Jabs working as designed.. depopulation through vaccination.

I still remember Bill Gates's words from a TED talk a few years back.. 'if we do a really good job with the vaccines, we could lower that by 10, maybe 15 percent' (he was talking about population)

Now I know what he meant!

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Ouch! yes we do...

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The sad fact is that all of the people sitting in that room while he stood on stage and discussed the genocide of humanity probably thought they would be exempt from The Great Culling. They probably thought it would only affect third world nations such as China, India, Africa, and others. Not first world countries like America and Europe. But, don't worry. As soon as they're finished killing off the vaccinated they'll be coming after the unvaccinated. Gotta get those numbers down by hook or by crook.

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The concentration camps are up and rolling soon for the next either plandemic or non compliance to a Qcard's standard or what your carbon footprint and good citizenship should be.

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Gates said that more than once. It was not a mistake.

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If we could ask Bill Gates now ,how many useless humans he plans to eliminate ,would it still be 10 or 15 % ,or would his answer be as many as possible .Than I Bill Gates will decide when to stop ,the killing of useless eaters . I bet it would not be 10 or 15 % NOW .

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Right! well, as you see, as a business man, your 10% to 15% excess mortality acheived, and the frog is not saying a word about the pot getting to the boiling point, you get really amibitious and want a higher percentage next time around...

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I've heard there has been a new pandemic predicted.. by the same people which held Event 201..

Wow, they are really prophets!

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Dec 22, 2022
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I kind of expected that. They've had massive publicity after Event 201 so they need to keep it behind closed doors..

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Can we quit with this already? He was saying that if 3rd world countries knew their children would survive through childhood then later generations would have fewer children. currently such places, with no pensions or social safety net, have lots of children to ensure there is someone to look after them when they are old.

He was not saying use vaccines to kill people, and you just make us all look stupid when you keep repeating that crap - or is that why you're repeating it here?

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The only one looking stupid is you, here..

We all know Bill's track record with vaccines in India and Africa.

I know that was the explanation given for his words, that vaccines save lives, which is complete BS. No vaccine ever saved lives, they are all detrimental to health and induce suffering and death.

So I don't buy that BS explanation, it's gaslighting, given his history with vaccine and his father involved in eugenics programs.

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Considering when we dig a little deeper about Bill's parents, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

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We know Bill Gates pays off any who disagree with him .Did he pay you off .Bigs your comments do't belong here

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How can so many people be so blinded as to what is happening here?

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FEAR. What Fascist regime doesn't generously apply fear?

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We should have all followed Africa.

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Many of us wanted to follow Africa but doing so would have required at least a modicum of common sense and our authoritarian overlords decided not to. Now we should follow Florida where making false, exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims about the safety or effectiveness of a vaccine may be a criminal offence.

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Yes! They have been used and abused by Gates experiments and have their eyes open!!!

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India too. I guess Billy Bob decided if he couldn't get it done in Africa and India he'd start in the Americas and Europe instead.

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My God! What have we done?

This is horrific!

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I understand the sentiment. On the one hand, I have no sympathy for people who have squashed dissent and pushed a dangerous narrative. Oh the other hand, I don't want this to come to my children's schools. I don't want my children to have to cope with death, of classmates or parents of friends 😰

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If not mandatory, they'll just have to adapt to it. If required, get them out of there!

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One of my son's friends already came up with brain cancer in the past year. I'm just so scared their friends are going to die. I don't want my kids to have to "adapt" to that!

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You better start preparing your children for the inevitable. Denying reality isn't going to make if go away. And, they'll be looking to their parents to help explain what's going on. Best thing to do is just tell them the truth.

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"We" haven't done anything except fight back.

It the evil doers, Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Collins, Birx, Baric, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, etc., that have committed mass murder and genocide.

And, they all need to be punished.

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I agree.

I abhor my species. Humanity is so depraved. It has been a very bitter pill to swallow.

I wish to come back as a Carolina Wren if I must return to this wretched world!

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I had no idea that people could be so evil. Sure, I know about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.

