty and conduct unbecoming an officer.


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I failed out of Geneseo my first year, drinking. My girlfriends who pledged sororities, seemed like rape was a standard problem with the frat boys. 1984.

I was so smart I was supposed to graduate in 3 years, I’m glad I failed out . (Got sober by 30. )

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