I did see this study some time ago. Due to the sheer avalanche of studies demonstrating that the gene injection is neither safe nor effective, I had forgotten about it. There have been so many such studies that it's hard to remember them all. Thank you for bringing this to readers' attention.

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No more studies need be done. It's now an etched in granite fact the mRNA technology is not a vaccine but a deadly killing machine.

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What's both baffling and shocking are instances where people went back for a second shot or a booster despite a serious event from the shot before.

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Those who pushed the mRNA gene injection in France are very, very fortunate that the globalist cuck WEF puppet Micron was re-elected. If Marine Le Pen was president they would be swinging in the breeze now, after having first had proper trials of course.

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love Le Pen for what she stands for. France circles the drain. The North Africa and islamist runs France now.

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I see your point. (And would prefer a Le Pen presidency.) But I don't think luck was involved.

Might it be more likely that "those who pushed the [...] gene injection in France" are the same catalysts who made sure the little lost boy Macron was re-installed as France's president.

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I've converted to the view that Malone has gone too far in suing the Breggins for $25 million. He should save the suing of people for megabucks for people who really deserve it. A public apology from the Breggins should suffice.

And by the way Kathleen, on a different topic, do you agree with Pope Francis pushing the jabs?

Has he, and have the leaders of almost every other denomination, done the right thing in pushing jabs that derive from stem cells obtained from a voluntary abortion?

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I am a Christian but think the Pope is deranged. This one.

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The so called Pope is the Anti Pope. He is an apostate. He leads the church to ruin, and will be the last "Pope". That is the secret of Fatima in part. The other part: There will be a terrible calamity and the world will go down to earthquakes and tidal waves. Many will drown in the twinkling of an eye, whole nations will disappear. That will the be kickoff to the Chastisement God will pour out upon us for our evils.

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In 1971, I was on a summer semester in Rome. We were invited to the Commissioning of the new Papal Hall. The architect spoke first. Amazing man, addressed the audience in multiple languages. The pope came next. Only spoke Italian. Not one word in any other language. I got up and walked out. So much for inclusive.

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Gotta keep the money coming in. I believe in God, and talk to him directly. Cut out the middle man years ago, and refuse to go to 99% of all churches.

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A very astute observation Teri. Sounds to me like you're doing the right and the smart thing. Too many church goers and their leaders are just virtue signallers, pharisees. Philip Zimbardo did a study he wrote about in a paper called "On the Psychology of Evil." Trainee priests on their way to deliver a sermon on the parable of the good Samaritan were confronted by an apparently injured man on the side walk pleading for help. He was a paid actor. Zimbardo recorded how many helped when they thought nobody was looking. Almost none of them helped. You may be interested to know that there was another study done by a fellow called Hans Eysenck and a colleague that showed that people who like you had a quiet faith in God and didn't try ro ram it down people's throats tended to be physically healthier and had greater longevity.

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Always enjoy reading your posts, and learn something each time. Thank you.

I went to a catholic girls school. Was told I'll go to hell with my Father, just for starters. My mother was catholic.

If it had been around then, my Dx - oppositional defiant disorder.

So, my ODD let me do my life my way, no one to please. I do not sit around and moan that 'I wish I had done ...' because I did it.

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Reply to AwakeNotWoke:

A pre-Vatican II, Latin Mass Catholic, I personally do not recognize Francis as a legitimate pope. He and his supporters in the Church preach heresy in controversies over homosexuality and abortion. He undermines the Church's doctrine and tradition. And I wholeheartedly disagree with his position in support of covid shots. He should have most strongly supported religious exemptions.

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I have always thought abolishing the Latin Mass was dumb. You must be disappointed at the news that Kelly Anne Conway has finally divorced her disgusting, abusive and extremely unattractive TDS afflicted husband George who slagged off at Trump daily while she was employed by him and consorted with pedophiles from The Lincoln Project?

