THIS is what we expected in Canada. Who are the thugs with jackbooted thugs beating and gassing reporters and harassing shop owners?

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I too was wondering if those were local police, or imported thugs.

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UN/NATO armies?

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Someone showed a video up in North Bay ON of UN planes. I could clearly see them behind her with the UN insignia on the tailfin. Look at the light green thick UN peacekeeper type uniform. No Country insignia on uniforms or name badges.

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I saw that video. The second plane didn't have a distinguishable insignia on it. I wondered about that one, too.

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The son of a girlfriend is a Montreal police officer. He talked to us and made some concerning remarks.

: Everybody has the right to protest and bringing in these police in such a violent manner is in direct contravention of our Charter of Rights.

: There were a combination of police ... Ottawa, OPP, RCMP. The most violent group was/still is the Quebec SWAT team.

: There was no need and no justified reason for the SWAT team -- and they are only utilized when there is extreme violence by the protestors -- which we all know there was zero violence.

: There was absolutely no reason for bringing the heavy, big trucks. These trucks are only brought in when there is extreme violence. Such as people throwing rocks, breaking windows, molotove cocktails. -- None of this was happening -- all protestors were loving and peaceful.

: There was no reason to bring in the SWAT team for a protest such as the Freedom Convoy. The SWAT have no training in high intervention or crowd control. -- the SWAT are trained to be violent and shoot.

: Tear gas and rubber bullets were used on the Freedom Convoy people -- this was unacceptable and rubber bullets have only been used one other time during a very violent protest.

: There is a Montreal Police Intervention Team that would have been applicable -- they deal with crowd control. Batons are never used by this Intervention Team -- they were used consistently by the SWAT.

The officer is going to do some anonymous digging and see if he can get some answers.

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Ask him why the police uniforms do not show names and badge numbers.

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Where ever they come from, while in Canada, they are required by laws to follow the Canadian laws. According to Canadian laws, law enforcement people are required to either:

1. Wear identification on their uniform. Including their name.

2. Or, when asked about their identification, to reply with their full name and official law enforcement badge number.

If they somehow refuse to do both above, their behavior is ILLEGAL

Source : https://collettreadllp.com/know-your-rights/do-police-have-to-identify-themselves-in-canada/

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There were videos of the "local" cops not answering the question about their name and badge number.

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Good question. I'll ask.

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Please ask for possible verification of the use of 'private sector' security personnel, such as G4S, whether or not coming from outside of the country.

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Dear Dr. The police wasn't joining the protest.

I am French citizen, let me explain how they do in France

When one group wants to protest, they need to ask police authorisation. If granted, the police escorts the protest in order to prevent violence etc... (even if we know that in many cases, the police did use violence against peaceful Protesters)

SO the police was just escorting the protest, they were doing their job, not protesting along

Hope it clarifies.

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Thank you!

It was not even clear to me what these marchers we're even protesting.

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Very sad. I thought some people (cops) in France had sense.

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Canada needs to be watching - what about the UN passenger plane in North Bay? What about the troops (UN?) taking over the front line in Ottawa? What about the tasers? What about the rubber bullet, fired at close range, the recipient a Rebel reporter? What about the violence, the beatings, the HORSES????

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this is just them not being aggressive

I'll believe they've joined when i see them holding signs

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From a *Good Cop* in Ottawa -- RCMP National Security Report Acts Of Terrorism By Police In Ottawa.


Get badge # which should be 280221


Call CISIS at 613-993-9620 and report Domestic Terrorism by the police in Ottawa.

Share -- Share -- Share

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I am French and I Can tell you that unfortunately the police have not joined the protesters at all ,although WE would love that to happen .They are simply opening and controlling the demonstration. They decide where to go ,how fast and When demonstrators have to go away .Most of the Time violence , incredible violence ,fines and arrests,breaking windows of véhicles ,take place each time at the end of the rallies .

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The same 'police join protesters' tag was mistakenly reported in Australia. It was simply the police preceding and following the protesters at close guard. Some containment or intimidation benefit. Eg. The protesters go where the police take them.

Hopefully, it's different in Paris.

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Paul: It is FAKE headline. The police are escorting the protesters and it may be an old pic.

This YouTuber should be DeMonitized. I had to delete my Tweet when I found out.

A bigger story Paul, is whether Canada was able to block your ability to get on your Twitter account.

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This video is labeled as not verified. There are currently several different issues being protested across France. Has anyone been able to confirm that this particular protest march is indeed protesting mandates? Has it been confirmed that the police actually joined the protest march or are they there to protect the protesters rights to march?

I would appreciate clarity if anyone happens to know. Thank you!

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Trudeau doesnt care. Remember he and Marcon are graduates of the WEF Glabal leaders program. Elitist never think they are susceptible to the ‘real’ world. I wouldn’t trust anything that goes on under either of those two sociopath’s dictatorship.Keep your eye on Markel Newsome Buttegieg all under the spell of Grandpa Klaus Schwab

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I meant to say I would like to be wrong. I will check the video again Krishna e bera, thank you.

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The video Paul Alexander referred to is clearly in winter - the people are dressed warm and the leaves are off the trees. This link you cite here talks about a repost of a June demo, so it is not the right link to disprove the point. But we also havent verified that police marched with protestors today.

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I don't think that video is proof the police have joined the protesters. Police frequently march with crowds in order to control them.

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That warms my heart. Really.

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I hope the RCMP is watching

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Justin doesn't care.

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