About 6 months ago Geert warned that we were about 2 months away from the jabbed becoming very ill through ADE, OAS, immune imprinting or whatever was flavour of the month back then.

Are we seeing this?

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I see that the Pfizer boss has tested positive for coof again? ADE?

He says he cannot take the current booster as he had covid recently... so is this the excuse the so-called elite will now use not to take the mice tested bivalent booster?

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

We don't live with, tame, keep or eat bats (with a few exceptions) so in My Humble Opinion, unless we TINKER with the damn virus (like passing it several times through human mice, and stuffing via CRISR some HIV and other shit into the virus) there is LITTLE possibilty a BAT can transmit a virus to humans.

Why would bats come into contact with humans anyway?

Bats carry RABIES as well, I'd be more afraid of that, but only if I had a nest of bats in my attic.

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These new "scientists" have dollar signs in their eyes. They want to be the next millionaires /billionaires. !Warning! This is really mean! I'm to the point, that as long as all the a$$hole$ trying to find more things to infect us with, die first, I'm good.

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It obviously true that science is not interested in humans nature abilities to resist all types of socalled pathogens

They rely on pharma products, grants from pharma and government, and speaks volumes as to whom their masters are.

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Grateful to you for raising this question with Geert, and as a lay-person always struggling to comprehend the multi disciplinary scientific understanding of these questions, I am always grateful to have access to Geert's genius for analysis and explanation, allbeit wrapped up in mind boggling technicalities.

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Stock up on peroxide and povidone iodine. Keep healthy. End all “vaccines” since the programs can’t be trusted.

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This paper was published to justify further grant money awards. See how they did the Daszak thing there? Shameless pandering. I wonder what the grant wording was - was it about investigating potential emerging diseases or something like that? Was this a PhD topic? A sabbatical excursion? The words - urgent, new, protecting, recombinant, threat, vaccines - in that conclusion. "May pose a threat to current...vaccines." To vaccines!? AYFKM!? These scientists should be embarrassed! And they should be called on the ridiculous "danger!" What is going on in that department at WSU?

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Of COURSE sarbecoviruses will become a threat to public health around the globe. Why? Simple, because these and other medical scientists have induced a raison d'etre for them - grant funding will be tied to the next study, and the next, and so on. The LAST scenario these researchers want is for innate human immunity to simply deal with sarbecoviruses.

Pardon my cynicism, but the massive corruption of medical "science" by Pharma over the years has made it obvious that scientists and physicians are quite as susceptible to all the human failings and weaknesses as the rest of humanity. Add in a dash of superiority complex arrogance, and here we are.

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Krypton lights - “Far (away from harm) UV” - will kill EVERY. ONE. OF. THEM.

Engineering controls are ALWAYS before PPE, and especially mRNA-modifying injections.


This is how we take our future back.

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would love to see Dr. Paul Alexander speak to the obvious lies in the renewal of a BC Public Health order making it mandatory for all in these fields to be cv19 vaccinated, with only 'deferrals' not ful exemptions available !! Here is the ink to Henry's latest NIGHTMARE ! https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/covid-19/covid-19-pho-order-vaccination-status-information.pdf

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would love to see Dr. Paul Alexander speak to the obvious lies in the renewal of a BC Public Health order making it mandatory for all in these fields to be cv19 vaccinated, with only 'deferrals' not ful exemptions available !! Here is the ink to Henry's latest NIGHTMARE ! https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/covid-19/covid-19-pho-order-vaccination-status-information.pdf

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Let’s face it. These Devils will continue to come up with more reasons for vaxxes.

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