Brave men of truth! I am so thankful for each of you. Wonderful photos

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You are all heroes to me and I am so thankful that I am on this planet with you. May you feel our love, our gratitude, and may it support you in your steadfastness.

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Shedding tears of gratefulness reading this post. Thank you for all you have done standing for truth and medical freedom.

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You all are REAL AMERICAN SUPER HEROES! Your warnings have saved many lives. Can we get a psychologist to explain why people can’t see the truth of the vaccine dangers? I remember reading a book about the holocaust (NIGHT or IZZIE’S FIRE)where a Jew escaped the ghetto and came back to warn everyone of what was happening. Only a few believed him.

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Read Dr. Mark McDonald’s newest book, Freedom From Fear. He explains it better than anyone else I have read.

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I hope you guys got something done in that room. I appreciate that you and all the people in that room are standing strong for human rights and medical freedom. You and everyone else in that room are American Hero's and should be celebrated for being on the right side of our American history. I am Thankful and grateful for you!

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Our heroes!! Please know how much we love you

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So incredibly thankful for all of these giants in the arena fighting for medical/health integrity ♥️

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When I see photos of you and these other brave men and women, I am so moved by the gratitude and yes, love that I feel for each one of you. Any time that I am discouraged, I think about God’s grace and how He is pouring it out upon you, and if you can do this hard work so courageously, why should I do any less.

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Hey Dr. Alexander, I listened to the entire hearing. What truly stellar attendees. Thanks for being there, it was wonderful to hear you speak again. Dangerous to have you all in the same room at once. Ron Johnson is a class act ... we didn’t know much about him until we viewed his hearings on elections way back ... seemingly a lifetime ago.

I’ve been bugging legislators who accept out of state emails ... that would be Senators ... why in the run up to mid terms they were not complaining about the extermination of Americans by HHS, et al. It wasn’t poor SARS-2. It visited me for 3 days when I was age seventy in July ‘21. I gave it a warm welcome and sent it on its way. That was it? I realized it gets blamed for the crimes of others.

Then came this hearing. There isn’t anything I can tell Ron Johnson he doesn’t know. Look at the company he keeps. There is a strategy afoot. It’s not my personal task to restore Constitutional governance and get medieval on the rather long list of evil doers. I’ll relieve myself of the burden except to root for the most distinguished and awesome team ever assembled. Many great jurists as well, some but not all at this hearing.

Thank you for being here and alive at this time in history!

Best regards,


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Senator Johnson is proudly our Senator. Grateful for his courage, leadership and his fight for the truth. God answered our prayers for his re election! Praise the LORD.

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Rockstars, all!

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Thanks, Dr Alexander for all your hard work getting the truth out! I watched the whole hearing the other day, it was fantastic! Thank God for people like you, Senator Johnson, and all the others out there trying to get the truth out! I pray that the tides will turn soon, and more people wake up to what is really going on re: the gene therapy drug they want to inject everyone with!

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Very thankful! 🙏

I hope Senator Ron Johnson will exercise his Senator investigation power. The authority of Congress to investigate is an implied constitutional power. https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/investigations.htm

It was his 5th Roundtable! We probably don’t need the 10th one, but a congressional criminal investigation!

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Thank you to men and women of integrity, without you brave folks it would be difficult to voice our fight

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It was an amazing meeting. A brave Senator with the medical scientists and clinicians that dared to stand up to tyranny and lies. History has taken note.

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Noticeably absent is Dr Malone.

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Yes indeed. Must reach out and encourage each and every participant in this fight for life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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Great pictures! Heroes all of you!

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