He needs to stop promoting the vaccine. It doesn’t work and it’s killing people. And he needs to stop saying “we caught them all, we have the evidence”. While I’m sure the election was rigged, it’s time to put up or shut up. He’s lost a lot of people waiting a year and a half to show that evidence he claims to have.

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agreed, I tried to make that clear in the piece...he has to...it has hurt him...if he did that, and spoke out against the lockdowns, they could not touch him, he would have dems and repubs on his side.

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so very true!

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He has known the truth for some time. He's had months and months to correct his praise of this "vaccine", and he has not done so. Not a good sign.

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He has not been pushing vaccines for some time. He needs to explain he was deceived by Fauci and Brix into believing the rushed to market “clot shots” were safe and effective.

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I watched every press conference when Bitch Birx & then fraud Fauci appeared. I could not believe that this loser who screwed up the AIDS/HIV EPIDEMIC was in charge of “vaccinating our way out of this PLANDEMIC. My wife & I started researching alternatives for prevention . We contacted Americas Frontline Doctors & got HCQ& Ivermectin. Followed Zelenko Protocols. We watched in horror as Trump was led by the nose by Birx, Fauci, Pence, Et al’ .Warp Speed was a disaster.

Don’t know if DJT’s ego will let him admit he screwed up by listening to these traitors. Guess we shall see. Never took a shot & God did not let us get the Chinese Virus! ⚔️🤬⚔️

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I just finished Scott Atlas’s book which I highly recommend, and Trump and his staff allowed Birx to undermine Trumps wishes and call the shots. Jared, Pence, Meadows etc sat by while emotional unhinged Deb tried to carry out her zero covid fantasy mission, all other concerns be damned and Meadows telling Atlas “don’t rock the boat”. Ball-less a-holes who’ve decisions have killed probably millions. Call this out Trump and own it so we can be sure you won’t sit by while lunatics and losers make your decisions.

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You are exactly right - I'm so angry at President Trump for allowing the deep state to fool him. And he needs to tell us he learned his lesson and it will never happen again. He said recently that everything that Fauci said, he (Trump) did the opposite. He is revising history - he did EVERYTHING Fauci told him to do, because he let the media and the Dems back him into a corner where he felt he had to rely on his "expert" in the administration. It was very weak of DJT.

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And I don’t think we actually KNOW what’s truly transpiring. I “feel” something is going on we don’t know about. That’s just my opinion (like assholes, right?).

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Because just when you think the Democrats can't go any lower or any more unlawful or any more anti-constitutional or any more deceitful, they come up with something using all of the above. Truly despicable people.

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My doctor said that I’m a rare case because I was at stage 1A…ALL of it was removed (huge tumor), hysterectomy. I don’t have to be on chemo or anything. I’m very blessed and I thank you. You steered me in the right direction to get the Advanced Directive (notarized)! It really eased my mind. Time sure does fly-weird! God bless YOU Baga! ✝️💜

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Atlas knew the deal! Damn I wish Trump had stuck with his advice! Didn’t Trump bring Atlas in?

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He did bring him in. He agreed with Atlas but let Birx run the show. He could’ve told Meadows or Pence, get rid of this bit. Hells bells the harm they all caused.

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I too, watched and waited. I did not like the approach by biden almost dictatorship, YOU WILL TAKE THE SHOT OR YOUR NOT A PATRIOT??? REALLY, people bought that crap?? 1 person said that to me once and I laughed in her face. So, I did not take the shot and told my kids and grandkids not to take the shots and I am glad. Too many are now suffering and unfortunately much more is yet to come. It is now pandemic of vaccinated, all those that took shot are the super spreaders and are getting virus after virus!!

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Agree 100%!!

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

DT has EVERY right to lay the blame at the feet of his deceptive advisors.

DT was ILL ADVISED - as many other presidents before him were on various matters.

Pfraudulent Pfauci was likely THE Chosen One, due to his geriatric age....

No wonder they didn't want their papers released for 75 years!

The daming Pfyzer evidence is released to use - plus horrendous world data - so for the love of God - will DT get out loud and bloody well USE IT!

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but Rose, he should have been smarter - he let them back him into a corner and he needs to admit that.

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There is only one thing Trump can do to convince me he is not controlled opposition: Pardon / drop all charges against Julian Assange! Trump said he loved wikileaks, then he left Julian to rot in hell, though Julian warned about the CIA, FBI, NSA etc. Either Trump is a fool or a fox.