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I don’t like Kellyann Conway. Trump kept her knowing the whole family was crazy. Fox News can’t get enough of her. Another useless expert they trot out for the normies.

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It IS fun however to laugh at her bizarre grin she holds when she is on Fox though. Someone needs to tell her it looks very strange and phony.

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It's hard to disagree with you. Trump is very loyal. It's one of his values. I do think she's way better than her husband. Her life should improve greatly now that she's free of the asshole.

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Disappointed? I'm happy she finally divorced that hideous lump, jealous of her achievements. She's far above him by any measure, imo.

Kelly Ann is an excellent campaign manager. I've often wondered if her uninterrupted contribution to President Trump's 2020 reelection campaign would have positively affected the outcome if her husband's betrayal had not resulted in her need to resign in order to attend to family matters.

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SHE DIVORCED HIM??? HE IS so hideous.

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I had almost the same thought Kathleen . It could be that they're lucky that election outcomes in France are determined in a similar manner to election outcomes in the US, albeit minus the Dominion machines.

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If only. Italy elected Meloni, which is great, but still no one is swinging in the breeze there.

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Not yet. We maintain hope.

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yes hope....we trust I like Meloni

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In regard to the study, the unvaccinated have been shown to be discriminated against by the health care staff and are disproportionately ushered to their demise on ECMO/Vents. So who knows the real numbers 🤷‍♀️

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I have a hard time accepting that study with 2.5 death with jab and 2.0 without. something stinks in france, we are not seeing those numbers in our area. But I guess there are different strength to the kill jab.

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I identified the Covid-19 scam in Feb 2020 and published on 21Mar2020. See CorrectPredictions.ca

I analysed the Covid-19 data in Feb2020 and on 21Mar2020 I published the following correct analysis – NO GENERAL LOCKDOWNS!:

Six months later on 4Oct2020, world-class physicians and researchers made the same recommendation in their Great Barrington Declaration.

Alberta had NO significant increase in total deaths to 1Jul2021, because our physicians performed early treatment of Covid-19 symptoms. No excess deaths means no dangerous pandemic!

On 8Jan2021 I wrote to every Alberta MLA and many federal and civic politicians the following strong recommendation, which has proved entirely correct – NO Covid-19 VACCINES!

Two years later, the Surgeon General of Florida published the same conclusion.

There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages after the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed in early 2021 – deaths primarily caused by the toxic “vaccines”.


Based on Alberta total deaths and the increase post-vaxx, I calculated 12.9 million Covid-19-vaxx-deaths worldwide to end2022, increasing to more than 19 million by end2023.

That death count was just independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023) based on Israeli and Australian total death data, at 13.25 million to 24Jan2023 – the same as my total.


These total global Covid-19-vaxx-caused deaths will increase by at least 1/2 million every month unless we take action.

I am trying to make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “Ivermectin plus” (IVM + Nattokinase?) packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

This low-risk, high reward “Ivermectin plus” treatment will save millions of lives.


The toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" have now killed ~650,000 Americans, ~50% more than all the U.S. Armed Forces killed or missing in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated U.S. vaxx-caused deaths will exceed 1 million by end2023.

The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” have now killed ~98,000 Canadians, more than two times all the Canadian Armed Forces killed in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated Canadian vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~140,000 by end2023.

"At a high level, corruption stems from the systemic disrespect of a nation’s institutions and legal system, especially by those in power. . . .The hallmark of virtually all corruption is “playing dumb”."

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When I go to read this article, I cannot find the information posted above. When I read the article, its conclusion is that the "ajusted odds ratio" is much better in the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. What is going on here?

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It means nothing.

Small sample size of vaccinated

Vaccinated are much older, probably more comorbidities as they were among the first to receive vx

Behavior might be a problem, maybe those partially vaccinated felt safe and socialized more

We need to know when they tested + affter the first dose. Is it within 3 days? How many? This group are already infected before the got the shot.

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