this is a spiritual war

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Humanity has been in a spiritual since the beginning of time. We are surface dwellers under assault from others who came before us and exist underground. The big question is WTF do TPTB have in mind and store for us by changing our DNA under false premises? Democide is only one aspect.

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boom, exactly the motherload question...who the fuck are they to decide to change our DNA without asking us? bringing a vaccine for us that no bitch asked us if it was necessary?

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What if EVERY cellphone produced in Communist China had integrated explosive capabilities that can be remotely activated to cause instant overheating resulting in EXPLOSION and personal injury or death???

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Boxed with giant BLANK information inseets denying citizens initial informed concent.

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Copper and Iron do not mix, blend nor can be sourced for purposes of any hybridization process - Though The Greys continue their efforts while the others (Draco/Reptilians), their overlords, use them to abduct humanity for their andrenochrome cocaine-like high. This is a topic not for the faint of heart. It is time for truth telling of the war humanity is in and has been since the beginning. Not unexpectedly, andrenochrome is spell checked with a recommend word insertion "anachronism." This used to happen every time I used the word democide over the past twenty or more years. Gee, I wonder why?


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It appears this truth isn't popular (see above). Trust me that it is, shocking to many it may be.

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What is DNA?

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"The big question is WTF do TPTB have in mind"? The reduction of humanity to a remnant of 500 million mind-controlled bots and the utter destruction of the biosphere.. for a start..

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What is TPTB?

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The Powers That Be.

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Thank You. Fuck The Cabal

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Do no harm they say what utter BS all Rockerfella did was change the word parasite to virus. How many millions have died and suffered horrific injuries from the treatment they received, how many Doctors knew and carried on ?

This is not just Cancer how many other diseases come from parasite infection?

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug


Natural Remedies Purported to Help Get Rid of Parasites and the Evidence to Support Them


No wonder they use the Caduceus they love the forked tongue 🐍 of the serpent.



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I have always had a dark inkling that they are capturing souls.

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Always has been and always will be until Jesus returns. There is no political solution for a spiritual problem and our world is overwhelmed with them. So foght, fight fight but do it on your knees in humble repentance.✝️

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They need the Lord Jesus as fear has a grip on the reprobate. Keep praying for these lost ones ✝️🙏😇

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The sword is in my hands. A worthy death for a worthy cause.

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What or Who is Jesus and can you provide evidence to support the claim of Jesus being a living man ?

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Perhaps your first name is misspelled here. Perhaps it's Demon.

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Watch Rogan’s recent interview with Wesley Huff. The beginning 20 min? is regarding a debate with Carlson?, you can disregard this. Also, Rogan interviewed Stephen Meyers, who explains the God Hypothesis looking at all the sciences and maths. His scope of factual knowledge is amazing and the book may appeal more to a science/math/ tech person? Lee Stroebel writes, “A Case for Christ” which concentrates specifically on Jesus’ character. Then there’s C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” a philosophical short read, and Josh McDowell’s, “Examine the Evidence” which looks at all the historical facts regarding Jesus. Both these latter writers were avowed atheists, who decided to search for the truth. Meyers on the other hand was agnostic and began with questions, and reasoned his way along, then writing, “Signature in a Cell” before “Death of the God Hypothesis.’ All these authors are consider apologetic writers. They helped me to see Jesus/God more fully. However i began my search by neutrally praying (wanting to know is there was a God) and reading everything from Carlos Castenada to Vishnu to the “Art of the Motorcycles” to Joseph Smith etc and finally ending up neutrally reading the bible (new testament). Jesus/God made the most sense over all these books above added to my conclusion, which is Our God/Jesus is and is for us. (I will not say more, since it is up to you to decide to take this journey.) The trick to finding the truth is to stay neutral and say a prayer for help to Him in case He exists. His wisdom will help you see the untruths and screwy thinking as well as the truth.🌈

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Jesus is the Son of God who has eternally co-existed with His Father and the Holy Spirit, aka, the trinity. Jesus was fully human yet fully God - God incarnate. He was born of a human woman, Mary, but miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. He came to pay the penalty of man’s sin and only He could do it because He lived a sinless life. As far as “evidence” is concerned, historians like Josephus have acknowledged His existence. And even our calendar acknowledges it. It’s 2025 A.D.

Regardless, it’s a faith based belief and through grace alone and through faith alone which is a gift from God.

