I'm sorry if this is off base, but you make me laugh which is good since my stress level is always at an all time high with this crap!! "shove your vaccine up your ass"!! Thank you for everything you do fighting for us who can't explain the medical and technical background of how bad these shots are.

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Yes, indeed. Dr. Alexander was one straight-shootin' medico as he told those stoopid provincial officials what for!!

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So, this was quick....today they lifted some travel mandates to tell you this.....Pf-uckers!!!!!!.......

"Trudeau’s health minister Jean-Yves Duclos says two-doses of the Covid vaccine “doesn’t work anymore.” The government is “transitioning” to a new definition of what it means to be “fully-vaccinated.”


Holy shit!! People need to stand up to this tyranny...do not comply.....

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Those bastards never give up, do they?!? Well, if there is ANY justice in this world, one of their own immediate family members may very well come down with some serious injury from the definitely NON-vaccine jab!!!

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Exactly. They have to drop the mandates for now because everyone who's 2 dosed became unvaxxed and would have to be fired or couldn't travel. They'll set a new deadline for the mandates in September or something due to science. They have doses that need to be used after all.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

Heard Trudeau bought 10 doses for each of us.....thanks, dad!! This is supposed to go until 2030!

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but if those doses don't get used quickly, they have to go in the trash

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Or they will attempt to do what they are doing in Italy - ie: instead of putting them in the bin they just lengthen the expiry date of the jabs. Funnily enough , a pharmacist spoke out this week and said that normally, in Italy, if they sell ANYTHING expired , they get into deep trouble. However, suddenly now they are allowed to use ( even push) , expired doses of the jabs. It's just so unbelievably bad that you couldn't make it up.

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but then they won't work! not that they work now

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Problem is - what will they do to someone's physiology. Even expired food can make you quite ill.

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Good point, Teri!

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God bless that pharmacist for speaking out! --- However, since they'll use them anyway, I hope the crap just becomes inert, Not more harmful.

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Disgusting!! And I doubt that many Canadians are even aware of all this (although I suspect that every day more & more ARE actually realizing what's been done to them!!).

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That's why the 2 doses is not enough announcement yesterday...now need 3 for fully vaccinated......if you threaten, they will comply.......

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Awww, wouldn't that be a shame. Be nice if they jumped in afterward. They're tyranny is expiring too.

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you mean canada is still only at two doses? i'm surprised that they are so far behind. isn't israel talking about a 5th?

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Shh, don't tell them.

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It will never end, will it?!? Suckers, line up for your weekly payment - oops, I mean, "jab!"

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Couldn't open the link Stella ? says tweet deleted 😌

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Wow.........probably because people lost their minds when they saw it......now I posted it on GETTR....so you can try thins link...let me know.....https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1536814380502990850/pu/img/_BMO37poKMvkJBk7.jpg

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Ok Stella - I opened the link but just get a photo of a man with True North in the upper right corner. and CPAC in upper left corner...? But that's all.. Never mind 🙏

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I know....try this one......https://twitter.com/TrueNorthCentre/status/1536814753825402884 🤞

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Thank you, Stella! I opened this link with that Canadian official solemnly proclaiming that the level of ordained/suggested "vaccines" and boosters are simply "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" What a POS politician!! People like that want to have a revolving door of jabbed & poisoned citizens that, in the end, might not live all that long & healthy after all!! And you can be damn sure that if HIS life depended on it, he doesn't know s**t about the efficacy OR the safety of the poisonous jabs!! Ask him what it does to one's immune system, and he'll have that "deer in the headlights" blank look of confusion....

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Remember, this can be over if we want it...DO NOT COMPLY...I think A LOT of people are angry right now and feel duped....a lot are saying they are not getting anymore...we shall see...what helps is to say what I say...."what was the point of the first two jabs? We are now both un-vaxxed"....then it's like a light turns on and they get mad....cue the revolution.....maybe this is what we have been waiting for to turn this thing on its head.......

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That works - thank you so much Stella 🙏 That is so shocking I'm just sat here, jaw to the floor. When will Canadians wake up and smell the roses. It's all so blatantly clear. Shout from the rooftops- this is an EXPERIMENTAL serum and you are all the lab rats. Read The pfizer reports (what hasn't been redacted) and also read up on the WHO attempt at a Treaty for World domination and then MAYBE Canada can start to understand the Mr Trudeau is nothing but a puppet of Klaus. Please please vote him out.

