I think the most appropriate sentence for these bad boys while being held in jail would be full strength Covid jabs one month apart because you just know they NEVER GOT THE REAL JAB EVER.

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With endless Paxlovid and Run death is Near!! Then put on a vent.. Just because we care deeply for them.

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Don't forget the Remdesivir. Since Fauci loves it so much!

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That Run Death Is Near is the term for it. 😊😊

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When they complain of injury, tell them it’s anxiety and just in their head.

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Fauci was a clerk at NIH when Kennedy closed down the TUSKEEGEE program and cut federal support. Bill Gates is my vote for mastermind, his association with Epstein and his views on world depopulation as well as his ownership of 20% of the worlds vaccine production facilities make me think there is some direct connection. He gave a speech at Davos advocating world depop and has warrants out in India for damages to people who he experimented on with his meds. Fauci has been recieving 3-5% patent rights from various companies for "consultation" and his wife oversees testing at NIH ( nepotism or conspiracy?). She is known to suggest alternative explanations of testing results in order to get drugs approved! Fauci and his shills discredit others by having shills write unfavorable peer reviews than rewriting information and claiming it for themselves . This is what happened to the actual inventor of crispr process. Delayed publication while some shill claimed the research with slight suggested modifications. and guess who gets the patent rights while they are suppose to be working for the American people! follow the money!

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Check out Gallo! A real piece of work. Reported he tried to manipulate Luc Montagenier HIV research.

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I was waiting for someone to suggest Gates.

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Nepotism or conspiracy? Sure, but don't forget black humor (Fauci's wife being head of BIO-ETHICS at NIH!!)

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The puppet strings are long!

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intellectual.property is a joke, it corrupts genuine creativity and innovation and whilst enriching the most sociopathic, makes sure nothing of use to humanity gets made

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What about those husband & wife owners of Biontech? Or are they just incidental billionaires in all this?

Anyway, regarding intentional release, I assume this was just awkward wording the BMJ editors:


"The current wave of hospital admissions driven by the BA.4 and BA.5 variants is likely to peak in the next few days, but other variants will be ready for global distribution soon."

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Yikes …clear as a bell !

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when I read a Times on Saturday in August '21 article... super long article all about Wuhan and lab leak/ gof...and we also saw a documentary ( maybe channel.4) on gof relating to covid at least a year ago, I assumed now this was irrefutable and was def in the mainstream media in UK. times article went into exceptional detail

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Yes, give credit where credit is due. Yet please stop with the Trump nonsense. Trump pushed Warp Speed and has constantly bragged about it even after this fraud was well--known. Has he ever denounced it? Open your eyes and realize that both red-and--blue are on the same side. Trump is not the answer and he is not your savior. And realize that your existing vote (red or blue) cannot save you. It is designed to trap you. Look deeper. Good luck!

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Did you hear Trump mention Warp Speed or the vaccine anywhere in this speech? Trump is not my savior, God is, but how can you disregard everything he accomplished during his presidency because he was ill-advised on a subject he knew nothing about?

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Bottom line, Trump added $3 trillion to the national debt. Biden has added another $3 Trillion. This joint-effort of money printing has resulted in massive inflation. Are these the "accomplishments" that you are referencing in your reply? And please stop with blaming the Trumps failures on others ("he was ill-advised"). Trump has bragged about personally launching warp speed and wants to take full credit for it. He has never denounced Warp Speed or the vax. Never. And Trump personally chose to invite Fauci and Birx onto the stage of his press conferences. He turned them loose onto the American people. This is one more of Trumps "great accomplishments". Wake up. Biden and Trump are on the same side.

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WOW, because you cannot prove my comment wrong you accuse Trump of things never mentioned in your original comment. End of Conversation. It is a waste of time to debate a socialist communist...

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There was not any factual comment made by you above to prove wrong -- other than the fact that you wanted to blame others for Trumps failures (ill advised). Additionally, what Trump said in any recent speach does not change any of the the objective facts. Also, this is a linear thread. Comments above may be applicable.

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Did you read what the head of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission said about Covid's origins?


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Excellent! And quite frightening!

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Yes indeed - the evidence is overwhelming: crimes against humanity and high treason: Trudeau, Freeland, Tam, all the provincial Premiers, Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Schwab, and ALL their minions!!! - they are all guilty and or complicit- lock them up!!!

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You forgot a horseman. He's a software tycoon.

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Doc Zelenko figured out Doc Ralph Barics direct research and patents. UNC Chapel Hill is up to it’s ears in this research and why isn’t anyone looking there?