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This is non-sense, completely unfounded rumble that makes no sense.

Can you please provide me with evidence?

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Romans 1:20-For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[a] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

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I get all that, but that does not mean, Gid is a man, or a being or 'he' is giingnto save you. It does not tell us what did is !

You are believing in words you do not understand.

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No. Only the Holy Spirit can, if it’s God’s will.

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Yes! Exactly! And God always wins!

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Nailed it.

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It is also a physical war. The details would scare the shirt out of the uninformed. If I get likes I will share more.

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nothing ever coming out of China you trust.

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But I bet they have been screwing with the bird flu in a lab(s). Thoughts? None of this crap comes from “nature” — maybe once every few centuries but not every 5 or less! I can’t believe so many believe this crap just came suddenly from a bat or birds etc.

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The labs all over the world are still going, funded by our government. Without my consent!

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Okay the HMPV is new to me. Smoke and mirrors. Whatever scares people the most! Mix it up! Gain pf function bird flu! The Simpsons- Cat flu! COVID variations! Marberg! Monkey Pox! MDRO Tuberculosis! Funny thing is, each has a vaccine. Mmmmhmmm. Look at who funded the biotech and pharmaceutical industries BEFORE the pandemics/outbreaks were announced

at opensecrets.org. Search Pfizer donors

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The 'system' the owners scared the sheeple people in giving these toxic often crippling even DEADLY HMPV shots to their daughters & even sons telling them it would save them from their promiscuous lifestyles LOL. This world has gone to hell in hand basket. Many were made sterile by them. Large numbers in Pakistan were crippled Gates in court case over this. My sister in law who is a person 'of this world' a big banker now retired gave her two beautiful daughters this toxic shot & they all took the jab as well, probably take the next too. Laugh at my attempted education for them regarding this.......I guess this is a part of the reason I had no issues moving to another country as the people of the NATO nations seem to have lost their minds believe anything they hear on their Daily Tell LIE Vision PROGRAMMING the soak up. I haven't had or gazed upon a Mind Control Box for over 13 years now & turned the radio off when ConVid broke out & the Planned Demic narrative took over the airwaves & people's minds. LOL. I instead researched the lie & listened to all POVs alternative & checked out EVENT 201, UN AGENDA 2030 & WEF 2030 goals more intently & had it all figured out the very first week. Yet still I see twats walking & driving around with face masks on in the summer here in the southern hemi. I feel so sorry for them. Watching the jabbed drop like flies....their family members loading up on more. Made me a bit of a recluse as there is no conversation worth any merit to be had with these NPCs as their minds NOT only their health has been stolen & possibly their souls as well. They are now a part of the Hive mind the coming Singularity THE BORG is how I see it a la StarTrek. so do my own 'social distancing'. LOL. You are right it is all the same people behind it all. Have you looked into the Kalergi Plan, Cloward Piven, The Great White Replacement / Rothschilds. Can find excellent documented & historical proof of what is going on at Demon Hunter Channel & Hate Speech Channel (ie truth = hate now) All the best in your journey to the truth & surviving whats coming with the Great Reset soon upon us. Godspeed you & yours. We are in for the fight of our lives.

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Mass-media was also used during the WWII by the NS party and Hitler, Goebbels.

This is the danger with one channel and one message/narrative for the whole population.

The good thing is most humans on earth have internet now and X can enable the free exchange of ideas.

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Even X is censoring certain discussions & topics sad to report. ie Israel genocide of Palestine is being censored & related discussions on zionism.

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You are right, its not perfect yet and has still many flaws, but I think its better than Twitter, even today.

Regarding Zionism, I dont search specifically for it, I guess the censoring is not so obvious now, its more like "shadow bans" or changing the reach of posts..

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I agree.....I am not on X never went there or twatter....but I read & the rulers. ONLY ONE GROUP you cannot speak truth about.....& its THEM. My military father taught me at a very young age. Sandi want to know who is yanking your chain, who is controlling things. A.) Follow the money. B.) Identify who it is you are not permitted to discuss or criticize & there you will have the culprit. The Emperor Wears NO CLOTHS. Look up Noahide Laws, Kalergi Plan, Cloward PIven & the Rothschild's Great White Replacement. Prepare to die.

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"A.) Follow the money. B.) Identify who it is you are not permitted to discuss or criticize & there you will have the culprit. The Emperor Wears NO CLOTHS. Look up Noahide Laws, Kalergi Plan, Cloward PIven & the Rothschild's Great White Replacement. Prepare to die."

