Paul, Forget Malone and the others. Energy must be focused on fighting the Government, the Deep State, Big Pharma, Mainstream Media, the WEF and the rest of the globalist "elites". You can't save humanity while you're fighting personal battles. Focus your energy and intelligence on the war to save humanity.

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If you have some reason you can share with us as to why these are not the Deep Staters, or potentially worse, please share your inside information so that we can all understand and be certain. Otherwise, you're telling people to turn a blind eye into information circulating about human traffickers (information I came by from different routes than Paul did). There are also rumors of murder close to that circle, and I believe the same people destroyed my home and tried to murder me and my wife. Call these "personal battles" if you like, but I suspect that they're very likely behind the whole pandemic and interests in human cloning and the designer baby market.

Trust, but verify. Where is the verification of this crowd, and why is it not being dodged instead of laid out. Why do I have Malone calling me on the phone screaming to give up an information source that might be dead in 24 hours, or Kirsch calling me asking what my motivations are for trying to warn the nation about the true story behind the defense military health database? We are being gaslit to insanity. These are not the moves of trustworthy people.

What you see on TV/internet/"organic" (right) alt media is not the reality on the ground. Half the Medical Freedom Movement is being run like QAnon. In fact, some people close to the core of QAnon are fixtures in the Medical Freedom Movement, like John Mappin and Leigh Dundas.

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Bravo. This is what is going on, people. Don't be fooled--we are being gas-lighted on a massive scale by the dark, and apparently, desperate powers. That is only one aspect. Murder ("Murder Most Foul") has occurred for decades but to a greater extent in the present and preceding one. And not referencing here the mass production of murder and mayhem toward the general population of this latest iteration of the virus-vaccine scam. No, this is the targeted elimination of inconvenient truth tellers through any and all means.

Much debt is owed to Dr. Paul for his brave and principled stand.

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Thanks & I’m sorry you had to endure that. I’m a nobody and personally know gangstalking & all the tricks are exhausting and frightening. I appreciate you & Dr Alexander fighting for the truth . God bless .

(& isn’t q based on the Bolshevik revolution psyop operation trust , I think? )

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Thank you Mathew.

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Can you be clear as to what you are accusing Malone of? You I trust.

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I think Mathew Crawford has been pretty clear and explicit above. You may need some background to better appreciate the context. Start by following and absorbing George Webb's journalistic work and the research of Mark Kulacz (Housatonic.live) to gain greater context.

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Matthew Crawford above is referring to a whole group of people, but not everyone is the same, nor is the evidence to taint them the same. At least not evidence I've seen.

Information circulating about human traffickers is so broad and unspecific to be unverifiable to follow Matthew's own advice.

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People like you is why they keep getting away with it. You s÷m to be their defender.

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Defender of what exactly? I am pointing out some serious problems with the accusations that have no basis in evidence.

Like your post.

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Worry less about whether we can make accusations than whether we can verify before we trust. Trust before verification is the primary mistake.

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The method of communication matters. Paul is throwing out a lot of accusations without any evidence. If there is instinct at play, then that is OK, but it should be stated as such and couched in the proper terms.

We all know that instincts are also easily misled by the same mechanisms you are trying to protect against by offering the advice of caution before verification.

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"The method of communication matters. Paul is throwing out a lot of accusations without any evidence."

Malone says that mRNA vaccines are "working as expected" without offering any evidence. If you really believe that you are being faithful to "trust, but verify," tell me anywhere you disagree with my analysis in my Efficacy Illusion article series that uses the CDC's own county level data, and numerous other data sources.

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The mRNA vaccines are working as expected....

He knew they transcribed to the DNA and I believe I read that he helped develop the lipid coating to trick the cells.

Oh and they had to change the meaning of vaccine, and before they deceived the public in that way, it was a gene therapy.

So "working as expected" means changing the DNA and also killing people?

Is this then a secret murder confession?

If this is an incorrect thought process, then correct the perception please. Let's see what you've got

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So much information, when did he say that, and what is the definition of "expected"?

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Trust is far from binary in my experience, and it goes in steps. If you always start from zero trust, progress will be very slow if at all. Start with a little trust and verify.

I have not observed any actions or writing from Malone that contradicts what he has said in any substantive matter yet.

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You don't think that his refusal to acknowledge my findings on the military health database, or his strange portrayal of mRNA vaccination as something that "worked as intended" aside from children and the omicron variant, or his attack on the Breggins that uses a lawsuit that seems based on combining an unsaid Frankenstatement at its core basis.