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Well, voting him out will be difficult...he called an election last Sept and won a minority govt, again....except a few months ago, the NDP aligned with his party and they formed a coalition...so unless something happens to break that up, he is in power until 2025.....also read somewhere that he has bought enough vaccines for 10 doses per Canadian and this will last until 2030, if they are not stopped...

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Yes, guess it's been deleted. I think I saw it earlier, but I don't remember what it said!

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THANK YOU DOCTOR ALEXANDER! My bf and I both lost our careers (I was able to retire after 23 years). He had a doctor’s letter stating he’s high risk for blood clots. The city denied (3) letters, each letter was denied due to “more information needed”. They denied his own doctor’s warning? He had a 17 year career he loved. GONE! For what? These “people” ARE monsters! Thank you for fighting for all of us! God bless your tenacity and strength.

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Although we've never met, Renee, my heart goes out to your BF and what he has had to endure!! I pray that justice will come to him sooner, rather than later, and that he will be happily employed in his chosen career, but perhaps with a different company or organization. What is not only so maddening in all this is that it's totally WRONG and VERY egregious!! And those who have administered this inhumane program of denial (at all levels) will one day get a taste of their own bitter medicine!!

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Joy, you are precious! Thank you so much for your understanding and love. It means so much for all of us. It can be rough “out there”, but it’s wonderful to know that there are still good, loving human beings that care. Thank you and may God shine His blessings on you.

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Renee, we are ALL meeting some wonderful and amazing folks "out there" who ALL have a story to tell!! And I more than appreciate your kind words - and, even more, your wishing God's blessings on me!! In fact, since all of this began, I thank God every day for my good health and (I cannot tell a lie!) my "feisty" attitude toward all of this "fear porn" that has been generated by so many evil people "in charge!" Actually, I'm not so much "angry" with my idiot friends who have swallowed the Kool Aid, but I rather feel sorry for them. There's MORE than a good chance that they may come to rue the day that they fell for the Gov't "con" and submitted to "the jab!!"

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We are not fully censored, yet.

Name the city, read the signatures on the denial letters. This helps when you come to court. You can be certain that "they" have all their documentation and your boyfriend's medical history in "their" files. Name names, shine the light.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

how horrible! i hope your BF will be able to reinvent himself. i also lost my seasonal job of 40 years without a word of goodbye or regret. there was no allowance made for any exemptions so i didn't even try. then in april the governor made such discrimination illegal in this state. too late.

my BF worked alternate weeks in NY on broadway shows and is considered a "grand old man" of NY theater, guest lecturer at Yale, revered by many. he retired rather than tell them the real reason he can't go back and face the derision of the very people who supposedly looked upon him as a father figure.

the real tragedy is the lost wisdom of creative, rebellious, free thinking people from our labor pool. do you want to go to a doctor who sees you as a person and takes your wholeness into account and thinks outside of the box? or do you want someone who stares at his computer screen and does whatever the CDC tells him to do? do you want a genius or an automaton? you may have to settle for the puppet because the great doctor was fired and had his license revoked. arguably, genius is difficult to control and i sometimes wonder if that was the point of this whole sorry enterprise.

i'm hoping the doctors (etc) who were cast out will make an alternate reality more real than our current false one.

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I switched to alternative medicine, Homeopathy. If it's good enough for the Queen of England, it's good enough for me. Talk about looking good for your age...

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oh, i only go to alternative doctors that don't take insurance. i pay everything out of pocket. that's why it made me especially incensed when those smug, superior vaccine pushing people called for us dirty, nasty unvaccinated people to be deprived of medical care since we were going to "swamp the healthcare system!" give me a break!!

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Me too. This whole situation is like an alternative, drug induced nightmare. I still can't wrap my head around it, even though I've known what dr fakesey is capable of since the 1980s.

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Wow Carolyn, that sounds about right! Commifornia and New York are on the same collision course! I find it such a sad LOSS for humanity, but I have unyielding faith in God our Father. If anything, all of this evil will wake up MANY! I think through pain, sorrow and suffering, the cross we bear, we may kiss one day. Evil wants us to be depressed, give up, lose faith. Instead, I shall wear the Armor of God and do His Will in the coming days. We MUST help one another and put out our hands to one another. I feel this is a major awakening for humanity. You and your bf, as us, will find our place, I have no doubt!

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i sure hope you are right! it is really hard not to get depressed and angry

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Oh, I’ve been very depressed and angry! MAJOR! My bf lost his career he loved, all his health benefits and his “security” for the coming years. I told him that losing what he lost is like a death…and it is! One must be gentle to one’s self and grieve the loss, not deny it. It’s REAL! Then move ON when ready and able.

