As a man that stood up and done everything to protect the children of Saskatchewan from the COVID injections in public schools in June 2021 (And supported by Dr. Roger Hodkinson)

and now I am prosecuted with total lies and collusion by the police/crown/judges, I can feel that German doctor.

It is either we stand up to REQUIRE accountability to the fraud and murder or we will go quietly one by one into the dark night.

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Absolutely, seems Nuremberg 2.0 may be needed after all. Outrageous that she "profited" all of $7.50 per patient, mercenary that she is, according to not see officials. I'm surprised they didn't issue her a gag order, Gestapo style...

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Off the record, it sounds to me like 4,000+ commoners are probably inclined to fight for this German doctor against the Gestapo.

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We all know masks were for mass formation into fear, social control and haccination... just part of the PLAN:


Lack of scientific basis and social control was even recognized by former Minister of Health of Argentina!

Your 170+ list of papers proving masks were useless is awesome. We need a wiki for each PLANdemic topic: I'm sure your list could reach 1000 papers easily. I've got several to add from my research here:

http://bit.ly/research2000 (masks as psy-op muzzles)

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Disgusting! They should’ve argued, if she was “selling” certs, she would’ve made a hell of a lot more money! At 7 euros each, that probably just covered the paper and toner!

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Disgusting. The most deracinated nation on earth. Contemptible, corrupt, cringeworthy cowards.

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Definitely and more!

This is crazy. The vaccine mandate and the mask law are both tied to lies and a crime.

How can their legal system think they can get away with such a sentence when their govt issued a mandated vaccine that was in violation to an international law that was brought about to prevent a tyranny so close to home?

Jail time and huge fine against someone who was taking a risk to help others?

The judge knows much of the world is absolutely appalled at the vaccine and the mask crime. Rather than being sensitive to this, the sentence optics serve to intimidate passive resistors and encourage political criminals. Shame on this judge! Prayers and support to the doctor!

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Dr. Alexander, would you be able to provide a link to your compendium once again? I am not sure how to find it. Others would surely appreciate as well. Thank you.

This is egregious and tragically emblematic of the times we live in. Certainly masks harm health, especially when worn all day in work or school settings, with bacteria accumulating on the masks and being breathed in... it is disgusting to ponder.

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I can only assume this substack is then under surveillance by the Sask. Stazi.

I am a native of Sask...so there is an emotional pull here with me.

Last year I reconnected with the pastor at the Alliance church in North Battleford. During our exchange I came to find out he fully backed the jab mandates the province enforced. It honestly came as no surprise, as from my estimation the evangelical population in Canada has almost entirely swallowed this agenda hook, line and sinker. Here we have a globalist propogated agenda...straight out of the WEF and WHO globalist playbook...and the evangelical population has almost fully thrown it's weight into backing the agenda...and in the case mentioned above...has found scripture to back his support of the agenda.

Canada...in 2023...and the evangelical church is running hand in hand with the globalist, one world government, Luciferians... and proud of their association.

Am I surprised? Not even 5%.

Am I appalled? 500%

What is so odd to me is this.

Up until the covid era...I could talk with most evangelicals about end time prophecy...globalism...digital currency...mark of the beast, etc....and there was a general concensus of agreement. Since the plandemic was introduced...these topics are now off limits as most evangelicals are jabbed and supportive of the narrative.

What exactly happened? My suggestion is this. Nothing really changed at all...for the most part....but the situation simply exposed the reality. I have a deep affiliation with two prairie churches.

Both evangelical. Both of them are fully backing the narrative. They believe themselves to be wise. In neither case would they sympathize with your plight...but would accept the governments reaction as reasonable and rational. Then on Sunday morning...the faithful will once again join in fellowship...listen to a sermon about their faith..then go home...turn on the telrvision and continue on in the full globalist Luciferian indoctrination that already has them entranced.

My very own misdionary family are almost all jabbed...and have lent their support to the narrative...to this day.

To whom was Yeshua Messiah speaking when he declared?

" Depart from me...I do not know you."

Clue...his audience was not the atheists of his day.

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It seems there are two aspects to this matter:

1. She maintained mask use was futile.

2. She charged for her mask exemption certificates.

One need not practice medicine for free; however, she did put herself in a dangerous position of being mercenary - by charging anonymous and unknown third parties "patients" for the certificates.

I would have issued them for free.

The court's inference is reasonable on this score.

Once she took money, she crossed the line of being Florence Nightingale.

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While the masks are obviously useless, it appears that this doctor was selling exemptions to non-patients for profit.

It doesn’t look like she was doing it on principle, looks more like cashing in on a bad situation.....

But who knows, I wasn’t there.

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A bone-chilling miscarriage of justice.

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Please do! "Stupid is as stupid does."

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This is outrageous. Hitler is back in charge!

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