"Information circulating about human traffickers is so broad and unspecific to be unverifiable to follow Matthew's own advice."

If you want specifics, beyond Paul's word (not coordinate with me as we had never once spoken, and have exchanged a sparse few emails only recently), look up the Roundtable media founder Brock Pierce's history and lawsuit settlement over connecting unwitting teenagers to Hollywood executives. Then consider Malone's screaming demands that I give up my information source in Puerto Rico where Pierce resides. Ask Malone who all is involved in his Decentralized medicine business. Then make up your mind.

"Start with a little trust and verify."

I can't tell you what kernel of trust to afford parasocial relationships, but we are talking about the large scale steering of people over their views of genetic technologies that will change the world. How new technology changes the world depends on avoiding the asymmetric steering of the discussion. The stakes cannot be higher, so do the research.

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Hi Matthew. I've done some homework on Brock now -- founding the Tether scam is bad enough let alone the convictions -- but I'm unclear on how he's connected to Malone?

Is this is one of your pieces?

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As one who works in a technical field it is not uncommon for someone to claim their invention "works as intended" when the ultimate outcome was not beneficial or useful. I see this as a common mistake made all the time.

The context of those particular three words (specifically when he said them, and what was surrounding the conversation) is required to be able to judge.

I find the DMED situation confusing indeed, but I was not aware that Malone analyzed the data, nor was he involved in it's dissemination so why would he comment?

I think Malone is a highly flawed person. If we believe his story then the flaws are blatantly obvious. He basically worked inside the pharma state forwarding their plans without ever understanding the machine he was a part of. For decades. For those of use who have long been fighting that Pharma complex and have seen the slow but inexorable creep to forced medical intervention over several decades, this was the most obvious thing in the world.

Not only was he naive to the machine he was a part of, but he was slow to wake up. As he spoke more and more, it was obvious he was seeing more and more of what was going on, but he was not quick on the uptake either. So there are a series of quotes, especially in early days, that bely that underlying naivety.

I think he is flawed, but hopefully time will tell us. The biggest indicator to me, is that the full weight of censorship came down very hard on him and anyone associated with him. The Rogan cancellation attempt was unprecedented, and to me that indicated he was a turncoat and a serious threat.

Thanks for providing the trails of information to look up. I will look it up, because getting this right matters a lot.

I also think the name calling and baiting by Paul is childish and unhelpful.

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Often 'direct confrontation' isn't best. I'd keep at Malone.

My take? Based on body language...from the start?

Hiding. Hiding things. Yet conflicted. Would like to do the 'right thing', but got pulled into a trap long ago.

Mealy-mouthed, look at him talk, his mouth.

He stands to lose what he wanted, tough position.

They're using him.

People kill others all the time for selfish reasons.

What EXACTLY did Malone do in research?

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Is Qanon deep state fake?

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But many believe that Malone is a “Judas” and the so called inventor of this death MRNA. So it’s imperative for him to answer these questions. Why? Because if he is the inventor, then he knows how to reverse and/or expose the contents of this lethal cocktail. Why is that so hard to understand?

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Yeah. How involved was Malone involved with the history of covid?

Look at this video. Dr David Martin speaking to the EU parliament. We want answers from Malone.


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brilliant video thanks so much..Love this man and his "fire"

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David Martin is a conman snake oil salesman, who has used the freedom movement to get rich. Malone, on the other hand, lost his job, his income and his reputation to fight the scamdemic. I trust Malone, not Martin.

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I'm so sorry for you then.....

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Dr. Malone does not need me to defend him, and I don't intend to. The inventor(s) of the Atomic Bomb had knowledge that the discoverer of the atom did not have. Malone may have discovered/invented mRNA (and he was working on a cure for a type of cancer using mRNA) but years elapsed before mRNA was turned into a bioweapon. He was not involved. Science evolves and changes are not evident if you don't keep up. If Malone knew how to reverse or counter act mRNA as a bioweapon, don't you think he would. He would be like a Jonas Salk. He would have fame and fortune.

I think Dr. Alexander is pursuing a somewhat reasonable line of questioning, but he is letting personal differences interfere.

Dr. Alexander has (is) presenting to his readers valuable information regarding COVID, the "vaccines" etc. His energy and talent focused on this type of information is valuable to us all. Engaging in vicious accusations, etc. of Malone and others does not help or cure us. But, he is probably making the globalist devils happy when causes dissension within.

