This is also very important for those who live in winter climates. There's a second interesting element considering the role vitamin d plays in skin color. Those with darker skin are more prone to vitamin d deficiencies in northern winter climates. This means the lockdowns could have increased COVID risks for those with darker skin vs those with lighter skin.

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There are two resources that report on the true value of vitamin D, and the fact that Vitamin D  turns on 3000 gene expressions when required.  it includes isolating, cancer cells through a process, called E-Cadherin and extends to the need to turn on breastmilk, after the birth of a newborn.  Two examples of how important vitamin D is to good health. Go to vitamindwiki.com and GrassrootsHealth.net

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I receive all my health care from the VA.

At no time did any doctor tell me to increase my Vitamin D level to lessen the effect of covid.

At no time did the VA put out any information telling veterans to increase their Vitamin D levels.

At no time did the VA do a mass testing of our Vitamin D levels.

So, they do research and don't fucking tell us?

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Is VA a special hospital system for people who were in the military?

Is it "free"?

Apologies I am English

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Veterans Administration (VA) is medical care, and other benefits including education, home mortgages, cemetery benefits, for those who served in the military.

For a lot of veterans, the medical care is free. If a vet was injured or became ill while on active duty, the VA will cover all medical care for free. That is called service-connected, which means that it is proven it is connected to military service.

Some vets are enrolled based on low income without any service-connected injuries or illness.

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Thank you Kathleen, that is helpful.

It is funny how although UK and USA have the same language there are so many things that people say so frequently but I am not sure what they are.

I have learnt so much from Substackers about things like this and I am always deeply grateful to get my knowledge from humans than from shitty Google.

You have a good evening / afternoon!

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I love the comment section on Substack. So many thoughtful comments with great links to articles and important videos on Rumble.

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You don't have search engines in England?

All you need to know is that VA stands for Veterans Administration.

Nothing is free. VA care is paid for by the same people who sent our soldiers off to fight illegally in foreign military actions. IMO, they are all ignorant traitors.

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Of course we have search engines

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Your National Health Services doesn't have a better reputation than the Veterans Administration, although the BMJ has been more honest than JAMA.

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I don't know what I have done to upset you but apologies.

You arer correct the NHS sucks right now and has done since the defunding started in 2010.

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You didn't upset me. You merely cause me to be concerned about your information sources.

Every government health organization that has ever existed on the planet has sucked for most or all of their existences.

Most of them are probably hoping that Deagel's population reduction numbers will come to pass by 2025.

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You haven't seen me when I'm being really nasty.

I'm not British, so unless you are, it isn't being not nice to ask about what she had to work with.

Their search engines might have a lot in common with their prime ministers.

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I don't mind explaining things to people who live out of the US.

I always wondered what a "council tax" was in the UK. Wondered if a "council estate" was like Section 8 housing here in the States.

And, I was surprised to find out that UK citizens have to pay a fee to the BBC...and they can be fined if they have a TV and don't pay it.

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The BBC has always been like the CPB/PBS/NPR mess with mandatory subscriptions to pay for it, collected by vans that drive up and down their streets monitoring for compliance. Something similar is in the offing for the Internet once over the air television has been fully exterminated and streaming will be left.

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Very few of those who got MDs from AMA-approved medical schools ever did any research and few more ever read the literature.

Have you ever asked a VA doctor about what he has read?

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Here is a good example to your question. I had an appt. and told I was due for the shingles vaccine. I told my doctor that the Shrigrix vax has a black box warning on it for Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Luckily I had printed out a copy of the the FDA news release with the warning and showed her. Too many seconds passed. I suspected she did not know.

So much for informed consent.

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I narrowly escaped death from the GBS in 1976 following a Swine flu shot.

I've noticed that a large number of vaccines of all kinds have contraindications for those with a history of GBS. I ran into a practice nurse at a health fair yesterday that was insistent that was for the "old" vaccines because GBS is a specific virus, something I've never heard nor read elsewhere. As far as I've heard since 1976, there is very little understanding about the cause of GBS, even among virologists.

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What pissed me off about the whole encounter with the doctor, was that she had no f'ing clue about the FDA black box warning.

