Trump got roe vs wade overturned.He got the embassy moved to Jerusalem. He was almost done with the wall.Trump had us energy independent. He opened up dialog with Kim ,rocketman. He had a stockpile of gas and it was cheap.We didn't have inflation. We didn't have illegal immigrants flooding our borders, we didn't make cartels rich while selling children to pedophiles for sex.We weren't kicking veterans out on the streets to make room for illegals.A lot of who are fighting age Chinese men.

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The best thing about Trump is that the absolute lowest bottom-feeding psychopathic self-serving vile pond scum amongst the politicians, bureaucrats, and "intelligence" agency flunkies, and all the equally or even more monstrous ultra-rich oligarchs who own them and the corporate media, ALL hated him, and if that isn't the strongest possible recommendation, I don't know what is.

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You are truly known by seeing who is your enemy?

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I can't find a citation on the internet for the saying, "If you want to know a man, look at his wife," but neither can I believe that I invented it.

It must be so true (even allowing for the glaring and inevitable exceptions) that they sanitized the internet of every trace.

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I had never heard this expression---but now, 51 years into being 'his wife', and noting just lately, how frequently we have been coming out, within a split second, with identical wordings (usually 4 or 5 words--enough words, you would think, to allow variation)....I can see that long marriage may create a sort of mirror image of each other.

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Well done, Gordon.

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Trump is the only one who has * demonstrated * he can solve tough economic and international problems, And all the Crazies want to do is to put him in jail.

It's like a scene from the Dr. Strangelove movie. If the Bidenistas remain in charge, bend over and kiss your rear end goodbye.

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I think Kennedy would make a much better Attorney General than a V-P. How about Steve Bannon or Alex Jones for VP -- THAT would really shake things up!!]

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Can you say Melt Down! :-)

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“Get off the Trump…character assassination.” Right. It’s not “bashing” Trump to take a clear-eyed and objective look at the opportunity granted him in 2016 and how disastrously he screwed it - and us - up. It’s intellectually lazy and disingenuous to claim otherwise. You routinely demand capital accountability of Fauci, Malone, and many others - and yet not only pardon the man on whose watch their travesty commenced, but advocate a second chance for him. The man who co-signed their crap narrative, failed to “lock her up”, spent time Tweeting impotent crap, and failed to purge those that are persecuting and prosecuting him now. Yep, that’s sticking with a winner. For god’s sake, at least be consistent in your outrage. Subscribe to my Substack


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I doubt too many people want to subscribe to your Substack. Why would I want to read your garbage. You clearly haven’t been paying attention to what has been going on. You use other peoples platforms to push your platform. What a joke you are.

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I draw solace from the mockery of the ignorant as nothing so encourages the arrogance of intelligence as the arrogance of ignorance - and yours shines with Halogen luminescence. No platform is immune from such exploitation save for the censoring ministrations of others; every sentiment invites rebuttal, including this. The thing is, I’ve subsidized this substack with my time and money with what has proven an ill-founded degree of optimism that Dr. Paul would offer helpful suggestions on matters such as spike proteins and whether or not mitigating treatments of its effects had collateral benefit on other threats associated with the fax. I have posed these concerns to a chorus of silence. But when he has addressed any manner concerning the manifest legacies of Malone’s mess I have been nothing but appreciative. It is only when he goes so demonstrably out of lane and regurgitates color commentary found better expressed elsewhere that I challenge the effort. For time spent at any enterprise is invariably at the expense of another. Subscribe to my Substack


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Well I'm of the school that HITLER a ZOG zionist by birth as his mother is/was ashkeNAZI

Hitler was a rockefeller boy and agent of Rothschild bank, and brought to power by gates, bush, and hearst, & ford in the 1920's

Even his mein kampf, written in prison is said to have been largely composed by Rothschild London banking agents in his 'nazism' development, which like zionism, had been developed by Rothschilds in 1880's


The USA since 1600's was a UK london penal colony; Mostly debtors were sent to the new-world to be slaves, white slavery

That lasted 200 years then jewish traders bought kidnapped blacks and brought them to new world, that lasted 2-3 generations, seems like most humans born in slavery become less reliable as workers.

I certainly saw this as a kid, in Watts first generation mexicans worked their asses off and their kids didn't do shit but drugs & fuck, their point rightly was "My father broke his back for what? I'm sure as fuck not going to do that"


So then post 1871 UK made everybody in the USA "FREE", ok so its all an illusion, of course;

It even has a name post 1880's "British end of the british empire', usa was first to have home-rule agent managers on site, UK could no longer afford to rule the world from UK london;

So in 1871 DC was begat and became the managers of USA for UK;

What we have today is an illusion, why? Generally like all things it was an experiment, to see if all people were given 'freedom' whether their children would work hard?

I think it did work for one generation, but by 1890's people in urban USA were complaining about factory work, and same in uk

Seems that owners & workers always have this problem, owners want them to work, and workers want to complain;

Life was hard, but then Ford come along in 1920's and paid $5/day to build auto's and then everybody got rich, until it imploded during depression, but post WW2 for +40 years USA rebuilt the world, good times;

Then post 1990's back to 1890s all over again, but this time USA has no resources and the world no longer allows USA theft of world resources;

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Trump love is dogmatism, they're incapable of seeing failure in their orange-phallus, he is their baby-jeebuz, a man without sin;

On the other hand, Biden people can always defend Biden by pointing out that He's "NOT TRUMP"

Both camps are happy with their strategic thinking;


Trump is a narcissistic guy, who caters to narcissistic people, ergo its a circle jerk; Trump knows his base, in fact he's pointed out many times, he knows them better than they know themselves;

Biden people only care about the 'free stuff', and so long as it keeps flowing they don't care what Biden does or say's. Biden knows his base;