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Worry less about whether Paul is stepping perfectly on this journey. The primary point is to verify before trust. A group of heroes has been raised to carry messages, and there are power players behind the scenes.

Trust before verification is the same mistake as mass vaccination before testing. Surging past the precautionary principle is an existential error, in general. Even if Paul and I are wrong in our instincts about Malone (he could simply be a person who has made many mistakes), accepting parasocial leadership is a recipe for disaster, always.


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Mathew, Your observations in that substack seem to be logical and valid, well thought. I am basically a go with my gut feeling type of person-- and my gut is right 98% of the time. I am not a believer in most of the psycho mumble jumble. If the theories (and they are just that) were correct, the shrinks would be curing their patients instead of prescribing psych drugs which don't work or do harm (such as in most of the mass shooters).

That being said, my original post was a lament that Paul is wasting energy on Malone that, with his knowledge, could be put to much better use. Readers that commented on my post agree with me by a large margin. As to Dr. Malone, I don't have the personal experience or enough in depth knowledge to evaluate him. You might say, at this point, that I'm Malone neutral. He is just a small cog on a gear that's part of a much larger machine. We all have more important battles to fight if we want to win the war.

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That was an interesting piece, but, unfortunately, is mostly speculation without definitive answers. What may be more important is Malone's acknowledgement of the involvement of the CIA and the US military (DARPA) in the whole horrific COVID mess.

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“We can spend all our time and energy talking about this person and what we think their part is in all of this, or we could spend that time productively engaged in research, actually verifying, triangulating information, discerning what is true and what is not true.

When we take information down to that level, then it does not matter who is the person out there conveying that information to us. The important part is the information.”

James Corbett in a Dr. Mercola piece today (in reference to Elon Musk, but it could easily be about Dr. Malone).

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He appears to have made a largely serendipitous discovery more than 30 years ago Tina and since then hundreds of others who came after him have used that discovery to, among other things, attempt unsuccesfully to create safe and effective vaccines. Malone has been wrong repeatedly about things such as age stratified vaccine dose fatality rates and risk benefit ratios. What makes you think he knows how to reverse the effects of the jabs that others created. Since the initial invention of firearms thousands of others have worked on modifications but, unlike in Malone's case with mRNA tech, not much has changed in the basic mechanics of what happens when the trigger is fired on a gun. It's all available in the public domain for anyone to see. Tina, please explain how to reverse the trajectory of a bullet and put it back in the barrel once a gun has been fired. This may be easier for you to do than what you appear to expect Malone to be able to do.

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Greetings brother ANW,

Fair tidings to you.

Director Chris Nolan, in the feature film TENET, will show you how to shoot a gun in reverse.

Here, watch this clip: 


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Thank you Barry.


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good one, smarty pants

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Prrrrrrr prrrrrr, meeeouw, koppykat, this here Fritz the Cat, cut the creamiest cream:


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Some said he wasn't.

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I agree wholeheartedly, I have been feeling this all along .....it’s a trap....he doesn’t need this distraction....put on your eagles wings and get the f.....away from these turkeys 🦃 .....leave someone else to pluck these turkeys ......in other words your intelligence can be put to better use is what I truly believe 🙏

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Believe it or not people can walk and chew gum at the same time. It is not an "either/or" situation. That is a false setup. Kingdom of like politicians who say they "have to focus on the 'real' issue" while ignoring other important issues. We can do both. Politiicans can fight budget corruption AND the pedo Trans movement. They can fight the abortion movement and hold hearings on Biden Crime Family. And i'd venture most people heat can follow and talk about more than two issues to another person in one conversation. So telling someone who can handle more than one issue to focus on only one is naive or worse, suspicious.

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Absolutely, if he doesn't refocus, he's out of the fight. And Paul, if you're reading this, that means your enemies win.

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Silly. Most adults can focus on multiple issues at one time. Kind of suspicious that all these "only do one issue Dr. Paul" posts show up. That only helps the grifters and neer-do-wells floating around the Freedom movement. Dr. Paul can walk and chew gum at the same time. Let him.

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No, I think Malone is a weak link. I think he was involved from early on in harmful things. In denial.

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Really! There is no way Malone is the primary villain though he was foolish and wrong to sue the Breggins, etc. I'm starting think Dr. Alexander is a real problem. I'm out of here!

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You'll be missed. Gee...

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Keep on fighting the good Fight Dr. Alexander, and fighting back against those who would harm you is ADMIRABLE no matter how ANYONE else feels about it. Call them out and expose them all.

