As if we ever needed any more evidence of the destruction of television and main stream media.

Between covid and Ukranian coverage alone...the cabal owned media has wrought more destruction in the past three years than is caculable...and it is only revving up.

The western masses in particular have literally become intellectual zombies...glued to their Orwellian televisions...hopelessly lost in their self inflicted hypnotic stupor.

I live in Atlantic Canada where the vast majority of people here have no opinions about anything except what they watch on TV.

Government handouts and the CBC have turned their brains to mush.

It is pathetic. The so called Christians are every bit as the complicit as the non- believers they often mock.

I recently sat through an afternoon with a couple who are Evangelicals...and believe they are pretty clever. What I learned in those couple hours was the headline stories, attitudes and opinions of the mainstream media narrative.

Nothing more.

If I had any hair left I would be pulling it out.

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As a fellow Canadian under our own dictatorial measures ,I totally agree . I keep thinking to myself , just how much worse do things have to get to wake people up to the reality of what is happening right around them . I am much older than most and I am heartbroken for our children and grandchildren .

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Jesus told a parable that the children of darkness are often wiser in their generation than the people of light. As Christians, we cannot let ourselves be blind to the evils and deceptions of this world.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Thought provoking. Thank you and shared.

The thing that has really bothered me about this is that it never needed to happen. All that needed to happen was give Russia some space. And they had what seems to be about a decade to do this.

Those that supported this disaster and all the emotional manipulation are the same folks that have pushed so many terrible things over the last 7-10 years, and is to me, an obvious indicator of where the truth really lies.

I could write so much more, but as a summary --> Would the US of 20 years ago allow Canada or Mexico to do the things NATO has been doing on the Russian boarder at the US boarder? No they would not.

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The first casualty in war is truth 😢

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Excellent summary!!!

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Happy Seasons Leslie !!!

Nice to see your name.

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Where is all our money that we really don’t have going?

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Biden and Zelensky's pocket.

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Are you aware that 'the US' (by which I do NOT mean normal US citizens, although many have, unsurprisingly, fallen prey around the world to the endless media-carried propaganda of experts) backed the bloody fascist overthrow of a democratically-elected government in the Ukraine, in 2014, and that ever since then, Neo-Nazis and other fascists have been attacking - in the interest of slaughtering - the civilians of the autonomous (until recently) Donbass Region?

They'd hastily formed a militia for defence with the first violent incursions, thefts and murders, as it worsened, sending elders and children who could be persuaded to leave their homes, to the offered safety of Russia, but after 8 years of this (including the frequent shelling of residential areas, hospitals, schools and playgrounds, as well as small businesses and even people's gardens) when these fascists were mustering on the border to exterminate these people, Russia answered the pleas of these desperate people and stepped in to help de-Nazify the Ukraine.

But 'the US'/NATO backs the puppets/Nazis/fascists running Ukraine - who do not form the country as do the normal citizens of Ukraine - because the point of couping Ukraine was get US nuclear missiles on Russia's borders, as the Neo-Cons apparently believe that they'll personally survive a nuclear WW3, having luxury bunkers handy.

There are a number of people who've been doing on-the-ground reporting in this, from within, although I haven't been following the situation the way I used to, lacking time.

But you might want to read this in full and watch the brief videos, to get some idea of what's really going on.


“Eva Bartlett: Western Silence As Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donbass”

Azra Dale

Dec 26

In this video interview with Eva Bartlett shares her experiences in Donetsk and the suffering of the civilian population caused by ongoing Ukrainian shelling of the city.

Since it doesn’t fit with the ‘official narrative’ the reality of civilians being targeted indiscriminately in Donetsk continues to remain unreported by the controlled mockingbird media.