The real problem is the PARASITIC USA people; Well "Deagle Report" has that resolved to be a 90% reduction in USA population by 2025; Then maybe there will be a real democracy and maybe voting again in public buildings, or maybe post 2025, just a permanent dictator like Musk ruling the 'Technocracy' who knows; But the future will be NOTHING like what we have today;

ZOG wants all entitlements to END, and ZOG appears to want USA to be a dump ground for the worlds human garbage; The worlds largest penal-colony; If the elite can live on islands like Gates & Obama, and if the human-garbage can be kept in the city's, it might just work;

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You talk of democracy. Let's get real. The US was founded on the Führerprinzip. That's what the people believe in. The US has never been a democracy and is ot about to become one any time soon. Representative democracy is an oxymoron. Democracy cannot be representative. Democracy is not about voting to be represented by the lesser of a choice of assholes every four years. That's not what the Greeks invented. Democracy is direct, participatory. And even the Greeks didn't extend democracy to include women and slaves. Further, democracy may not be the best system anyway. It leads to tyranny of the majority. What happens when the majority are f-cked in the head, as may be the case now? What happens when the majority decide that if two species love each other they should be free to get married? What happens when the majority want to criminalize zoophilephobia or pedophilephobia? They were fi ewith the mandating of jabs. Why wouldn'tthey be fine with mandating sexual relations with dogs? A Penn State chemical engineering professor, most likely a Democrat, was recently arrested for having sexual relations with his dog. This could be the norm in the US in the future and then other countries will follow the lead of the US. The US has already threatened Uganda for rejecting US values and instead taking strong measures to try to stop child rape. The reality is that the US follows the Führerprinzip and the people believe in it. Follow the Führerprinzip. Somebody is going to be POTUS after 2024 and there are few realistic choices. Look at what's potentially on offer. Pence, DeSantis, Biden, Nikki Haley or Newsom. Vomit. Ask yourself, out of those who are realistic candidates, who do the neocon globalists hate most? Who did McCain hate most? Who does Romney hate most? Who do the Democrats hate most? Vote for that person.

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I think MUSK will anoint himself fairly soon, or if he plays his transhumanism cards right and sets himself up as the savior of his AI making, and Tesla cars that only take you where MUSK wants you to go; Musk-Ai that tells you want to think; ( Musk funded chatGPT in 2017 aka open-ai)

But post 2025 Deagle there will be so few people to manage, that most will bend the knee to Musk.


The Führerprinzip, meaning "leader principle," was a central component of National Socialist ideology, structure, and function after Hitler's release from prison. It was believed to be the ideal model of leadership and was the basis for the formal and informal workings of the party and state organizations.0 The Führerprinzip meant that "the Führer's word is above all written law" and that governmental policies, decisions, and offices ought to work towards the realization of this end.


Trump is not the FUHER you are looking for, be done with these old fucks;

demoRats will probably win, they are the 'free shit' party and the USA is a nation of parasites;


Thanks for mentioning prof-dog, I was following that story allegedly his job was stressful and he claimed that running in the woods chasing his dog with an uncovered butt reduced 'stress'; Recall that today in GERMANY that Bestiality is 100% legal and pet-fuck shops rent dogs 24/7 in store fucking, or take home, and its mostly women who would rather be fucked by well-hung dogs than cuck'd german men.


Regarding the warn out RINO vs demoRAT feud, I remind all that RINO's tend to be sodomites, and demoRats tend to like young pussy; Which goes back to conservative politics homo-men tend to have more money, ergo tend to be conservative; While procreate-rs tend to have less money, and more liberal in wanting GOV free-shit;


Forever the USA gov was group-a stealing from group-b per HL-Mencken, 'all elections are advanced auction of stolen goods'

Post 1960's with Vietnam War and USA flat-ass broke, nothing left to steal, so party politics starting pushing sexual stuff like abortions, and homo, pedo, ... to this day I call it "Genital Politics" where freedom is now defined as freedom to sodomize, and that is your only freedom. Per WEF Schwab "You own nothing and be happy ass fucking".

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All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.Thar means all.you too.All of the apostles sinned.They had anger.they were petty at times.non were perfect. Only Jesus was without sin.

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Well Dean it looks like you’re the idiot. Why would you follow someone you don’t agree with. I believe you’re a miserable person who seeks attention, good or bad it doesn’t matter to you. Just as long as you can get a ride out of someone. I suspect you don’t have a life. Maybe if you paid a prostitute you might feel a little better about yourself. I’m pretty sure it’s hard for you to attract a real woman. In any event when you have to use someone’s platform to push your Substack indicates you’re a special kind of loser.

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Anyone's past is a great indicator of their alliances and future behaviors. Kennedy, "Hope and Change" jr's past enlightens us to his deep state corporatocracy connections. Trump, MAGA as another 'Hope and Change" candidate, past is completely entwinned with deep state actors. He likes the limelight and prestige but can't be bothered with the details of the job. Both are compromised, controllable and controlled as the legal definition of chattel property. As for the rest they make me sick up in my mouth.

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If any contemporary election is about anyone's future, we better get used to being defrauded if we bother voting in them.

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Vivek Ramaswamy also seems to be a good guy. I am open to anyone that is for the betterment of our country. Rino's need not apply (Chris Christie, ‎Nikki Haley)

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WEFFER from nowhere, not born in USA, pharma businesses interests. Hmmm...

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I am a NO to anyone related to WEF

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This is new information to me, how can he run if not born in the USA?

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Obama managed it. Connections

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Anon of QResearch said it better: "Trusting a Kennedy is like believing that Elvis is Q."

He has a point. Personally, I find RFK Jr. to be, ostensibly, refreshing, charismatic, and avuncular. But anon has a point.

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