But I thought that the US was different. Good.

No more.

US will not survive...along with the rest of the world.

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Looks gruesome. But that's the way big pharma likes it.

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From what I've read, all heavily jabbed countries have had an increase of 8% (England's percentage went down a bit recently but did stay at over 14% for a long while) to 15% unexplained death rate.

it's all over the planet, but I guess the data does not make it to MSM headlines right?

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Truth and MSM are incompatible.

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What I don't understand is why they're allow the MSM to print articles about people collapsing from SADS. Even though they refuse to link the collapse to the vaccines. The fact that they're allowing these stories to get out is perplexing. I can only guess that they're conditioning us to start seeing all of these SADS events as normal.

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I was thinking... the media outlets that have decency, are serious and respectful have a hard time putting footage of even the biggest vax advocate falling over all of a sudden if front of cameras. Example: a Canadian media that closely reported on the trial about the (non) necessecity of the deployment of the emergency act concerning the truckers (which was about vax mandates, really) did not show the sequence where Troodo's lawyer, a vax promoter, fell over suddenly during his appeal. It did make other medias (not MSM).

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They limit what we learn. Mr. T and Mr. B would sell anything to anyone for money, power and control. How many other countries are involved in our judicial process? How many of our leaders are not ours at all, but belong to the w-e-f

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Much of MSM is owned by the elites. bill gates of hell has donated millions to NPR, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, and who knows the rest. But what about tik tok, google, Face book and others that contribute to the misinformation that they love to throw at real news.

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Yes. 95% of the MSM is owned by 5 multi-national corporations.

Mr. Gates is definitely a hellhound.

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As much as I am sure they would love to sensor all information about about the sudden deaths there isn't that complete control yet. If msm ignores it completely the story will become sensarional and garher more publicity

They try to counter with some people are into conspiracies and people die all the time. Watch something interesting like news about Hollywood types buying ans selling houses.

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Has anyone studied data of suicides if they were vax?

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Very good question. No answer that I could find doing a quick search. Other populations, yes.

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That graph demonstrates what we've all known anecdotally, but couldn't prove because NO ONE HERE would ever do and publicize the necessary study. It's nice to see someone outside the US finally doing it

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Believe it or not, this data havent been mentioned once in the German msm. In the last 3 years, they imposed severa lockdowns upon their citzens, accused the unvaccinated of endangering the safety of the vaxxed, issued many restrictions who are a violation of civil rights, like a house arrest for the unvaxed and mask mandates, in order to prevent COVID deaths. And now with excess death rates higher than ever, and which arent due to COVID, those numbers are being covered up. The elephant in the room is the vaccination. So it never had been about our health. This is beyond outrageous, a huge scandal, but they wont be able to hide the truth for much longer.

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Dec 21, 2022Edited
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You have swallowed yet one more "narrative", spun by the master narrative-spinners.

I challenge you openly to provide a single shred of evidence for this "holocaust" of yours.

When you get down to it, the ONLY "evidence" for it is the tall tales of a variety of jews. There is no objective, factual evidence for any of it - in fact, it only became "a thing" well after WW2 had finished.

As to the piles of emaciated bodies, understand that the demonic "Allies" bombed Germany into the stone age 24 / 7 - do you honestly believe the camps - which were work camps, there is no evidence whatsoever for any gassing / burnings - could sustain large populations of workers and floods of incoming refugees, in such circumstances of total chaos and destruction?

So these people starved and died of typhus - and one of the symptoms of the disease is massive dehydration, hence the appearance of the bodies post mortem.

And again, you have to say the "secret" Wannsee documents - because there is not a single one of them which has ever been discovered which talks of extermination.

And incidentally, the ICRC state in their official documents that 1/4 million people of all nationalities died in the camps.

The "6 million" figure is a product of the rabbinical interpretation of Numbers 10, 25 - not an objective or documented death count.

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Not one word of concern or doubt about the VAERS events on Canadian news. And all health clinics and pharmacies promote these mRNA vaxes to every person who comes in.

Every person.

Every day.

