Time we heard more about MIT Prof. Robert Langer, "Mr. Nanoparticles" himself, who made $1B off his Moderna stock.

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David E. Martin deserves a medal.

Why does the WHO want only mRNA haccines and not adenovirus vectors, which are also weaponizable as lethal Trojans?

1. “mRNA vaccines are incredibly cheap and easy to make. Produce cDNA sequence on computer and send sequence to company to produce cDNA> Mix cDNA with nucleotides and bacterial RNA polymerase> remove cDNA and bacteria> mix with proprietary lipid vesicles> product complete.”1

2. It’s the perfect Trojan horse. Nobody has a clue on what mRNA instructions are included and what they really do. No authority cared to ask why, if both Pfizer and Moderna hacked your cells to produce the same spike protein, one had 300% more code than the other.

3. Lipid nanoparticles are toxic by design.

4. Adenovirus vaccines were proven to cause platelet clotting and thrombocytopenia for more than 25 years. Even back in 2006 the mechanism was clear. 2 Stats were too obvious from scratch: that’s why it was quickly banned, especially Nordic countries.

More here:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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Here's Forbes on Langer striking it rich:


I'm trying to find old old twitter threads that have Gates, Epstein, Langer, and others. It might have been Jesse Matchey, and his account remains suspended.

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And here's lots of detail on Langer's work for DARPA and others for mind control, brain-machine interface, etc.


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It absolutely IS a Military and US DoD bioweapon. Follow the work of these two courageous ladies, Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova.



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Exactly. We now KNOW this. The difficulty is getting it to penetrate into people's minds. It proves difficult.

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Dr David Martin brought the receipts.

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If I’m not mistaken Justin Trudeau is partners (with 2 Canadian “doctors” ... I use quotes because they clearly broke their oaths for money) in the facility that made that product and it was established in around 2015. That makes this premeditated. That reeks of genocide. Just saying.

But I could be wrong.

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Trudeau Sell's mRNA patent to China, Pockets $500M USD all in a days work


Trudeau is said to have stole research from BC Univ, and transferred patents to a Gates Bio-Patent front where 1,000's of mRNA & COV-19 patents are held; Gates co-founder Paul Allen had been buying Patents since 1980's; Gates took over the OP after he retired from MS;

Trudeau angle seems to be that the scraped all the bio-research work in the Canadian University system and had it privatized and then patents could be traded with GATES&ALLENS Patent rackets;

Lets remember here when Gates&Allen started Microsoft in 1975 there goal was "Own an Industry", they succeeded, Allen was +10 years old he was the mentor that Gates family had lead young Bill the third; Interesting that great-grand-pa Gates wrote the book on "Eugenics" that Hitler based his master-race, Gates knew from youth that he was to carry on his family legacy; Gates-Sr was also involved like BUSH UK 1920's with the rise of HITLER to power in Europe;

So its not surprising just like ROCKEFELLER get rich in oil, then pivot to medicine and control human health, Gates got rich in Computers and then pivoted to HEALTH-CARE so he could De-Populate the earth 500M per Georgia Guidestones

Of course dumb fucking Trudeau just got a bag of cash for being a good puppy

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I read that Trudeau makes money off of each jab because he has a financial stake in the mRNA production

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I got this reply from someone. It is even more crazy than I realized ... but it does make sense. https://palexander.substack.com/p/getting-word-developing-the-information/comment/13406140?r=1blws1&utm_medium=ios

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That's the way it works, he's an owner;

Funny how a retarded failed actor, turned politician because his mother would show her snatch in public ( no underwear, they called it jungle style ); How he could come to own the most valuable pharma patents on earth; Well its a lot like how Hillary invested $10k in options and won millions, its a perk of being a politician; Or how HRC now has $15 Billion USD in Dubai&Qatar from 'clinton foundation'

So yes, every jab Trudeau gets a cut, his selling just one license to China, which is just one country for one patent, and not even a monopoly just a license netted him $500 Million USD

IMHO Trudeau is rolling in cash, but like OBama, or even Musk for that case or Trump; Once you enter that club its never enough, SOROS wants more, just like Musk isn't happy with $250 Billion; Obama owns Hawaii & Martha's Vineyard huge estate, $10's of billions of USD just like the Clintons; Trudeau is in that club; You would think they would just drop out, but its never about the money when you have infinite money, its about the power;

Canada, USA, & UK had been researching and patenting COVID & mRNA since 1980's; Gates&Allen (microsoft) started patent-mills in the 1980's just buying up every patent they could, and they would go to universitys and payoff staff to license any & all research to their patent-mills; Made Gates & Allen richest men on earth in 1990's & early 2000;

Politicians just do what they do, suck cock of rich people; If Gates wants to kill 95% of the worlds population with mRNA, Trudeau is going to give his patron what he wants, if they have to charge the victim for his own death, that's even better for the system.