Trump betrayed us many times over by inviting alligators like Pompeo, etc. etc. FROM THE SWAMP into his admin after saying he would drain it!

Trump is no dummy. He knew what he was doing.

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Some on the right are even saying Trump is "one of them" (meaning the cabal). They think he was put in to trick us into going along with their depopulation agenda with Covid and the poison jabs. If he doesn't come out firmly saying he was deceived and now knows better and will do everything within his power to end mandatory jabs and lockdowns he is done!

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The fully sufficient number of "vaccine" deaths and injures, the evidence to stop the covid "vaccine" was known at around the 2 month mark in Feb 2021.

Inauguration of Joe Biden / Date Jan 20, 2021. covid "vaccine" injury and death and societal destruction from "vaccine" mandates is on the biden watch.

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There's a lot of truth to the saying "same bird, different wing". I'm not 100% convinced yet tho.

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Yes he does. However if a choice is vaccine mandate Biden or Trump no mandate, he gets mu vote.

MAGA candidates are like 195 to 11. He has power. No one has that record.

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He was never for the lockdowns, that’s why he wanted a vaccine. They convinced him it was the only way out of the “pandemic.” He didn’t ever want the jabs to harm anyone. He is between rock & a hard place because so many people took the jabs, if he comes out now & says how bad they are can you imagine the fury? Will people believe that he really didn’t know what Fauci was cooking up with Pfizer? I believe it. But people are just looking for a reason to hate him. He keep saying that it’s a personal choice, it’s like code for “Don’t take it.”

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I think his only saving grace concerning the vaccine is that they did not roll out until Trump was out of office. The whole mandate bullshit is Biden’s alone. And I agree that people will be not only angry about the jab but also scared. How many parents out there urged their children to get it? A jab that will probably affect their fertility and maybe shorten their lives. The shit will hit the fan big time but I don’t know who will be effected the most. But Trump is not controlling the narrative right now and he has to.

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We need to consider there is much more to this, but are eager for immediate answers, justifiably so. If, as djt alluded to many times (especially in an October 2016 speech), he is there for the purpose of draining the swamp, attacking the military industrial complex, routing the deep state (both ike and jfk spoke of this as well) then, if we take djt at his word, the best is yet to come.

Either he is a bombastic narcissist who has played us for fools so as to inflate his ego, or he is who he says he is: a man on a mission to clean up decades upon decades of deep, dark, unholy (and I stress unholy) messes, attempting to complete what jfk started. And, if that is the case, then we are only seeing the tangled mess of the back of an embroidered tapestry.

Further, q is real, or a very elaborate larp. If real, the q proofs point to something yet to be seen, something still beyond our ken. And then there is the theory of Devolution.

Whatever this is being played out before us, in a bizarre way we are blessed to be born in these times and to witness this enormous battle between good and evil. Most importantly, we are more than witnesses; we can seriously influence the outcome with committed prayer and genuine fasting. What did you do in the war, mommy and daddy?

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Very accurately stated!

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Excellent point, but things have changed and we now know so much more about the "vaccines" and their deadly after effects in the face of so much new scientific evidence; Trump needs to face the present realities and commit to a new approach just as Desantis has done all along; it may very well be that Desantis, in fact, will become the most viable, transparent and trustworthy presidential candidate.

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Agreed, but I think he has to take a chance with the fury. We would forgive him if he said he was deceived by the deep state. But he needs to admit it so he can also say that it will NEVER happen again. You cannot fix what you do not acknowledge is broken.

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At this point in time there is enough evidence for him to know how damaging they are. I struggle with what his reasoning is not to come out & admit that he’s not a scientist & he listened to the wrong people & took their advice. However, after this bogus raid on his home & the furious pace of lawsuits & subpoena’s that they are coming after him with, can you imagine what the democrats will come up with if he denounces Fauci & Birx, etc. Come to think of it, maybe that’s what they were looking for in the raid? Documentation of the plot to get him to do warp speed?

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Please, Republicans, from a former "progressive" dem who now sees our only hope in the Republicans taking back government and investigating these crimes against humanity - Can there be anyone else? DeSantis? I see how the media's intense hatred of Trump was unfair and completely hypocritical. I never had "Trump Derangement Syndrome". But how could he possibly win when besides the hatred that can be whipped up towards him by those still brainwashed by the left, he abandoned everything else in condoning, recommending, these "vaccines"? He may have been hamstrung with policies, but he did not speak up about how dangerous these shots were, taking credit for them as if they are good things.

