There is so much evidence. 2000 mules, the cheating of adding fake voters before elections and taking them out after the elections (done by NGO's) and so much more. The courts never looked at the evidence, but made excuses for not hearing the cases. No one is perfect, including Trump, but he did a lot of good and did a lot of what he said he would do. He had a lot of poor advisors who were Rinos and deep state. He won!!!

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I agree with you Terri. I heard that all the ballots were watermarked.

I believe that the truth about the lockdowns and vaccines will be revealed.

No one is perfect ( including Trump). He made mistakes but I believe he tried his best. Anytime he has rally’s there are thousands still attending. He could retire and say he’s done with the stress and all of the assassination attempts. I think he loves America and the people. Just my personal opinion.

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His speech to CPAC yesterday expressed that perfectly. He is dedicated to saving this country, and I believe he’s the only one who can. Anyone else would just be fresh meat for the left. This time, they already have good people lined up for positions.

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I agree with that assessment.

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No one knew how extensive the fraud would be--they cheated in every way imaginable. Trump wasn't flat-footed---it was the Republican Party that should have been on top of that, but they weren't and frankly I am not sure anyone could be. Give Trump a break. He was under attack, and still is, in ways that are beyond belief. He still did a great job for this country, had a landslide victory, and will do it again, only this time, we have people on the ground ready to make sure they don't steal it. If you aren't already, get involved with the Precinct Strategy Project https://precinctstrategy.com.

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How can u blame Trump? He was as surprised as anyone about an apparent pandemic. He was first.to slow traffic to USA and started looking for a cure. He encouraged alternative medicines and who knows what else he would have done if an election wasn't called. Ask him now what he would have done.

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Trump cannot be blamed for the plandemic. He was duped by the Deep State players, who were trying to destroy him before day 1. He did not know what they had planned and he was not aware of the players agendas (Fauci, Gates, Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc.). However, he is clearly aware now. He also has the strength to revise what is possible at this point.

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What you are really saying is that he was ignorant about what was going on in the world.Why elect somebody like that for president?And how much reading has he done to fix that ignorance in all the time he had available since then? None I bet you; he barely can read.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Very few knew how deep this goes. Thanks to their attacks on DJT and many others, we now know. In many ways, this was a blessing to expose the evil that exists. There are many movements to oppose this cabal today thanks to them being forces to make moves. I for one, knew it was bad, but had no idea it was this deep and devious. From several government organizations, to the NWO, to the judges etc. This crap pile is deep and disgusting.

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Jan, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying about "he was ignorant about what was going on in the world." Enjoy your projections. That may be all you have.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

As much as the media wants to make Trump the villain, they will lose. And Trump’s base continues to grow. And there is one reason at the heart of it: he LOVES our country. He loves the American people, and our Constitution. He loves it more than any other person in politics. It is something you can’t put into words, it is felt. It is more powerful than anything they can do to try to tear him down.

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Trump must apologize and call to STOP THE SHOTS asap

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I agree, Dr. M. Trump has really good instincts as a rule so this baffles me. Peter Navarro seems to strike the perfect note on this. Perhaps you, Dr. A and some of the other hero doctors on the frontlines should contact him and make the case. It’s a tricky one politically, so information and input are important. So much is at stake.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Have you called for Fauci, or Dazack Or Biden, or Pence to apologize??

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they're all TRAITORS

i dont give a fuck if TRAITORS apologize but they do all need to be arrested & tried and if convicted death by public hanging NUREMBERG 2.0

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I prefer hanging, drawing, and quartering myself. PUBLICLY.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

We live in a federal republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY! Therefore, the ONLY lockdown for which he was responsible was the 15-day federal lockdown. While he could discourage state lockdowns, HE COULD NOT MANDATE STATE LOCKDOWNS, NOR PREVENT THEM. He, as a respecter of federalism, did not have that power.

He started moving Fauci out about 3-4 weeks in, as I remember. It was the media and various host talking heads that put Fauci on a pedestal. Of course, that was PENCES JOB, right? Judas Pence.

