PLOT💯 STAGED💯 push us into Chaos to forward the AGENDA!! We see THEM and MANY KNOW!!! I pray their scheme is thwarted by the POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Absolutely! Else, why NOW "get tough"...??? Cuz it's all been a play - "all the world's a stage" - and Ole Abbot's been playing his part to a "T"... Just like "our" Governor here in Wyoming - laying low until now, after his re-election, and NOW he's showing us who & what he really is, which is owned by the Fed & the Big Banks & the Big Corporations... Just like Kristi Noem in South Dakota.

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As I’ve said, before, most people don’t know because they haven’t bothered to do any research, but Greg Abbott is a member of the world economic forum, and I believe playing a role on the world stage to create division so they can bring in martial law

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I am wondering why Abbott isn’t even in Texas while all this is happening, he’s in India. Seems suspicious to me.

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What? How is that possible?

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Duplicitous hypocrite, Abbott is collaborating in setting the stage for the Predator Class’ would-be “Civil War 2.0” psy op (complete with a predictive programming Hollywood movie to underscore the point for the dim-witted).

The idea is to supply illegitimate criminal usurper, Johammad Talibiden, an alleged pretext for declaring martial law, federalizing the National Guard and CANCELING the 2024 election.

Gotta protect the virtuous democrats from the “insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists”, doncha know. Canceling elections and imprisoning dissidents is the only way to “save our democracy”.

Don’t fall for the transparently obvious psy op, gentlemen. By all means, follow Teddy Roosevelt’s advice to “speak softly and carry a big stick “. But hold your fire and keep your powder dry.

Expect orchestrated provocations from all quarters. Treachery abounds, especially from supposed allies like Abbott. Don’t give the absolute traitorous bastards the satisfaction of seeing you lose your cool.

Hold the line. Slow burn. Stand firm over the long term.

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I'm stealing Johammad Talibiden.


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You’re more than welcome to him...ice cream cone, adult diapers and all. What an absolute DISGRACE ‼️🤬

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Remove Traitor joe and #Reinstate45now

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I must ask why did he wait this long???

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Michael Yon has been broadcasting “Greg Abbott = WEF” on X ...

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Agreed, was a pathetic weak governor for too long; was in the pocket of Chamber of Commerce!

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It’s an election year. Everything has been designed to be executed now. Wake up! Of course things could’ve happened sooner but to what effect? Now is the time.

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What Gov. Abbott does NEXT is more important than what he hasn't done previously.

His January 24, 2024 letter was brilliant.

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Scare the American People? Civil war?

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Do you think they are doing this to keep everyone in doors like Covid? Mail in ballots all over again?

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Indeed. He screwed Texas by embracing the climate change dogma and forcing the gas companies to power their pipeline compressor stations with electricity powered by windmills rather than by the gas they were distributing through their pipelines. Consequently Texans froze and some died. But, his actions on the border crisis are a testament to the power of the will of the people. We can force these globalist communist bastards to change their minds and do the right thing if we can just band together with a common will and purpose.

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Nothing changes the minds of the die hard communists other than death.

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Unite to win.

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You are so right! He is simply taking orders from his sick masters. The heat is on and this move is supposed to quiet the alternative media down.

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Abbott has always been deep state. When he throws the dog a biscuit, everyone gets excited he loves them.

Texas is actually somewhat under Abbott quite lost. While rural and small town Texas is patriot dominated, the big city's of Texas are as gone as California as far as who controls.

And lest it be overlooked, every airport is a border as well as state to state open borders and federal bases.

My only glimmer of hope is perhaps Abbott has investments in energy on a personal level, like natural gas exports so as he fights for himself he will be fighting for Texas. Sort of like globalist Netanyahu that cares not a hoot for israel but forced to do right for Israel to keep out of jail.

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Outside of dereliction of federal border protect where states should seize control, the constitution does say the feds control the international border but not state to state borders. The way to protect state border without stomping on the fed powers is quite simple.

Don't put state troops and fences or walls on the international border. Let the feds keep it. But parallel maybe 300 yards erect a border inside the state. Basically cede 200 yards to the feds. Call it the Biden strip maybe. The state is secured and prevents influx from the Biden strip by any means needed.

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Good idea- The Biden strip- well maybe not.That is like ceding it to Mexico.

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You Take What You Can From A Guy.

A Guy Like That.

What He Has.

And Then You Fight With Him To Take More.



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