If only we could locate a single spine among congressional leadership.

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If you protest, leave your smartphone at home or in a Faraday pouch.

Wear a mask.

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"We settle things at the polls." How about we "settle things"...at the banks? Clif High has suggested that if President Trump gets arrested on Tuesday, that we go to our banks and take our money out...

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I support Trump and will vote for him in 2024. The left is terrified of him because they know he can turn the country around very quickly 

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Dr. Paul- isn’t it abundantly evident that we have a “uniparty” and that the fix is in? Voting doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?

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Do I think this pending arrest is legitimate? Hell no! He has been and still is treated unfairly. Is the system really ‘broken’? Or did we just believe the illusion they fed us all these years. We now see what looks like ‘broke’ is in fact the way the system is designed. 1) elections are rigged 2) Trump urges protests--seriously?? J6 prisoners are abandoned and the ‘fix is in’. The goal is accomplished- even peaceful protesters will be thrown in jail as political prisoners, but only the ones who oppose the government narrative. And speaking of the government narrative, Trump still supports and boasts about about it. Warp Speed to destruction.

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My problem with Trump telling people to protest for him is, where was he for the J6ers. Right now our freedom is on the line, if people want to protest then do it for the right reasons, your freedom. I believe Trump is being arrogant to ask his supporters to go out on the street for him, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Of all the tyrannical things being done to us right now, Trump should not even be on our radar. Go out and protest for freedom and maybe even the J6ers, but please don't waste your energy on protesting for Trump. All that's going to do is get the left up in arms and arrest you, get arrested for your freedoms and against what the demon left is taking from us.

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Canadians, the only way to rid ourselves of Trudope is have a nation wide protest. On April 1 st DID NOT BUY ANY THING THAT HAS A "TAX' on it. Take the first week off work and call in with "tax sickness" Keep your children home from school with "tax sickness" Call your MP and tell them you have "tax sickness" and cannot return to work until ALL TAXES ARE ELIMINATED. ARE YOU WITH ME???

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Um, so what about Trump supporting the “beautiful” vaccines/gene line editing drugs? Is he not part of the problem? He can’t possibly be that in the dark. I think there is NO ONE from those kinds of powerful families that cares about any of us and they never have. It’s foolish beyond belief to think that Trump would somehow make things better and I say that as someone who voted for him and took tremendous flak from ‘friends’ and family for doing so. We need to insist on PAPER ballots and to really, actually choose our leaders, not fill in the box of some one chosen for us to be fed into a machine that just counts the votes anyway those in power want the votes counted.

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Careful not to step over a witch to bless a warlock.

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We will RESIST the corrupt great reset and take back America with Trump. 🇺🇸 MAGA

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I voted for Trump twice and will do so again if he makes it to the general election. Trump's economic, immigration and international relations policies were sound, rational and successful. The US was stronger, safer and more prosperous under Trump.

His fatal errors re covid resulted from listening to the wrong people - Fauci and Birx in particular. His initial thinking was correct. Then he deferred to the "medical experts" who were corrupt, wrong and steered the nation off the cliff. He allowed political pressures to cause him to doubt himself, and so he allowed the wrong people to set covid policy - to disastrous results.

He can be a total a-hole at times, makes some stupid remarks publicly, and is his own worst enemy. But paradoxically, he was an excellent president - infinitely better than ANY Democrat.

Trump cannot be corrupted, bought or subverted - as most Democrats and several Republicans are. Trump cares about the U.S. and wants it to be as great as it should be.

The only people who vilify Trump are (1) those who are corrupt traitors who view Trump as an obstacle to their corruption and criminal activities, or (2) who allow these corrupt traitors and the media to blind them to Trump’s value and adherence to the Constitution and Bill of Rights freedoms.

I want Trump as our next President. And Ron DeSantis as president the following 8 years.

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Last note, to Dr. Paul. We won't put Trump in office at the polls, they are rigged. He will be put in physically by the people. It is time to see how tough we are in other ways. War is coming. Don't be surprised, and don't hunker down at home. Hail Victory.

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If you EVER hope to see him in office again, we must surround DC with over 15M men, ready to help define the true meaning of insurrection. I will go.

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Beyond criminal, complete lack of ethics in the democrats party.The trafficking of the South American people,the Mexicans sold into servitude, the children into sexual slavery to these monsters, the elite who are evil,mentally ill,put no boundaries on their evil and debauchery. It's hard to even fathom,to even look at it and that's what their counting on.but we have too.those that are being victimized are dependent on us.Thats why we need Trump at the helm,He sees it,He knows who they are and I believe Trump will stop their That's why they need Him removed in order to continue their gravy train.

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Classic playbook stuff. Next step is to scream "the Reichstag is burning." Then, let the RINOs do a night of the long knives. Round up supporters of your political opponent. Flood the sreets with antifa and BLM. Declare martial law. Suspend the constitution, even though it's illegal to do so. Ban and confiscate firearms. Postpone elections for 10 years. Announce that Trump was shot while attempting to escape or found dead in his prison cell from two self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head while he was asleep in bed.

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