“Eva Bartlett: Western Silence As Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donbass”

via Eva Bartlett • December 23, 2022

(7 min video)



Addressing the EIR Symposium, “Peace On Earth, Or Humanity’s Doom? The Case For Negotiations,” Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett, who was granted the 2017 International Journalism Award by the Journalists’ Club of Mexico and has spent years doing on-the-ground reporting of wars in the Middle East, gave an eyewitness account of the ongoing genocide against the people of Donbass, where she has been reporting for the last year. Since 2014, she reported, 12,500 civilians have been killed by sniping and shelling with NATO weapons in both the Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic, with over 4,500 killed since mid-February of this year. Given that civilian areas are targeted, this shelling constitutes terrorism and war crimes.

According to Bartlett, the Ukrainian military has also been saturating the Donbass with PFM-1 “petal” mines, insidious devices designed not to kill but to maim victims by blowing off their hands or feet. Children are particularly susceptible to these devices. She made the point that were Russia committing these crimes, it would be covered as a constant scandal by Western media. Bartlett ended her remarks by pointing to a flag of the Donetsk People’s Republic she proudly displays on the wall of her home, representing to her the resilience of a people shunned by most of the world and ridiculed as if their lives are meaningless. She expressed hope that the work she is doing will lead to Ukraine being held accountable for its war crimes and help allow people to speak openly about the fact that Ukraine is committing genocide.”

[source: Eva Bartlett: Western Silence As Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donbass video as per video embeded above.]


[Additional information by Eva]

I cited the JCCC, from a press conference in Donetsk & with DPR authorities, which I attended online.

“She called the new round of escalation in the Donbass, which began on February 17 this year, bloodier in the whole conflict. « Since February 17 2022, the Ukrainian army killed 4,527 civilians, including 154 children, and injured 4,317 people, including 274 children », said Ms. Choutkina.”



“Military terror has escalated beyond all limits after NATO members started supplying weapons to Ukraine,” the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC), a monitoring group that tracks attacks on the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, said on Wednesday. “We have recorded a four-fold increase in the number of victims among the civilian population,” Natalya Shutkina, a representative from the Donetsk People’s Republic at the JCCC, said as quoted by TASS. The JCCC held a press conference on Wednesday during which it showed fragments of Western shells and rockets collected after Ukrainian strikes in Donbass and explained the toll these attacks had taken. Since February 17, 4,527 civilians have been killed, including 154 children, Shutkina stated. Another 4,317 civilians, including 274 children, have been injured, she said, adding that Ukrainian attacks have damaged over 12,000 homes, 128 medical facilities, and 67 sites required for providing basic utilities, such as water and heating. …” https://www.rt.com/russia/568240-donbass-death-toll-report/ ...


(More text and videos follow, each about two min. or so of conversation with various people about their experiences/treatment.)

We must weep for both the Ukrainian and the people of the Donbass, both being used and sacrificed to a war that neither they nor Russia wanted, but that forces those targeted to literally flee, as did these refugees and so very many more, or fight for their homes, countries and lives. Against much of the co-opted/propagandised world.

We really should know better, by now.

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Songbird McCain was front and center of the overthrow.

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And Biden was Obama's point man with the Nazis... What a tangled web they weave, in which to trap those they deceive...

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Money laundering 101 🙈🙉🙊🌎

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For anyone watching the non legacy media its been reported from the start that there was never any chance Ukraine could win.

People like Scott Ritter and Redacted are well worth listening to.

The entire fiasco is a West inspired fraud without doubt.

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Biden doesn't care about the injured and dead in Ukraine.

He needs the country to launder money.

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A very good awakened view of the facts ,before and during this US defacto invasion Russia by other means .

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This conflict is a purposeful designer war meant to advance the globalist pyramid cap's desire for a multipolar world. Western culture and western freedom and democracy loving peoples are the biggest problem for the globalist pyramid cap and must be brought to heel before 'they' can fully implement 'their' Reset and 4IR control grid! Know that all sides in this conflict are all signed on to globalist agenda. The Russian govt., controlled as it is, just announced the implementation of digital ID for all Russian citizens paving the way for even more control features by the State and its globalist controllers. Ukraine of course has implemented even more globalist agenda such as the outlawing of all other political parties.

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