The truly ruinous lockdowns were created by corrupt STATE GOVERNORS, and their apparatus, almost all Democrats.

He could have invoked the Indurrection Act against BLM and their riots, but he was loathe to violate the federalism, AND I BELIEVE, to enable people to rediscover how important their state governments are.

I'm appalled, quite frankly, at how poorly Americans understand states rights. And how the very STATE functions that are protected under the US Constitution: education, elections, and policing, are not being jealously guarded and protected from a tyrannical fed gov't by those state gov'ts..

And people STILL DONT GET IT. And because they don't get the importance of real federalism, the people blame Trump for the lockdowns. When it wasn't his fault...Unless he wanted to be the authoritarian the Dims portrayed him to be.

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100% on the lockdowns. Trump learned some valuable lessons along the way for sure. I for one, am curious what a 2nd term would look like for him based on that knowledge. I would most likely encourage him to put Gen Flynn in charge of the agency that fraudulently persecuted him. That would send the message we all want to hear! Thoughts on that would be great to hear?

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Trump won in 2020. There’s no doubt in my mind based on the information we have to date, the election was stolen. However; Trump left the front, back & side doors, along with every window in the house. He provided the pretext for mail in ballots, drop boxes, etc. He ceded his presidency to Fauci & Birx and by the time he realized it (after he recovered from C19) it was too late. If he is unwilling or unable to admit HIS mistakes, he shouldn’t receive our support. DeSantis should. Continuing to claim OWS was his greatest success, he saved millions, blah, blah, blah isn’t good enough. He IS the most powerful former president the GOP has ever seen. Kari Lake only wins “Red” Arizona by the narrowest of margins because of Trump’s endorsement. Without it, she likely loses. There is no DeSantis without Trump. That doesn’t mean Trump should be supported over DeSantis. I’m not interested in revenge. I understand it. But I couldn’t care less. AMERICA FIRST! Whoever is the best man for the job in 2024 will have my family’s support. DeSantis will continue to rack up wins. If Kari Lake is anything like Ron, it will force Abbott in TX to follow their lead. Perhaps America is best served by DeSantis as FL Governor. I don’t know. I know Stefanik would be a huge mistake as VP & would not have my support in 2028 no matter who endorses her. Trump cares what his base thinks of him. He can be persuaded off/on positions. He needs to know we are not going to accept obfuscation of his Covid mistakes. “Listening to the wrong people” isn’t taking responsibility. He just said “…everything Fauci told me to do, I did the opposite. Worked out pretty good for me.” That is demonstrably false. That’s not gaslighting the Democrats, that’s gaslighting US! Unacceptable. I can’t wait for the 2023 Family Leadership Summit in Iowa! We don’t have a national primary, hence national primary polls don’t matter. They are name ID/popularity polls. The only polls that matter this far out & in 2023 pre-primary are IA & NH.

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Wow - Trump is part of the cabal - he started operation warp speed and is still bragging about it as millions are dead and injured - it’s so gullible to think he is some sort of saviour when he is part of something that has been planned for a very long time - simply put - the culling has begun and he has played an integral part in it!

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DJ Trump was up against MUCH MORE than the Democratic Party in the 2020 election.

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Sorry Dr. Alexander but blaming Trump when the democrats, rhinos, and the Obiden/Obama/Soros administration is destroying our country the last two years and accelerating it now makes no sense. Anyone paying attention to how the fake news media and democrats/rhinos lied nonstop about everything he recommended in the beginning seems to be forgotten by many. Like another commenter said. He stopped the travel to the U.S. and got attacked for that! Had he fired Birx and Fauci they would have lied about that incessantly. States with great Governors have recovered their states from the lockdowns, but the democrat/rhino Governors are all in on resuming these lockdowns to steal the 2022 elections like 2020. Remember when he was preaching HCQ and Chlorine Dioxide and they made fun of him that he was saying to use chlorine!!! And they are still lying to try and stop him from running! So people need to discern for themselves if they supported him from the beginning that had he came out against the jabs, they would have annihilated him and made him out like a quack! As you know the CDC and FDA are still lying to kill people intentionally! They are still paying the doctors/hospitals covid $$ to intentionally kill people with Remdesivir and Ventilators, so people need to wake up for themselves! I spend a lot of time trying to wake people up and they refuse to believe any of the issues with the jabs and the deaths surrounding it! So there are millions of us who refused the jabs and have lived through this plandemic! I didn’t agree with him recommending it, but when you look at everything else they did to twist what he said, he would have still been attacked relentlessly. I still wonder if he really knew what the Pharma companies did with these jabs to kill people intentionally. They may have represented everything just to get him on board! So the fact that the documents being released showed they knew the dangers and they wanted to bury it for 75 years, makes you wonder that many people were never told that these were so dangerous!