OP here say's "More research & studying must be done", I argue that like all things Gates will be dead from natural causes long before the just-us system resolves this genocide;

Besides historically DOD got away with "Span-Flu" 50Million died, more USA mil ppl died from the flu than in combat, all the trains in the USA&ship carrying servicemen during WW1 were 100% infected with the 'flu' and that flu you could turn blue and die with 12 hours; 99.9% of the USSA sheep know nothing of the spanish-flu, so they got away with it, and they'll get away with again now; Because they own the MSM, the news, books, and the history classes;

Most ppl involved in reporting COVID are like Malone, who only complains "I invented mRNA, why am I not a billionaire"???

Like all things the people who get rich are the one who steal from those who make & create.

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It was definitely planned and is most certainly a bioweapon. If it was unintentional it would have been hauled off the market after the first few deaths. Here we are with millions disabled and God only knows how many deaths and they are still pushing it into as many arms as they can. Now we have talk of all future vaxxines being made using the same toxic method. That can only equate to one thing. They want more peeps dead.

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BOOM, I am down for that after proper trials...

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That is Putin's solution for about 130 scientists from what I hear.

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Man is a Wack job. He should go first.

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It can be used as a bioweapon + chemical weapon combination. The mRNA can encode any biological proteins. So it can produce the same proteins that the most toxic plants produce. But I think you need several different proteins to do that.

It was the first thing that I thought about when they wanted to inject mRNA into people. Not to kill them, but to drug them and make them will-less with the "devil's breath" zombie-drug.

With LNPs it can be sprayed in the air over people that you don't like. A single invaded cell may continuously produce the proteins that are necessary to form the toxic component. So one particle can still produce a high dose of the toxins. The most effective are toxins that attack the nerves and that attack the mitochondria. They can function as a catalyst and can repeat the attack. So only small doses are necessary to harmt a person.

Besides a way of poisoning a victim, there is also the need of an anti-dote or immunity. And there is a need to hide the attack.

(0) Hidden attack via "natural" pandemic. Spread via bioweapon viruses and via sprays with mRNA. Make sure that there is no good test, so it can not be traced.

(1) Hidden Attack via "random" error. With the Covid mRNA experiments and DNA experiments, there are small broken sub-sections of mRNA (or DNA). These sub-sections may encode toxic proteins (more toxic than the spike-protein) . That way a manufacturer can pretend it did not want to harm people. It would be interesting to check if some of these correspond with known bioweapons or chemical weapons.

(2) Hidden Attack by disabling immunity. By using boosters, the victims develop IgG4 antibodies. This stops the immune system from destroying a virus that exactly matches the IgG4. Which means that any new virus from a lab that matches this IgG4 will kill a person, and the immune system can hardly do anything.

(3) Immunity via special drugs. This is easy and most common. Like how Ivermectin works against covid. Whatever is sprayed or spreading, the drug will disable the poison before they become dangerous. Make sure the people that you target do not get it.

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25+ years they have been deploying


Israel has been sterilizing MENA for decades with isocyanate aeresol that provide deniability by delay from days to years for the iso-cyanate micro-pills to dissolve, they have hooks so they stay in the body

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It’s already been answered. https://www.youtube.com/live/CMSz209wV8g?feature=share

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I have this teed up but will place in this stack, grateful, it is in a separate stack in cue but I will insert now...

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The US Govt. is definitely involved in the production of the jab. It has been in the works for ten years and partially based on the aids vaccine research

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Thank you!!!

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DOD/CIA and Big Pharma/CDC is a unending waltz!

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Fauci did gain of function for +30 years for MIL app; Facts are facts; In the mafia world he's what we call a 'made man' aka untouchable;

Most of COVID is/was the common cold and flu re-branded.

That said the COVID-19 variations dumped on IRAN & ITALY were potent; So it was used as a bio-weapon in some places;

The mRNA was always in the wait and its choice as the 'vax' by DC lobbyists was that there was no choice in the matter, mRNA was to be deployed in the western world;

The problem is that most mRNA was made in factorys in India on contract, since there was no liability, nobody gave a fuck about QA; I saw entire shipments to Japan destroyed and/or rejected because the liquid in the little bottles had metal or white power suspended; IMHO most of the harm of the mRNA vax and the reason that it was 'harm by batch' is/was a total failure in QA;

Again nobody gave fuck about deaths, because no CEO or Doctor or politician could ever go to prison.