I agree, thanks for sharing will look into it.

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X is censoring GENOCIDE IN PALESTINE & protecting IsraHELL. Look up Kalergi Plan, Cloward Piven & Noahide LAws. Read them & weep, unless you are a jew that is.

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To a degree...YES it is, but it too is overshadowed by IsraHELL.

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Also look up ROCKEFELLER Medicine....EVENT 201, Johns Hopkins, & the new round table for the upcoming EVENT that they are set up to have more scares &. lock downs from 2025 - 2028. WHO Pandemic Treaty MAY 2025 MUST be stopped or all nations signed on will be literal PRISONS where WHO a private Corp. can call a lock down for fake weather ie global warming. OR whatever they damned well please once its in make sure you & all those you connect with are unless they voice their opposition to this & say NO they will be enslaved not long from now & driven into SMART 5G Kill grid SAFE CITIES which are in truth radiated, vaccinated DIGITAL PRISONS a la HUNGER GAMES ruled & controlled by the elite where they can enforce no meat, no dairy no organic just insect protein & recycled sewer water for drink & washing. No cars no fireplaces no gardening no private property no irrigation, just no no no. NO travel, only 3 new items of clothing a year allowed according to Klaus Schwab WEF (a rothschild) One domestic flight every 3 years. All purchases on your stipend controlled by THEM & expires if not used up, no savings for the future as there is no future for us according to THEM. No purebloods by 2030 only TransHuman slaves numbered with TMOTB system in order to participate OR die. This is when I make my chosen exit. I would rather die & be free than a lab rat in a prison for the rest of a measly grim existence. Good luck with it all my awakened (not WOKE) friends out there ! Godspeed....Its going to be a doozy of a ride.

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Yes. much more important topic than H-1B IMO.

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Wow Nurse, what a list of donors you found on OPENSECRETS.org...it'll take me awhile to go thru them all but I'll do it and with a little luck I'll stop patronizing those businesses.

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Yes, NEVER take another quackcine again! EVER!

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I've learned my lesson. Late in life but helping to protect the grandkids.

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Thank you, for this information.

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Not participating in any BS this year

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Or any year. Fuck these immoral imbeciles

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".. trying to .downplay fears."--. What a colossal crock! These psychopaths are peddling fear with gusto, and hoping the world swallows it like candy. Fear is their favorite weapon.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

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Amen! Pray for these lost souls. Reprobates love fear!

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The same playbook. Who can forget videos from Wuhan with troops spraying the streets with disinfectant, and piss poor actors trying to fall over dead realistically in the street but putting out a hand to brace themselves...so phony. And all part of the plan to stoke fear into the world. This time around there will be fewer to buy it but they won't care. Just like the CDC callously ignoring the carnage wrought by its poison jabs, the propagandists will ignore those calling out their obvious fraud - it is a necessary part of setting the stage and they will play their role once again no matter what. Expect more blue taped white suits herding Chinese into testing lines, vaccine passports and inhumane quarantine hutches. Expect more doors in crowded high rises to be welded shut while desperate residents shriek and howl in despair into the dark night. And of course, Western nations will follow suit in their own way, with our propagandist news channels teasing out potential fears bit by bit, then confirming them coming to be over time. Will there be more absurd, tyrannical soul crushing mandates? Will we be split once again into two worlds of sanctimonious propaganda gulpers pitted against deplorable selfish granny killing walking plague threats to society who should be vilified and locked away from society until they give in to coercion, roll up their sleeves and get all jabbed up?

Screw that. If they try this again, we know they'll never stop. It's all or nothing, time to fight back.

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Truth, We will fight & win or fight even harder!

Do not fall for the psyops.

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My take on this from what I've read. In Countries with high vaccination rates. The vaccinated have an affinity to getting sick. The changes to the immune system prevents Herd immunity. What we are seeing is viral sepsis and illness and deaths caused by the Spike and non Human proteins. On a Geopolitical bases they will use the excess deaths caused by the vaccines to force people to take the Vaccine. A large percentage of the US population will die never knowing why. That their own Government is killing them. 4 years of anti hate Trump Mania. Trained and brainwashed. Anything from a Trump voter are all lies. Becoming angry and shut down the Conversation. That the Internet cannot trusted. To only listen the mainstream media public Health officials. The ICE is cracking but this time they will succeed or destroy Mankind.