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Love you and your posts, Dr. Alexander. You're a hero in my book. Only one point of disagreement: Trump had NOTHING to do with lockdowns. He opposed them. It was governors and mayors who locked down the nation, not Trump. However, I agree with you that he should have fired Fauci and Birx.

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Fox has gone the way of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC ETC. If you want real news and real information get a subscription to EPOCH TIMES. I'm not on the fence, I just see where Trump failed. He was surrounded by people who were smiling to his face and then proceeded to stab him in the back.

Personally, I hope he doesn't run in 2024.

I think Desantis would be a better choice.

He is unafraid, he stays on the offensive and he doesn't give a darn what they say about him. He does his job for the people of Florida. Something many Republicans lack. RINOS must be kicked to the curb. You can tell who they are. They are the ones saying "when we retake the house and the senate" only they never do anything. We have a one party system, we have for a long time. Will the next election make a difference? Only God knows.

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I don't know how I started getting your Emails, but started reading for the information. However, this is the third time I've seen you slam Trump. One of your claims you would have done a better job. LOL. The man withstood more pressure, scrutiny, daily hating by the press, Hollywood, politicians, lied about daily and made up Russiagate, Ukrainian call, peeing on prostitutes,. There were organizations created by the left to attack him "Lincoln Project," Twitter hammered him, impeachments..., it was exhausting and hard to watch and listen to for 4+ years. I don't know how he got anything done as President. Everything he said and did was turned upside down, and lies galore. I had to scrutinize and wonder if some was true. Bill Barr stopped the investigation of the 200K+ ballots hauled into PA. Pence has since become Benedict Arnold. I don't know why he would even put himself in that position again. He has lived through daily hell with no support. Fauci and Birx undermined him and he kind of knew it, I think that is why he hired Scott Atlas. If he fired Fauci who the press made a saint, would be just more bad press. Everything turned to sh*t, the walk to the burned out church, next to White House, they said he was a coward and was taken to safety underground, he had "peaceful protesters" sprayed with toxic crap, etc. The media was fed lies and they made up lies. Despite all that he did one hell of a GREAT Job. There were other things I wanted him to do, but without the backing of the other politicians it was impossible. He should have sent National Guard to all the cities where the paid for revolution was taking place, but the local politicians said no. If the President does not have public support and media support it is extremely difficult to operate. Despite all that he got peace agreements, trade agreements, lowered taxes, made us energy independent, fought for the money for the wall (which took a while), sent the best arms to Afghanistan, took care of the Vets, and on and on goes the list of his accomplishments under the hell he lived through. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and find fault, you could find fault with Jesus. Thanks for your information on COVID and medical articles.

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Trump had lawyers on the ground to stop the counting and madness. But they were cancelled in the act. As the top big name law firms pulled out, under an orchestrated assault on our legal system led by threats to destroy the firms, wipe out their large corporate client base, partners walking, institutions firing them, a comprehensively coordinated campaign to deprive Pres. Trump of the best legal representation in the nation:

Lincoln Project to target lawyers representing Trump in push to challenge election

New York Post, November 11, 2020


Another law firm bails out on Trump campaign

Politico, November 13, 2020


Trump Law Firm's Election Exit Leaves Another Feeling Heat

November 13, 2020


How Will History Remember Trumps Big Law Firms

The American Lawyer, January 7, 2021


They're not just coming for lawyers taking on GOP election challenges. They're coming for lawyers taking on infringements of constitutional rights. Just as Pres. Trump said, they're not just coming for him, they're coming for us, he's standing in their way. They got tired of winning. They recognized that they can't beat the hand that feeds them. So they joined them:

The Law Firm That Got Tired of Winning

Wall Street Journal, June 23, 2022


"The Constitution is the foundation of American liberty, but it isn’t self-executing. It depends on lawyers who are willing to take on controversial matters and on judges who are able to hear the best possible arguments from both sides."