The other problem with mRNA is that it was never tested on humans, and the animal tests were a failure, but who gave a hell?? You get paid, you shut up and deliver; What do you expect? The MIL aka DOD was running the COVID deployment;

So just like Spanish-Flu of 1918 it was a DOD failure that caused the death of 50 million people worldwide;


Then an now the DOD will cover their ass an in time the subject will be verboten.

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Trump fast-tracked the mRNA and got Billions for his family transferred to trusts in children name ( Clintons, Faucis, 100's of insiders did the same ). Musk says the only reason Trump wants a second term is to give a pardon to himself & family and make the money 'untouchable' forever; Everybody knows the 'clawbacks' are coming;


Big-Pharma was born in 1920's by Big-OIL, Rockefeller made pot&opium illegal and declared 'all homeopathic rural drugs to be illegal', only oil-based pharma AMA, and Pharma created the 'prescription' Oil-Based medicine arrived and USSA became a Sick Nation;


Going forward "FAUCI" must be made to squeal like a rat and he will, he looks like a sqealer, Trump has always been a Kosher-Nostra bagman, he's know Omerta, nothing will come from his people; Once the Fauci's spill the beans before a non-uniparty committee and once the entire world convicts all these people of being enemy's of the human race, then "Follow the Money", and claw it all back

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maybe, but let us try to figure out who did what...we are working on some documents, studying, on OWS will post shortly...getting help to sift etc. but we are trying to understand this...

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"Operation Warp Speed (OWS)—a partnership between the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Defense (DOD)—aimed to help accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. "


Funny note DOD, the vaccine had already been patented some 10 years, ago just a few months earlier 2019 Gates was saying there would be a pandemic and mRNA would be the cure;

Here DOD is saying its Nov 2021, and we still don't have a 'vax', the BIG-LIE; The vax was always on the table the mRNA was always the only solution;

In Asia COVID was identified by NOV2019, and 2020 Russia had Sputnik and China had sino-vac, traditional vax was deployed;

The only argument for DOD to defer the deployment of their killer mRNA was that they were infighting.

I like your work and your dedication; You are clearly working your ass off; The problem is that we are way beyond the point of studying; The perpetrators of this genocide must be put on the Guillotine long before their natural death; The $2Trillion USD that Trump Fast-Tracked to his crony's post March-2020 must be clawed back;

"Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a partnership between the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Defense (DOD) that was launched in May 2020 with the goal of producing 300 million safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines with initial doses available by January 2021."


A most basic question is why were TRADITION Vaccine not considered why did the DOD enforce only mRNA as a solution;

In Russia & CHINA I know of no cases of harm, that said I saw 100's of people harmed from Moderna & Pfizer;

We know mRNA had been in the Ready forever, early Malone patents are like 1990's and earlier; Gates had just a few months earlier in 2019 before COVID deployment held a faux COVID emergency; The entire DOD war on COVID exactly followed the WHO-CDC Gates Pandemic playbook;

When you see an orchestra, first look for a conductor, then you must shoot him on the spot, and lynch all of his enablers. Given the perpetrators years to hide their crimes and off-shore their loot does nothing to prevent a recurrence of these crimes against humanity.

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Create a crisis and never waste the opportunity. Why were "we " so credulous?

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Because the 'exceptional nation' is a nation of harelips and moron's. Now they're flooding the USSA with all the worlds 'trash mongrels' to dumb it down even lower;

Why pray tell, like we say 'Trumps wall is not to keep them out, its to keep you in".

Deagle (Rockefeller) Report is clear -90% reduction in human population in USSA by 2025. IMHO they're filling the USSA with the 'trash' and in the next 2-3 years during the coming civil war, the 'trash will be taken out'.

Why are we so 'credulous'? HL-Mencken in 1930's said USSA is/was a nation of morons, Carlin in 1980's said that if you took the stupidest USA person you ever met and divided their IQ by 1/2, that would represent the average citizen;

No reason to kick a puppy who is down, if you haven't already escaped the prison they call USSA do so already;

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The first claim you start with here...just curious...how do you know this about Trump?

I too don't trust him one bit -- I sense we're being played by both sides, a known masonic/cabal tactic -- and one "side" falls and the other "wins" but the ultimate agenda marches on (disguised or rebranded).

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Trump is a kosher-nostra bagman, his father was kosher-nostra

His mentor roy-cohn was mob lawyer who shared anal rape with j edgar hoover

Every mentor trump ever had from epstein to cohn was a homo-rapist

Both trumps parents are buried in Jewish cemetery's

It's said the reason for TRUMP being a faux goy, is that Roy Cohn needed a goyim bag-man to launder money for the mob

Trump father had a stroke when Trump was young, so he was mentored by the mob

100% of trumps style & act was adopted from Roy Cohn, mob lawyer and most feared homo rapist on the east coast seaboard

Not sure why ppl blame jesuits but that seems to be normal zionist distraction

DC is a criminal mob, its been kosher-nostra since 1871 when UK killed lincoln and took ownership of dc for failure to pay war civil war debt.

