Wanted to share on your Remdesavir article but I'll share here instead. I hope you see it Dr Alexander. I'm trying to provide you and the other doc's with some renaming humor. Remdesavir aka "Run, Death Is Near." ; )

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nice...very nice. Remdesivir is deadly...never touch it.

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Thanks. Did you see my next varient, scarient, per Yeadon~sameient "ANOTHERCON !" lol ; )

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They have achieved their objectives. Of course, they are gestating their next scams.

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The fat lady isn’t even warming up yet - a long way from being over.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

What I meant was they only removed, or will removed, certain measures because they achieved their current objectives of vaccing people, getting their DNAs, and programming them to follow orders; among others. Of course, they can reimpose them at anytime. They have us by the short-and-curly.

Don't blame them; blame us!

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

When is it coming to a state near you?

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When all of Europe except for France Italy and Germany are waking up and revoking all covid measures, one has to ask why the US and Canada are reluctant? What is the real reason?

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I don't forsee France giving up anytime soon either.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

It is not that people in Canada like the restrictions, at least not more than 20%, it is that they are fed a diet of misinformation and pseudo science propagated by the authorities. These bureaucrats, being incompetent and lacking in creativity, are incapable of overcoming their own fear, and so project that fear onto the unwitting public.

The same was true in the UK until recently, although the UK has the advantage of having at least a minority press that is independent of the state narrative. Apart from Rebel News and the occasional citizen journalist Canada is not so fortunate.

Never the less the recent support for the truckers polled by CTV suggests it’s only a matter of time before the public realizes the lies of their politicians and public servants and rejects their chains.

I do wonder that more people don’t research the science personally rather than accept blindly anything they’re told by persons in positions of authority. But perhaps that’s a cultural problem.

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It's a sort of Stockholm Syndrome in the US.

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