The fact they are trying to say these are still safe and effective proves they are ramping up for their next death by vaccine push and the paid talking heads in the media don’t give a damn about the truth.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

A shameful number of ignorant female "scientists" are named aurhors on this extremely misleading study.

I don't think it's a coincidence that study proponents were eager to see (presumedly 'scientifically knowedgeable') women telling pregnant women that the covid shot is good (safe and effective) for them and their babies.

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All Crime Scene News Agencies are bought and paid for. Turn off your damn TV's! Totally eliminate Crime Scene News from your life. Media is the virus.

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They seem to be seeking the "Longest, Ghastliest Horror Show in History" award.

Which means they're banking on years more of this nightmare, with lots more death and destruction to come. God help us all.

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In the past, vaccination and many medicines were not recommended for pregnant women and nursing moms. I am sticking to that. The lack of solid talk on serious adverse and excess deaths is very disturbing. With Agenda 2030 and 2050 being presented in more recent legislation being and being slid through the backdoor. The sirens 🚨 and bells are going off for me. Serious discuss should be at the forefront, without political or big pharma spin. If there is little to no discussion, something is up.

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Offering vaccines or most other medications for pregnant women has been verboten since the Thalidomide disaster. Standard medical protocol again thrown out the window. Given that the Pfizer data showed serious adverse events for pregnant women’s babies prior to rollout, they clearly knew of the dangers. As did medical regulators. This was deliberate. No surprise because elites have a population reduction agenda.

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Still blown away anyone would be that stupid to get a shot while pregnant for anything, let alone a disease with a <.5% death rate 🙄 But then I learned years ago doctors are not Gods.

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Patiently awaiting for these fools to get their comeupence.

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Articles like this are how we know these guys won't ever stop. I am filled with gratitude and relief doctors still spoke the truth when I was having babies. We were told "NEVER, EVER get a vaccine during pregnancy." We were told never take any medication by mouth or injection stronger than parsley juice we juiced ourselves, not canned or industrial brands. That's how smart Drs like Dr. Thorpe are. My heart is aching. I cannot imagine how God suffers.

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This is all based on antibody count. NOT whether or not those antibodies actually result in anything meaningful for the patient. It was the same way with the Pfizer vaccine trials. The patient's health was never a factor, just the damn antibody count.

Increased antibodies doesn't mean health, it just means increased antibodies. People who die from various diseases can die with an increased antibody count!

"Look, after 5 Long Island Ice Teas the patient's blood alcohol levels are high. That's great! The Long Island Ice Teas are working."

This is beyond ignorant and just plain evil.

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... and probably the "wrong" antibodies, to boot!

I used to simply call this behaviour insane and inexcusable; at this point, "lying criminal evil" is fast becoming an understatement.

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Fox is despicable and complicit. How much are they paid to push this evil propaganda?

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"Dr" Siegel is a moron and always has been. He parrots bullshit but never looks into anything to see if it's actually true. FOX is off my viewing schedule since they kicked Tucker to the curb.

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As long as the MSM keeps reporting safe and effective the normies will keep boosting up. Too many still are under mockinbird MSM control

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Healthy of all ages must NEVER accept vaccinations. We have plenty of evidence prior to the current bioweapon DOD-pharma nano vaxxes: SV40 has caused brain, bone and lung cancers, all have caused the bug supposedly protected against. Read Humphries' excellent vaccine history account, a MUST read for those that haven't studied this section of history, Illusions. link following


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Is there any current data on SIDS numbers since the covid shots? I know of two SIDS deaths in 2023, one at 7 weeks and one at almost 5 months.

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