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What about Gates of Hell?! Surely, he is a part of it? PLEASE GOD, help us get this done!!

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Personally, if we ever get to prove this was intentional in any way at any point jail is too good for them!! Democide and crimes against humanity deserve much harsher penalties!

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All of them should be arrested for crimes against humanity!

How many more pandemics are in the pipeline after monkey pox?

This has been going on for far too long!

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Hawley is one of the few who will publicly confront these people.

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If investigative reporters actually did their job by digging a little deeper into what might be Faucis’ actual motivation, they would find that he was granted a patent on any treatment for the HIV virus, and it just so happens that this GOF virus has elements that copy HIV. SO HE WILL BE RECEIVING ROYALTIES ON ANY TREATMENT DEVELOPED IN THE FUTURE, FOR THE SARS COVID19 VIRUS.

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Even putting all these named individuals to death will achieve diddly squat.

There'll be replacements in seconds.

It's not about these loathsome individuals.

It's about the infrastructure behind it.

Good luck with taking on the US federal government.

You're all living in a dream world.

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Is the following Russian Propaganda? Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19. by Clandestine.

They say they have documentation to that effect. The CDC/Ukraine Biolabs were the origin. Maybe why Putin decided to invade Ukraine? Maybe why all the Ukraine Biolabs have been destroyed. Any Confirmation anyone? The man made virus was disseminated around the world to different countries with different strains being used in different countries. Accounts for the quick reporting and identification of the varients? The Wuhan war games were in October 2019 and a perfect place to start the experiment. It has also been reported that the mRNA injection have different formulas for different locations. All appears to be a grand guinea pig experiment on the human race. Could it be that medical, political, military and globalists entities all saw benefit in this experiment and all are in on the greatest crime against humanity in the 21st century? Historically, all viral spreads

peak in the Jan-March time period. Florida had a low rate in 2020 Spring, and then in June it exploded expotentially. Could it be that they were seeded intentionally as part of the experiment? The bottom line question is: Who was responsible for the development, release and management of this experiment? Is there a blue print somewhere locked away and called TOP SECRET? NIH is NOT providing documentation on their role in the Wuhan Lab funding. Only the cover page. Will we ever know the truth?

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Taiwan apparently has bio labs too.

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I heard 2 things that make me think the CCP is at least one of the entities behind it.

1) I heard that many on the board of Pfizer are CCP members. I saw it on social media and am not claiming that it is true, because I haven't investigated it. But if it is true, there is a clear motive for what is happening--for the deaths and the outcomes.

2) The second thing is that I understand that Birx was connected to her position by a gentleman with ties to the CCP. Unfortunately, having people with CCP ties that high up is not unusual. (Trevor Louden had a video on that not too long ago).

Also---If you notice, Birx is now no longer the "scarf lady" who looks like a school marm. In her most recent interview she looks like a proper Communist, although I know that is not, of course, evidence of anything. But the granny thing may have been an act---propaganda---so she would be listened to by conservatives and the President.

I think the infiltration and corruption up top is pretty severe.

And ---you are so right---I have no doubt that what happened was intentional. It seemed to start in April 2020, with the Surgisphere scandal--another gem from the Lancet ----that crushed HCQ, a drug that could have saved lives and would have negated the reason for lockdowns---and rushing to the experimental jabs. Many lives were lost because of all of the valid, effective treatment options that were denied to people during the past few years.

It was clear to me then that somebody wanted desperately for Covid to kill, and to do serious damage, and needed to stop anything that got in the way of that.

And I realized that anyone who could do that to people was capable of doing anything. These were serial killers on steroids.

(It wasn't until that Summer of 2020, when I viewed Spiro Skouras' Great Reset video that I had a clue as to who might do something like this and why.)

Do you remember how well organized the beat down of the doctors who proposed solutions were? It was definitely a team effort--almost like someone had programmed in a pre-prepared response and launched it when necessary.

There's this definite pattern---Censorship and being canceled, then discrediting, the media attack dogs go into action --the usual suspect "journalists" use anything, including 4th grade level personal attacks, to throw dirt---then the relentless assorted mischief, including things like what the Robert Johnson affiliated (J&J) Medical board is doing to Dr. McCullough. It happens every time.

Of course you know! You've experienced it too! God bless you for speaking out anyway! God bless all of the brave souls who have been so viciously attacked by the machine! This has been so deliberate--so vicious--and it's so incomprehensible that it could happen here, now! We really need another Nuremberg!

Anyway, thank you for all you have done to defend the truth and to save lives. God bless you!!❤️🙏❤️🙏

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