When Roy Cohn died, Epstein became Trump biz partner & mentor, Epstien is/was Mossad agent #1 in USSA;

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Interesting...ok...still figuring out Trump's background. I sure the heck don't trust him and believe he's part of the same cabal. As far as I can tell though and btw, the Jesuits and the Zionists are one and the same, for the most part. They serve the same agenda.


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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

=Text in NWO  image=


The pyramid illustration represents the major elements in the interlocking chain of command which constitute


the power structure of our invisible world government.









1 Political Zionism

2 Bilderbergers

3 Business Advisory Council

4 Council on Foreign Relations

5 United Nations Banking Complex

6 Federal Reserve System and

other central banks

7 United Nations

8 Common Market and Atlantic Union

9 Seato, Nato and

other front alliances

10 Tax-free foundations 11 Income and Estate Taxes 12 Communism, Socialism

and allied 'isms' (the most visible aspect of the apparatus)


BASE: Secret Societies

99% of Humanity as Slave Labour Force

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Thanks do you people see here that WEF/DAVOS is not on the list?? Why cuz they're nothing

BILDERBERG runs the world, Peter Thiel (CIA/PALANTIR) is the USA president of Bilderberg-USA; He is also manager of TRUMP-2016 & Trump-2024 meaning that TRUMP was always a BILDERBERG AGENT.

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Trump 'Fast-Tracked' the Vaccine Genocide

Never forget that Trump got the vaccines approved before Testing


Tiny Hats everywhere;

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I have come to think that the decades of research into coronaviruses (and other viruses) was not intended to engineer any novel infectious virus, per se, but rather to use the virus as a model for understanding the tricks and tools that enable infection, cell entry, and pathogenesis.

People like Baric work to discover receptors and domains that facilitate binding and cell entry. They also study toxic effects of certain proteins and peptides (yes, including snake venom). They learn how to combine these elements into synthetic chimeras. Then they look for and develop delivery mechanisms: anywhere from the mundane blow dart or roofie, to aerosolized drops, lacing water supply, to mRNA encoded particles that mimic viruses and hijack exosome pathways.

The LNP is the newest delivery mechanism, analogous to a blow dart, a bullet, or a vape-delivered poison.

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David E. Martin deserves a medal.

Why does the WHO want only mRNA haccines and not adenovirus vectors, which are also weaponizable as lethal Trojans?

1. “mRNA vaccines are incredibly cheap and easy to make. Produce cDNA sequence on computer and send sequence to company to produce cDNA> Mix cDNA with nucleotides and bacterial RNA polymerase> remove cDNA and bacteria> mix with proprietary lipid vesicles> product complete.”1

2. It’s the perfect Trojan horse. Nobody has a clue on what mRNA instructions are included and what they really do. No authority cared to ask why, if both Pfizer and Moderna hacked your cells to produce the same spike protein, one had 300% more code than the other.

3. Lipid nanoparticles are toxic by design.

4. Adenovirus vaccines were proven to cause platelet clotting and thrombocytopenia for more than 25 years. Even back in 2006 the mechanism was clear. 2 Stats were too obvious from scratch: that’s why it was quickly banned, especially Nordic countries.

More here:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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P.S…From Mother/Grandmother Lion again…

To Paul and all you other substackers…

Will be needing EVERYONE who cares about America including many of you to help spread the word FAR about the last serious effort to take back this country from SATAN…peacefully!

Stay tuned!

I have a big mouth for Freedom and will help spread the word VERY soon on how ALL AWAKE persons must unite finally and help…yes…unite in our efforts as it is way past time!

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Yes, I know we need proof, real scientific proof. But, consider this-- it took 3 years to get "proof" that the SARS COV-2 came out of the Wuhan lab in China, at least as the main source. We still do not know if it was an accidental or purposeful leak. How much longer will it take to get real scientific proof that the US military (DARPA) was involved, probably the principle instigator? We may all be dead (from another pandemic?) before the hard truth is revealed. I personally have seen enough from Katherine Witt (Balliwick Substack) and Sasha Latypova's substack (who have done great work on the subject of military involvement) and other online sources to draw my conclusions. My main conclusion is that the US is more responsible for the genocide via the bioweapon than China. Lately many so-called conspiracy theories have been proven correct. I say go with what we have and spread it over the globe. We do not have the luxury of time waiting for real, scientific proof. Stop the worldwide genocide now. And let the chips fall where they may.

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