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Jeffrey Dahmer was a Boy Scout compared to the Globalist monsters running our planet. Yet still people believe in treating those monsters with "diplomacy and civility". One day, sooner or later, those people will learn the naive foolishness of that belief - likely after it's too late.

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"Trust China like how you trust Dhamer telling you he wants to take your brother for a drink but will not kill him and eat him after;"

China didnt distribute the news and information to the US and West.

US and West-based companies did.

China may distribute fearporn to their own citizens at any time and rate they want.

The problem the WEST copied this behavior and the information distributed in China.

So the direct problem is not China.

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You are right. All the lies were fabricated in west. And that happened with the first SARS as well.

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Wuhan was the World's first 5G epicentre. Then they turned it on. People suffocated from their oxygen cells separating form blood cells. Artificial radiation has affected us since Volta in the late 1800s, through Spanish Flu (introduction of commercial radio) and onwards to SARS (satellites deployed over HK). Now 5G. this is simply electrical physics and it's effect on biological entities.

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The CCP is committing democide, by poisoning its people, they call it a mystery disease because it is a mystery, it is not a disease, it is state sponsored genocide.

We just experienced OWS a genocidal tactic that 47 loves and owns, how many millions has that slaughtered and how many more will suffer from it.

The Chinese mystery disease will be believed by those who are brain dead, brain washed and cowardly. The exception are those in the evil medical pharma system that makes trillions out of fear based mass poisoning.

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CCP is not committing any democide, not poisoning their people, not mandating vaccines, there is no any mystery disease there. Soon is the Spring holiday , people are traveling during this time to visit their families, there is a happy and healthy dynamic of life despite the economic stagnation and swift and each year there is flu spreading. Hospitals are full, they get IV with vit C and some antivirals and life goes on. I really cannot get why we do not mind our own business and contribute somehow to positive changes. No wonder Musk call us dumb. In meanwhile they do not give a crap what is going on over here.

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Mystery disease my ass! There no mystery here just like there was no mystery about the bat disease. There wasn’t one. Anyone that believes this crap is either stupid or living under a rock!!!

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I have repeatedly raised the issue of something undesirable being injected into the nasal mucosa of people getting that alleged "swab" for PCR, which is not a swab but in fact a biopsy. This seems to have been repeatedly overlooked as a means of introducing harmful substances or viruses into people without consent.

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Cmon remember having no symptoms was a symptom! Labeled sick without being sick. Asymptomatic bs. All you had to do was was for hours in the car, stick the head out the window for the brain rape swab from a stranger in a white lab coat! 😎😂

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Wow, brilliant deduction. Yep and I'm one of the sheep who fell for it. Personal reasons but all just because I trusted the govt. when taking high risk prescribed medication already, you have to develop (or I did) a do or die mentality. This is how the TPTB culls the population.

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Apart from being a way of injecting something into your body they also have your DNA after you have done the alleged "test" because viruses are intracellular and if they are testing for viruses, as they say, they cannot just swab over the tissue. They have to remove cells in order to capture viral particles, which means they can determine your DNA from the sample that they get..

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I remember seeing them swabs all in the same jar

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You're right Dr A! This is all BULLSHIT. I fear nothing these GD devious fools can come up with unless they drop some of their leftover mustard or nerve gas on me. Providing you have good sanitation, clean water and decent food and can get good sunlight on lots of skin, you're not going to get sick. It's as simple as that and if you do feel like something might be coming on, 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide sniffed up the nose a few times a day and you will not get sick. My family has been living this way since shortly after the Civil War and none of us have even had common colds! The one time my dear Mom got a bit too busy to ride herd on all us kids about using our daily H202, I got something they were calling the Hong Kong Flu and I was definitely sick. That was 1968 and it was the last time I caught anything. Or was poisoned, I'm not sure which. They have been spraying us since at least 1950 so who knows. I'm an old man now and I'm so disgusted by what I have let this country become. We have so damned many things to get straightened out and I'm not confident that Trump will be able to do the most important part which in my opinion is draining that damned swamp and prosecutions of all the pricks who are guilty. That's a bunch!!

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Bless them! But the massive deaths may very well be from the terrible lasting effects of the jab … just now rearing its UGLY head. 🙏🥲🙏

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🤣 what jab?

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