Regular (non-governmental) drug dealers do not SET OUT to murder all of their customers.

Does anyone REALLY believe these deadlier new drugs were NOT created (and then pushed) in SF by the deep state?

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They are intentionally letting this happen .

We have an open border.

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This is how they plan to get rid of the homeless problem now that they've caused the real estate market to collapse in what was once one of the most beautiful cities in the WORLD before they INTENTIONALLY destroyed it.

Now, just as the homeless junkies are being intentionally murdered, the mega-corps can swoop in and buy up all of the prime real estate for pennies on the dollar to get ready for the revamping of the city, which will offer spacious beauty and convenience for the super-wealthy who didn't exactly appreciate the prior congestion. It's all very well planned for the long-game. Me thinks they're going to knock this one out of the park.

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Carpet bomb? How about closing the southern border?

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It’s coming to all cities in all steer drugs 🤬

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You may net agree with me and that’s okay. But drug use is a CHOICE. If you choose to use you get the consequences.

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Warn your loved ones. Don't touch a drink, smoke, pill, joint that you haven't prepared yourself. Just say no to drugs. Lol

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Dr. Alexander: Do you have an update on how Dr. Bhakti is doing? Let us know. Thank YOU

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Eventually, this problem will solve itself, when there’s no one remaining that will take this stuff.

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That will never happen

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Fentanyl with fluoride added to it.


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China is the precursor delivery to Mexico. It is high time we pull out of Ukraine and not only invade but take over Mexico for good. Make it State with military rule until the vermin is cleaned out.

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Fluorofentanyl's fluorine ensures that those who survive taking it have their intelligence stunted.

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