I’m sure the covidians are overjoyed. I hope that other red states will join Florida say no to mandatory Covid shots, especially never for children.

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Well, have you heard the latest?

The evil powers that be are planning to implement for young children starting school show proof of vaccination prior to starting school. No jab no entrance to school.🤬

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Parents need to pull them out. Resistance is obligatory at this point. It's a civic duty if you literally want to survive and would like your children to. It's a life or death choice at this point.

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1 of mine I currently home school and the other will be as well in the near future.

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O’Biden is very Power DRUNK!

Enough is Enough of their IDIOCY!

What the Left’s & Deep State have committed Treason in our Constitutional Republic.

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I pray for a day of reckoning on Nov.8.

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The Biden regime, realising It’s on borrowed time, is doing as much possible damage as It can on It’s way out.

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From your fingertips to the voters fingertips...

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“To have mandates you needed an emergency declaration.” No. To have mandates you only need legal authorization that the clot shots are no longer under EUA. With this vote, the jabs have effectively been approved by the FDA. Now vaxx enforcers will have the power of law to mandate them while Big Pharma gets the shield of protection from indemnity for every death and maiming.

And as a parting slap in our faces, WE taxpayers are on the hook for every jab at whatever Big Pharma decides to charge for them!

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The ONLY reason they are still pushing the jab mandates is because they have to get rid of the millions of doses they have bought!! Same here in Australia. It bemuses/angers me that people are still getting/championing 'boosters', which is just another dose of the useless original 'medication' i.e. 'formulated' against the original strain of COVID not against the 3rd or 4th 'Omicron' variant.

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And they are all likely expired .... it what the hell hey...dish them out anyway hey!

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Fuck me... what a world we live in.

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Had you thought up until now that these mandates were for your benefit and protection? You silly goose!!

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The DC Swamp is run by leftists who don't care about anything other than controlling the country.

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Why exactly is the POTUS the very last person to know these vaccines are useless and dangerous? Surely intelligence is stated with this poor soul. Maybe he is unable to retain it? Because not a lot else makes sense.

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The man is a puppet and devoid of rational, realistic, independent thought. On top of being an evil criminal who lies, makes deals with the devil, and likes to touch little girls and sniff their hair. 🤮

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Not to be a twat, but can one be a puppet and devoid of rational, independent thought AND an evil criminal at the same time? I suspect he is now devoid of most rational thought but spent a life, prior to his rapid onset dementia, of evil criminality, a.k.a. being a leading luminary or player in Democratic Party.

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He was evil from the get go 50 years ago. A permanent fixture. Now the perfect tool. Hope that clarifies.

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He's the president in the literal sense of the word, minus executive prerogative. He presides, if barely, over the smooth, or chaotic, rollout of medical and technocratic totalitarianism.

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He knows.

He's hoping the remaining American (and Canadian) CNN viewers don't find out for a while.

#holdtheline 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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And the fraud continues.

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The purpose is so that the experimental gene therapy injections have their liability shield under the EUA.

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A group of legislators are asking for a meeting with the Coast Guard's top admiral to ask why all of the religious accommodation requests are being denied. A copy of their letter is below. The Coast Guard, unlike the other branches that are precluded by court order, is actively scheduling personnel for separation as we speak, to include rescue swimmers that participated in recent hurricane relief! They are the most aggressive enforcers of the mandate in the entire US government.


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So what happens if the Republicans take the mid-terms and the Democrats don't, will that have any effect on Joe Biden pushing Putin into World War 3 over the Ukraine, or these Covid jabs from Moderna and Pfizer - bearing in mind that Trump signed the secret contracts which expire in 2036, 14 years from now (I wonder how much he was paid under the table for doing that?) bearing in mind how effective the vaccines have been over the past 2 years - so 14 years forward like the past 2 years -- me not being in America and not understanding your democratic system - anyone like to explain please?

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Their time will come oh yea!

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Biden and his Cronies are Mentally Deranged. Impeach this Unstable President and throw him out.

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