I only happened to stumble on the FDA warning. I saw a link to an article on one of the many websites I go to everyday.

Just think how many veterans are willingly taking that Shringrix vaccine because they trust their doctor.

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It is a big BLACK warning on the packaging though like how are people not curious (or nosey) like me?

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This is the description I found online about the physical appearance of a black box warning:

"Found on the approved prescribing information, or drug label package insert for prescription drugs, it's the most serious warning given by the FDA. The text is bold-faced, surrounded by a black border—giving the warning its name—to call attention to a medication's risks."

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Unfortunately it isn't just veterans.

It is all kinds of people whose doctors care more about their licenses and practices than they do about the Hippocratic Oath.

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A couple things to note. The left is always going on and on about racial injustice, yet it is a known indisputable fact that people of color produce less vitamin D due to their pigmentation and thus are at risk of low vitamin D levels and the inherent health issues from such. Yet our social justice led leaders failed to recommend supplementation.

Furthermore, it was reported early on in the Pandemic that Fauci took 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily, well beyond the RDA for it. He knew damn well of its benefits, but did he make any recommendations for it? NO! At that point, I lost all respect for that criminal.

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Not that this study is not of value, however it essentially quantifies vis a vis CV what had been pretty well known all along by anyone with even a modicum of understanding of the key role Vit. D plays in supporting high immune function. What to me is the greater point (not touched on in the study of course) is that at NO time during the past 3 years did the Fed govt (i.e., CDC, NIH, FDA, etc) none of them *ever* overtly/explicitly come out and recommend people supplement with Vit D. Gee, I wonder why that is???

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See my comment above.

I get all my health care at the VA. They did research and didn't advise/inform us veterans of the positive benefits.

VA: Giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.

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I should have included the VA in the little list of Fed agencies that were deafening in their silence about D supplementation, its implications at levels of relative deficiency, etc. They could all care less about veterans let alone "ordinary" civilians/citizens . Shameful, that is if only they had any :(

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I inadvertently hit "Enter" before I was done typing my reply to you Kathleen, then edited and saved, you obviously understood where I was going <smh>

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If they had their way, vitamin D supplements would only be available by Rx.

"We will tell you what is essential and who can have what's essential" - with attribution to Jim Breuer and his Covid-19 comedy show. I still laugh thinking about his trained seal representing the sheeple lining up for a jab to get into a ball game.

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Hear, hear! Make sure vitamin D (should be D3) you buy is anaerobically packed, and store it in the freezer (or under inert gas) after opening.

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Never knew that! Thank you. 💖

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Not bad for treatment of deficient patients in the midst of an infection.

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Vitamins don’t prevent vaccine injuries, right?

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They certainly do not cause them.

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If you are interested in supplements to help with post-vaccine treatment, go to the flccc website. They have excellent protocols for vaccine recovery as well as long COVID. https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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caveat emptor

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How could a synthetic D2 perform better than the natural D3?

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Based on what I've learned from extensive reading. D2 has to be converted in D3 in the body to be used, and not all people have the requisite endemic chemistry.

The mortality reduction is well known, especially above 30ng/ml 25(OH)D blood level.

With a consumption of 10,000IU a day, my blood level is stable around 50ng/ml for three years.

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life by Kate Rheaume-Bleue is my bible for vitamins A, D, K2 (MK-7), and E, preventing all of the side effects of megasupplementation.

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But the Government is going after a physician who recommended Vit D to his patients. Didn't even sell it himself. But they have a multimillion dollar lawsuit, FDA Justice the whole shebang..they want him incarcerated for at least 20 years.

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If they incarcerate him, a vigil should be established for the political criminal he has become.

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One of the simplest kernels of advice any doctor could give their patients and yet……crickets.

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Do you know any doctors who know more about nutrition than you do?

I'm lucky to have one that provides me with honest counsel when asked.

He hasn't had any reason to deny me an annual hr-CRP or 25(OH)D test along with the CBC and metabolic panels he always runs. When I asked for a DEXA test, he told me that I didn't have any indication of bone density issues, which meant I'd have to pay for it, but he was willing to order it.

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Did they do a study on adding K?

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Over 200 Scientists & Doctors Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19


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