And this “balloon” that “accidentally” steered off course can enter US airspace over Alaska, then Montana and then over St. Louis (all strategic locations) simply by going with the flow of the wind that is out of “their” (China) control (claiming “force majeure”)? Do we need to leave a voicemail at NORAD?
And this “balloon” that “accidentally” steered off course can enter US airspace over Alaska, then Montana and then over St. Louis (all strategic locations) simply by going with the flow of the wind that is out of “their” (China) control (claiming “force majeure”)? Do we need to leave a voicemail at NORAD?
And this “balloon” that “accidentally” steered off course can enter US airspace over Alaska, then Montana and then over St. Louis (all strategic locations) simply by going with the flow of the wind that is out of “their” (China) control (claiming “force majeure”)? Do we need to leave a voicemail at NORAD?