The fact that the nation's highest court, even with three Trump-appointed justices refused to intervene and allowed the coordinated assault on our nation's judicial system to take place without comment informs us of just how deep the rot is. Those three, Gorsuch, Cavanaugh and Comey Barrett had Alito and Thomas ready to join in a majority to stand with our constitutional republic and recognize the assault on free and fair elections, as well as reject the assault on a judiciary that was the model of equal justice and access to fair trials in the world. Prior to November, 2020.

Gone. Forfeited by this court, top lawyers, top legal universities, all gone. Trump appointed judges recommended by the Federalist Society. The Federalist Society is a NeverTrump corporatist Rino institution today. Trump never had a chance with the deck stacked so comprehensively against him. The Deep State, The Swamp is deeper and swampier than any of of dared imagine.


Fact is, it was a coordinated effort to deprive Pres. Trump - and all Americans - of the best legal representation and any court of law to have a fair trial. Fact. Not conspiracy. They brag about it:

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Time, February 4, 2021


This is a cancer spreading to every level of our justice system.: January 6 defendants exercising their First Amendment right to petition their government. Alex Jones exercising his right to free speech. Behavioral science symbols of mask mandates the compelled speech of fear. Freedom of assembly. Freedom to worship with the separation of church and state. Gun rights. Election integrity. Freedom from search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment. Due process. Speedy trials. The entire Bill of Rights nulled and voided since 2020. With the approval of the highest court in the land. By action and inaction. Our legals system has become no better than the legal system that plauged Germany in the 1930's - 1940's. That also supported the efforts of their own Deep State and Swamp of the time, aka the National Socialist agenda. Disproportionately members of the movement and agenda. Declaring themselves the "protectors of the homeland." Sound familiar?

The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial

This Subsequent Trial of Judges at Nuremberg was the basis of the movie, "Judgement at Nuremberg," staring Spencer Tracey. A veiwing of it by judges today should serve as fair warning for what is ahead. For this nation. And for them.


"The "Nazification" of German law occurred with the willing and enthusiatic help of judges, rather than over their principled objections.

Many judges appointed before the Nazi rise to power--because of the economic and social circles that judges were drawn from--had views that were quite compatible with the Nazi party."


"Most German judges over-identified with the Nazi regime. They came to see themselves as fighters on the internal battlefront, with the responsibility to punish "the enemy within.""

It's hard to blame Trump for the failure of his legal defense when it was sabotaged out of the gate. And even before the election by the judges he appointed based on his faith and trust in the legal community to nominate judges with a fealty to the US Constitution as written, not the bastardized version in effect today. Alas, the ultimate responsibility does lie with him for not immersing himself into the legal and judicial theories and practices in our lawyers and courts today. Who identify with their status in their communities more than the law of the land, freedom and our Bill of Rights as our highest, most sacrosanct contract with We, The People. A nation of the people, by the people, for the people has been turned into a government over the people, by the powerful, for the powerful. Who Trump trusted. To the harm of We, The People. A second presidency would need to recognize all of his failings in his first term. And work to dismantle the system that put itself into control and domination of the people it now rules. And the lawyers, judges, medical community, corporatists, propagandists and bureaucrats responsible must face their own Subsequent Trials, like those at Nuremberg.

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Trump knew-he let them commit the crime-it had to be this way? To wake people up? He watched it all happen that night. Remember, we can speculate all day long, but at the end of the day, God wins! Trust in Him! There is a plan. Trump doesn’t get duped- he let it happen I believe to destroy and expose the democrat party and the DNC-IMO

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