It's like telling you to move on from Covid it's over now, we just want to get back to our sports games and apparently bud lites and bbq's because it's too tiring for them to think or worry about anymore.

Some of us are behind you and understand WHY you carry on!

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I agree, Kelly.

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In Malone's own words, I agree wholeheartedly with part 3.


2. I am an original inventor of core mRNA and DNA vaccination technology; have been

involved in developing, designing, and providing oversight of approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials and twenty phase 2 clinical trials, as well as five phase 3 clinical trials; have been involved in infectious disease pathogen advanced development oversight of HIV, Influenza, Plague, Anthrax, VEE/EEE/WEE, Tularemia, Tuberculosis, Ebola, Zika, Ricin toxin, and Engineered pathogens; and, since January 2020, have been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling, and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment. {emphasis mine-what for novovaxx?}

5. ...... This and subsequent work at the San Diego corporation “Vical” resulted in nine issued domestic US patents describing mRNA and DNA vaccine platform technology.

9. ..... s between 1992 and 2001. During this period, I was awarded numerous peer-reviewed and industrial grants and contracts relating to gene delivery technology, genetic vaccine development, the chemistry and formulation of gene delivery reagents such as those used for mRNA vaccines, mucosal genetic vaccine development and other related topics. This work resulted in numerous additional granted US Patents in these fields and the incorporation of biotechnology companies based on these discoveries including Inovio vaccines.

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After all of this knowledge and work in Govt. agencies throughout his career (there's more in the statement) involving the mRNA and SARS-COV-2 Vaccines/Gene Modification Therapy we get this to be foisted on the elderly and most vulnerable of society, and most susceptible to the effects of what he describes in part 3, and that I agreed with. There are many good things in this statement I will concur, but it also raises many questionable actions as well and are by his own admission in working in/with the Deep State he now professes to be fighting.

18. Together with Dr. Peter Navarro, I developed and published (lay press, Washington times) public policy recommendations involving targeting SARS-CoV-2 vaccine deployment to high risk groups (elderly, morbidly obese, immunodeficient and others), providing early COVID-19 treatment options (including antibody therapies), home diagnostic tests, and computational algorithms enabling individual assessment of COVID-19 risks. {emphasis mine-the last part was a good thing}

3. I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiffs’ arguments that (a) the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and COMIRNATY COVID-19 Vaccine are legally distinct; and (b) there are no licensed SARS-CoV-2 vaccines currently available in the US. Rather, all currently available doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are experimental medical products made available under the Emergency Use Statutes and Authorizations (EUA).

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10. I served as Associate Director, Clinical Research at Dynport Vaccine Company LLC from 2002-2003, supporting the prime systems US DoD contract for all biodefense products under advanced development by the Department of Defense. I also served as Director, Business Development and Program Management for the Bill and Melinda Gates funded Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation from 2004-2005; Senior Medical Director, Summit Drug Development Services (a Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Research specialty contract research organization) from 2005-2006; Director, Clinical Development & Medical Affairs, Influenza for Solvay Pharmaceuticals (currently Abbvie) from 2006-2008; and Medical Director, Vaccines for the Beardsworth Consulting Group from 2010 – 2013.

11. I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily

supporting the US Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab). I have been leading or serving as a principal consultant for teams developing both repurposed drugs or vaccines since January 4, 2020, resulting in multiple novel findings, published and pending manuscripts, three clinical trials involving repurposed drugs (two in USA under DoD funding, one in India under funding from Reliance Healthcare) and one Phase 1 clinical trial for a novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

12. I have a history of over a decade of service to the NIAID as either reviewer or study section chairperson for evaluating large contract bids for development of Biodefense and other Medical Countermeasures against emerging infectious diseases and biothreat agents.

13. I currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.

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Its why Malone needs to be called before congress along with a fee others at the same time, and answer real time qurstion s that Dr Paul and others have.

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Paul I understand you're pissed and I don't blame you but we are the readers and subscribers who cannot do anything but watch from afar while you duke it out with Malone, we know who you are and it shouldn't matter what they think or say, phuck them, just keep your eye on the prize, we need focus and a vision to get thru this nightmare, we can't have you deviating with Malone, he's not worth it. Show him you're the bigger man and let this go.

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The "Prize" is knocking down the deceivers and charlatans. They're how we got here and that's the way we get out. Keep your eye on that.

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Maybe you can't, but Dr Paul has shown he can walk and chew gum at the same time, addressing multiple issues. Let him be the judge of his capabilities.