And Trudeau has just committed to Moderna for 7 years and orchestrated a plant in Montreal (gee, I wonder if SNCLavalin are the engineers!?!?) to manufacture these deadly gene therapies!

Another Moderna manuf plant and long contract in Australia and in the UK.

So even when there is changeover in political administration, the contracts are paid for snd the committment to promote these vaxes is in place.

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How come no one ever mentions the TV news? None of this would have taken place unless it was on TV... and not just once, but 24/7/365. If it wasn't for TV fear porn Gates would have been blowing hot air. HorribleWood must be held accountable.

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Geert, is that you? Because no I don't see the 'virus' getting stronger. Or more virulent. Nor do I see ADE or cytokine storms. In fact it's ridiculous to be talking about the 'virus' at all, though given that nobody has actually SEEN it, this is the only option were left with. They had to bring back Flu after two years and throw in RSV just to keep the ruse going. But what we do see is very clear:. You take the shot, you get filled with blood clots and you die of heart attack or stroke. They barely even attempt to claim with a straight face that the virus is doing this anymore. Now they've resorted to blaming exercise, sleeping, folding clothes, stress, food and of course Climate Change. How long you going to keep hanging in there Paul? Ducking my very simple daily question :Where is the virus? Why is it everywhere yet nowhere? Why can we isolate particles a fraction of it's size, but not this omnipresent virus? Why can I look at individual atoms of a polymer that is a perfect analogue of a protein, but not see the 30000 proteins bound together to make one COViD virion? Why can I centrifuge and separate individual proteins, but not a virion made of 30000 of them? How does a 30000 bp sequence have 12000 variants? Why do 8 amplicon sequences of ~100 bps each claim high specificity for a 30000 bp sequence with 12000 'known variants'. So 800 bps identify it precisely even though it can vary by up to 12000 bps? Really? That's the science you're believing and promoting? I know I'm tough on you but I like you Paul. I'd love to see you stop this nonsense before the house of cards fall on you. And I promise you the house of cards is falling. Germ theory is in it's last death throes. You don't owe it anything and you don't have to go down with the ship. But you have to call bullshit when it's bullshit. Why is Geert so quiet these days? I like him too. But with every passing day his credibility wears thinner and thinner. To your original point it's the shot and only the shot. Why must you cling to the virus narrative to the very end? Who do you owe this to?

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It's not that more people are dying; it's just that our ability to diagnose death has got much better over the years.

A few years ago, you could be dead for decades at a time, and nobody noticed - you would just watch mainstream TV, go to work, come home, have something to eat, watch more TV, and go to bed - and nobody realised you were dead the whole time.

But now, with science being so much better and more accurate, and the vaccines working so well and being safe and effective, these outliers in the statistical charts are becoming more noticeable.

As long as we all keep up to date with our boosters, this blip in the numbers should change very soon.

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The funny thing is that the KBV (=Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung -> National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians) first admitted that there had been an unusually high number of deaths in 2021 - only that this should not simply be causally attributed to vaccinations. Instead, the KBV attributed the excess mortality to the "pandemic" and even had the audacity to claim that without "vaccination" the death figures would have been even higher. Totally credible, if you ask me...

A few days later, the "ZI", a scientific institution of the KBV, claimed that the interpretations were flawed because only patients who had been to the doctor in 2021 were included in the statistics.

That is why the death figures for R96.0 and R96.1 are allegedly so high.

However, if only patients who saw a doctor in 2021 were included in the data set, a steep increase in the number of deaths would have to be found in all types of death. However, this is not the case. There are types of death that have risen continuously since 2016, e.g. T71 suffocation. In this case, there is no significant increase for 2021.

If you look at the communication of public institutions in Germany, you can only quote Alexander Solzhenytsin:

We know they lie.

They know they are lying.

We know that they know they are lying, and

they know that we know that they are lying.

And yet they continue to lie.

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The next bio weapon will target young people and Africa. They already announced this at the Catastrophic Contagion conference....the follow up to Event 201.


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"Star Trek" A Taste of Armageddon

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