That leaves those who would at least see him as lesser evil, as I now would, who (probably) wouldn't mandate the shots (because his base would be too angry). That's nowhere near enough people to elect him, and overturn the tide of, fair or not, hatred that's unleahsed upon him like no one else.

DeSantis, anyone else ..? Please not Trump ... I don't see how he can win. If he says the right things as you suggest, would it really be from integrity?

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you have a great point. We are in a bind here. I would go with either. Ron maybe be considered to be still green, I don't think so but a chance. I would go either as well as some other good folk and don't ever count out a good dem, a lover of nation, flag, rule of law, police, justice, who would clean up the alphabets etc.

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Is there a God-fearing, righteous Dem patriot somewhere? If so I have never seen him or her. Please let us know if such an animal actually exists. One look at their platform tells me its impossible for any person signing on to that monstrosity to be even a decent, person let alone a godly one and a patriot.

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Robert F Kennedy Jr, but I don't think he is interested in running for office.

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Nope…the Democrat party should be broken up, never to be heard from again. They should have been 100+ years ago. Maybe the Republicans as well, down the line.

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A Trump DeSantis ticket couldn't lose if Trump would do what is suggested. Then a two term stint with DeSantis and MAYBE things might be able to start turning around. But, only Christ himself can actually restore our Republic and rid it of all it's diseased parts and people and put it back on a firm foundation where it was designed to be. The enemy has been doing damage since before our grandparents were born and because i spired by evil forces have covered their trail making it all but impossible to dig them out and hold all of them accountable for their subversion. Until we do it will be an uphill battle for whoever trues to righteously rule.

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I think many people are still pissed off that an election was literally STOLEN! It’s pay back time (that’s how I feel). We’ve gotten screwed royally and we’re done! I think DeSantis needs to stay in FL. To me, it’s like unfinished business, if you understand that feeling.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

I admit I've been so overwhelmed with information, and don't feel capable of evaluating the election info, so I haven't gone deep enough there to feel clear either way. But more and more I can see the case for it having been stolen. I certainly don't trust the media to be honest about anything. But also haven't seen clear convincing irrefutable evidence. But this video I saw today that wonderful substacker Celia Farber highly recommended, with Diana West, was interesting and humbling. There was some info I hadn't known about the election, and the recent raid, and the tragedy of the prisoners of January 6 ..

More and more I respect what Trump galvanized in people and see past the media's shameful disdain of anything that centers the values this country was founded on. And the double standard of the left is beyond disgusting ...


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Yes! I subscribe to Celia Farber as well.

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I like every thing DeSantis has done in Florida but he has never come out against the jabs full force either. He just refused to make them mandatory. Trump has ALWAYS SAID that they should be voluntary. He would never had made them mandatory. He wanted them in order to open up the country. He didn’t want the economic devastation from the lockdowns, which he didn’t believe in. Remember everyone was on his case for downplaying the “pandemic.”

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By hiring Joseph Ladapo, and not ordering vaccines for little kids, and at least having some principles, feels like DeSantis is perhaps the best that can be hoped for. Has DeSantis praised the "vaccines" like Trump has? I just don't trust Trump to have much moral core, it's not just how the media has slandered him ... how many things does a guy need to put his name on? He feels like a walking vulnerability in every direction, who has a group of loyal fans who are probably shrinking. One man I often see at health freedom rallies in NYC is vaccine injured - he took the shot because Trump told him to.

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You do have a point about DeSantis not ordering the pediatric vaxxes & his hiring Dr. Ladapo. As far as the vaccine injured who took it because Trump told them to, I didn’t take it because he told me to. I never got that message from him. I got the message to try alternative treatments. He was the first to talk about HCQ & was unmercifully pilloried for it.

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Welcome to the "dark side", lol! I agree with just about everything you stated.

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Trump is a raging narcissist. He kept making everything about HIM. He would say things like “we have the best economy ever”. “We created more jobs than anyone “

This was all bullshit. He was listening to some idiotic group of consultants

He put the government into deeper debt .

He should have leveled w people

“The economy is bad bc of decades of mismangement “. We have to cut spending… the goal is to free you from taxes , regulations. The goal is to withdraw the US from fighting pointless wars overseas

The goal is liberty

To get back to freedom wll take time abd work. It wont happen right away

Trump was a failure. The size of government grew. He listened to birx and fauci yes. But he also didnt withdraw from afganistan . He failed to reduce the debt

On every level he was a failure

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You think the President can cure all ills of the country! Like he acts alone. And Trump had the most hostile environment of any President ever to attempt to work in. And you are wrong, he accomplished a lot.