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DR ALEXANDER, A couple things/?:

1. Exactly why is Malone suing you, the Breggins and Dr Jane Ruby?

2. MHO: Malone has done this mRNA crap with Weisman and Korenko under contract to the US DOD to create a bioweapon customized to specific genotypes, curing cancer is a BS cover...at least that is what I've gathered. Once Malone, Weisman and Korenko loosed that mRNA evil from their labs, there is no going back as big pharma/DOD wants to bioweapon WTP 2 DEATH. These evil bastoads want to put mRNA/LNP/spike proteins into every injection, even into my cattle and other farm animals..swine have been getting mRNA SINCE 2018. I DON'T TRUST MALONE! I read his output to know the enemy.

3. 65 to 70 % of the western world is poisoned with the Malone, Weisman and Korenko bioweapon, they/vaxxd are all sick, some more than others. It is not mass psychosis, it's mass suicide.

4. Lastly, can we STOP USING that asinine phrase "gas lighting" and call it what it is - LIES, plain lies, boldface lies and falsehoods/lies. Call those gas lighters what they are LIARS.

If you got this far, thank you.

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I think you're right over the target.

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Who came up with the term gas lighting? I have some questions to ask him “it is alright to use language just don’t let language use you!” That is from the annals of The Middle Street Philosophy which originated on middle street in the Haight Ashbury circa. 1966

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Divide and conquer seems alive and well .I totally agree with you Dr.Alexander .In my opinion money still drives the game and the game is about to come crashing down .Hold your ground Dr.Alexander.

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Yes. I recognize the whores spoken of here. And at the top of the list, one of the biggest whores of them all-- recognized as a deeply involved player in the virus-vaccine game by a minority but nonetheless growing number of citizens. Credit to George Webb for the term, and also Mark Kulacz of Housatonic.live website for background history on Malone's career. This poser, Baloney Malone, made his considerable wealth as a servitor of our ruling class --the traitorous international crime syndicate that utilizes the virus-vaccine stunt and our military-industrial-pharmaco-mafia in their ploy to control and plunder the world and the whole of humanity. These scum can be traced back through the JFK murder and much further and deeper if one chooses to look. More power to Dr. Paul --for being on the right side of history.

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You just won't let go of the Malone bone, Alexander. Put it down and direct your energy to something more useful. Your carping about Malone is gettin tiresome and you have other good insights to offer.

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Perhaps what's "useful" is poking a mad infected dog so he comes out of his bear/bat cave, baited to show more of his true colors to the public and the courts (as he has begun to with suits against the Breggins and Dr. Ruby) such that the full illness here is revealed at large. And this risk to the public well-being can then be extinguished.

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He can walk and chew gum at the same time. He is getting to the root of this problem. Unless you can point to who else is doing something about this, since Dr Paul doesn't have subpoena power, he is using the megaphone he has. And I am sure you are big boy enough to see what is in a headline in an email and read or ignore those you find interesting. Problem solved.

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This comment is irrelevant to what I said. Please wipe off your magnifying glass.

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UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS STANDING TOGETHER AND DOING IS WINNING Doing nothing is agreeing with their tyrannical treasonus murderous atheist satanic perps doings

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Me too

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Paul, I think that you mean DeMed, as in "Decentralized Medicine" and not DMED (which is the military health database). I actually think that the naming was meant to create that confusion.

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It's good that you exited when you became aware of the Miami pedophilia and that Malone is also not tied to it Dr. Alexander.

Florida is reputed to be at the centre of global pedophilia and child sex trafficking rings that have thrived in the past few years in particular.

Hopefully the RINO governor there who has enabled this to happen will soon exit the political.scene and not be heard of again and will at the first opportunity be replaced by someone of integrity such as Dr. Ladapo who will shut down the trafficking rings.

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Excellent. Very disappointed in Malone. He has a lot of unanswered questions about his work with Darpa and Ledios

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Focus! It’s already been said. The evil one loves to distract us so we stop focusing on the main thing. Expose and name the corrupt with truth. They cannot stand against the truth. When we start name calling we hand the play to them.

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Awesome article keep fighting like we all are in this battle between good and evil.

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Paul stay strong and fearless. No one can harm you if you rise above fear. Please name the other fellow travelers who are in the scam besides Malone. Time to name names so we can demand justice.

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Wow sounds like someone sure pissed you off. Energy must be focused on the Deep State. Get over it.

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