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So glad you didn’t comply. God bless and protect you both.

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That sucks big time. How can they go to sleep at night. Am so sorry.

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All the honor to you Dr. Alexander.

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Crimes Against Humanity….

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If government employees are now exempt, there is precedent to eliminate the lethal injections for the entire population.

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Exactly! love the way you think. Let us all embrace the good pieces and amplify them instead of being down and negative. I appreciate all of us have those days/times but lets lift each other up, keep fighting and realize that love always conquers hate

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True, some days it’s a struggle, which reminds me that my dump truck full of woe is at capacity, so it’s time to take it and deposit it at Jesus’ feet. That’s what really is a great reset. Works every time.

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Exactly and let’s include everyone who’s been fired for not taking the cockamamie vaccine. No one should even be allowed to take that thing at this point. But who can stop it?

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I may be on a fool's trip here, but hope that there are enough Republicans, not rinorats, that are elected and actually do their jobs.

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God bless you, Dr.. Alexander!! You are definitely doing God's work here on Planet Earth, and the patients who have depended on you to actually protect and SAVE their lives will be eternally grateful!! I just wish that I had such a fearless medical fighter in MY corner if I really ever needed one (as do THESE victims of Canada's & Ontario's very insane and corrupt medical "officials!" These "officials" have definitely abrogated the trust that citizens used to have in them and now, sadly, continue to need!

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Same thing happened in Australia… Bill has his minions everywhere… it’s one thing to amass heaps of wealth by dishonest means.. it’s another to use that wealth to hurt others especially children.. the bible says to leave room for Gods wrath..

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Anyone that promotes a mandate is your enemy. What coop and Matt above say is on target. Dr. Alexander... go to Washington DC pound on the White House, Capitol and Supreme Court front doors and set those pompous globalist quislings straight! AS LONG AS A GOVERNMENT MANDATE EXISTS ANYWHERE THE THREAT TO EVERYONE IS A HEARTBEAT AWAY. Bring the fight to everyone that is a decision-maker, be it private or public, who promotes mandates. Make those &*#%era go on the defensive and wish they had never even thought about implementing mandates.

The US federal government is still promoting the Safer Federal Workforce Guidlines, which is a crock of CDC blather that brain dead zombie-crat (term applies to bureaucrats and Democrats but feel free to throw establishment Republicans in there too!) dutifully push out. Throw these servile fools out of thier jobs and prosecute as many as possible as quick as possible. Rub their noses in it!

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Start with mitch mc commie, and go down the senator list. Then start on the demoncrap.

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I like your strategy. I always make sure to include the establishment Republicans as being just as guilty as Democrats on issues of globalism.

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It’s a start but until all municipalities adopt the same stance permanently this isn’t over. I have to many friends that have either been fired or are still under the threat of being fired. Provinces have lifted the mandates but still leave it up to businesses and municipalities to come up with their own guidelines. Many are still choosing the hammer on the unvaccinated.

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Now these people have a precedent thanks to the work of Dr. Alexander and the tenacious and brave federal employee 💗 Please lets look at it that way-- everything starts with one step at a time.

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Unfortunately no one is interested in objectively looking at current evidence. In Hamilton where I live all they did was post pone the firings again. The new deadline coincidentally coincides with the city’s election ensuring that the decision will have to be made by someone else. Our current mayor is quoted saying that there needs to be consequences for anyone that doesn’t want it.

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As my comment above.

Name the mayor, he is a public figure. I am lazy but could find the name of your mayor with two clicks and some typing. It puts the name in our minds if he ((she or they?) runs for MPP or MP.

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Mayor Fred eisenberger.

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BUT... non vaxxed Canadians re-entering Canada will have to quarantine. Is that science?. Just the remotely working class (non vaxxed) will be able to do that. Think of truckers? nope. non-inoculated people who have to come back right away to physically attend work? nope. AND they still toot their horn about the outmost benefits of the shots. C'mon folks. Troodo is still vengefull and maks twisted lies to make us think he's doing Canadians a favor.

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Absolute disgrace! Good for you Dr Paul!

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Good on you dr A. But, surely you didn't use that language lol (shove it up...)

You are all fired up because you're so passionate about the fight. We are grateful to have you in our corner dr. Alexander.

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Nice Job!!!

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Dr. Alexander, I adore your passion!!!!! They should all shove the vaccine up their asses Tired of this crap too!!!

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