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I think what he is getting at is that his term was an overall failure, not that he didn’t do good things. Because of the way things were left, his term was a failure. He was a populist president and had the support of the people (even though the media hated him along with people with TDS). He helped broker peace in the Middle East. He protected America well. However, he did not start steering us towards true freedom. Turn the spigot of free money to all other countries OFF and let’s start working on our debt. The truth is the elite have been stealing OUR tax dollars for decades and just funneling it through foreign aid projects. Cheney is an obvious example, but they are blatantly doing it now with Ukraine. We elect people to represent us and they don’t represent the people, it’s all about getting as much back into their own pockets as quickly as they can. It’s all a sick joke. There should be term limits for EVERY national role to fix this detrimental problem.

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He came in to a corrupt mess, he was working in a completely hostile environment, he pulled us out of the Paris Accord, the ridiculous Nuclear Deal, he got NATO to pay more money. He told DAVOS to shove it. He warned Germany that they would be beholden to Russia on energy. He did the Abraham Accords. He deregulated so many things here at home that were strangling businesses, he lowered taxes. He was working on Prison reform, child trafficking. The Southern Border was under control. We were energy independent for the first time, and this is just off the top of my head. The entire time the democrats were trying to destroy him. I’m sick of people ragging on him. And he took no salary. He’s no saint, but find me someone else like him. And I didn’t vote for him in 2016. I didn’t vote for President because I thought both of them were terrible. I voted down ticket. And now look what we have, probably no one can fix it.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

I also didn’t vote for him in 2016 (I definitely voted for him in 2020). I didn’t vote for President at all because I was a never Hillary dem. I’m much more conservative in my beliefs now. Medical freedom is my first issue for any candidate- I appreciate that Trump was never for mandating but with all the injuries I wish he would come out and say he was wrong about the vaccine. Put someone like RFK in charge. Show he means business and he’s not kowtowing to big pharma.

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That would be great.

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On EVERY level he was a failure? I think that’s pushing it. He’s ONE person. The guy was attacked and lied to DAILY, and he was trying to run a country. I’m gonna cut the guy a little slack.

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He was lied to daily; fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. When can we hold him accountable? His ego is too big to come out and say he messed up on the vaccines. Own the mistakes or it doesn’t matter.

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He will win a ton of respect if he does. Even if he by some slim chance of doing so, came off second best, he will still win in the end. A wrong is a mistake not corrected. We all make mistakes.

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Very well stated!

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Careful now Dr. Paul. Any admittance from our boy could open the floodgates of lawsuits, which vile FAB - Fauci, Azar, Birx', will quietly unload at his doorstep. He was commander-in-chief after all. What he needs is for we the people and the legal system to stand up and fight for truth. Court-martial crooked lying manipulative rotten FAB first. Then our boy sets the record straight.

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I thought the same way until I realized they're vaxing anyone who blindly follows. 99% of Woketopians got vaxxed and just above 50% of Believers did.

"The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.


"It had to be done this way."

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Hopefully President Trump will read this advice or have it related to him by someone he knows and trusts. Thank you for providing this sage strategy.

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no more elections until that last one is sorted out!! it was clearly fraudulent! how can we possibly trust the election process?!

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I’d argue DeSantis is on the side of the people. Trump sure isn’t, not while he defends the Covid stuff.

I feel Trump finally realized the gravity of the situation we’re in at the very end of his term prior to the election, but I don’t want to speculate as there’s too much downside. I know DeSantis knows. You see how he behaves, he doesn’t get into petty, stupid arguments on Twitter. He doesn’t talk and talk about doing something, he just does it. He doesn’t sit down with partisan reporters he knows will twist his words to write a hit piece. He’s smarter and much more disciplined. He doesn’t yearn for acceptance.

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Have you seen DeSantis’s resume? WOW! Incredible!

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

His statement should be the following:

I had great fear for the American public because I trusted the Medicine Man who I thought had the scientific knowledge that what they were stating would. save mankind from death! When I suggested they explore all avenues for stopping the virus I was told there was only the Fauci medical protocol and injections that would work. I trusted them and I was wrong and I had fear that if I didn’t go along I would not get reelected because Americans would believe I saw them of having no value. I have great value for the American people and that is why I am fighting for the future of this country and will not stop!

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Can I vote for YOU????

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