UKHSA has stopped collecting data. A few weeks ago 90% of hospitalised covid pts were vaxxed and 90% of covid deaths were vaxxed.

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because the data was devastating, showed the vax was killing.

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Yes, that is what I thought. Sadly, they are going after the elderly yo get jab four. I could cry.

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Giving kids 5-12 their first and those over 12 the 3rd here in Japan.

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Why?when the experimental biologicals don’t work. Sad

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My guess is that it has never been about covid. Covid is just the excuse to get this shot in to everyone’s arm.

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The science is settled: poison is poisonous. This is intentional planned mass genocide aka the "great reset" and we must BanPoison.com asap and arrest everyone involved in the WEF conspiracy!

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Everyone here in the UK has covid, but they stopped collecting data so who knows what is happening.

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Same in Canada and now govt is offering 4th dose to over 60's. Insanity

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I shudder to think what may happen this fall...and we have midterms coming up in the states...

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

I don't want to be to critical of the 'Science', or our anointed 'experts', but this graph suggests, to my untrained eye, that the 'two weeks to flatten the curve' strategy has fallen somewhat short of expectations.

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Sarcastic understatement?

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Dr Alexander look at this complete insanity! It's everywhere-bureaucratic gatekeepers all of them! Tell me if there are different entrance rules for say Swedes or Germans?? Total insanity! 3 vaccines in 9 months deems you unvaccinated according to French entry requirements for Brits. If vaxxed no testing required despite ample data that shows vaxxed do contract and spread the virus. https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/unvaccinated-uk-travellers-can-now-enter-france-under-facilitated-rules/

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For comparison, please always include a country that has seemed to reach herd immunity by relying on natural immunity (several countries in Africa), and also India which relied on traditional vaccines, namely Covaxin and Covishield. Also note, the Army's Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle (SpFN) platform is currently in human trials ( https://www.wrair.army.mil/node/657 )

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ok, I have now added India...

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I just don't get it. Here in Australia, everyone (almost) is vaccinated,,, we were all made to wear masks and social distance, but the cases went through the roof.

It's almost as if the 'vaccines', masking and 1.5m separation doesn't work?

I'm sure the health bureaucracy will be onto this and a new approach will be just around the corner...

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So these new lethal strains being produced by the vaccinated "WON'T" be a threat to the unvaccinated?

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Yes, they will, but maybe not as much

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Is there any truth to this?

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I say it is killing people and I even think they know...wont use term genocide...but I would say known and nefarious...we need to learn why and punish...

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

Dr Alexander if the vaxxed begin to understand what has happened - that they are are risk of getting sick and worse dying, there will be mass panic. I know of so many vaxxed, who have serious bouts of covid, very very sick and then they could get covid a 2nd or more time. Is there any information on this?

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"If the unvaxxed begin..." ?

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Thank you 😊

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Proposed H.R.6000 - Cures 2.0 Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) - ( https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6000/text ) and Summary ( https://degette.house.gov/sites/degette.house.gov/files/Cures%202.0%20Section%20by%20Section%20Summary.pdf ) Latest Action: House - 01/04/2022 Referred to the Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research ( https://www.congressweb.com/NPCA/legislators/committee/cmte_id/93/ )

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There is a section in here pro vaccine. This is just busy work. Meaningless garbage.

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Do you mean spending taxpayer money to advertise to themselves through radio and gas station commercials, media ads, bulletin boards, posters, and mailouts?

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I mean the whole thing.

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