In your list of people you want prosecuted you did not mention Bill Gates and Faucci by name - why? I presume they were covered in the “et al” but I contend those 2 should be first and up in lights. Why? - because they were “TRUSTED VOICES” and they knew it, so they played the game for all it was worth, buying up shares in big pharma, getting paid gigs to sprout their evil “safe and effective” filth, which led to God only knows how many lives lost and ruined by jab injuries at the hands of these 2 alone!

Yes - these 2 should be the first tried in court. The sentence should be for “murder most foul” of millions of people - intended and deliberate!!!There can be no coming back from that!!!

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Agreed!!! The first 2 stripped. Publicly humiliated, read the long list of their crimes then hung till death. May God have mercy on your souls, even though you showed no mercy to others, we will return the favor in kind.

Then comes bob. These criminals must be served

No Mercy!!

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Btw SusieJoy I like your passion!!

Good to know others are still as upset as I am over the whole scam.

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"Why don’t you drop the paywall and let the public comment on your substack?"

Excellent point. Anyone who does not allow open comments has something to hide.

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He has the same articles on GETTR and there the comments ARE OPEN..... ENJOY!

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Not to hide so much as make you pay for the privilege of exposing them!!!

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Then he will block you.

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Exactly, this con / grifter of a man, only wants to interpret things his way. Never sharing any info that has not already been made public knowledge. Shutting down or falsely accuse anyone who challenges his anylysis . Now he will be an actor in his new endeavor. Not to worry, he will be the best actor and will know better than any actor out there how to act. He certainly had plenty of practice through the Covid debacle! See, Bob knows best!

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Give 'em hell for all of us... thank-you, Dr. Alexander!

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Paul and all,

You all are doing a GREAT job proving these vaccines have done more harm than good and should be stopped before DISEASE X is released!

What is it going to take to stop the vaccines in the USA?

When does this end for Americans???

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AND AUSTRALIANS - we too are under the evil thrall of WEF WHO UN etc and have a PUPPET GOVERNMENT just like BIDEN!!!!

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I really doubt that it ever will end. The part that few people talk about is how the sale of vaccines, drugs, medical devices, and PPP money was in essence a type of money laundering. I included one link for consideration, but the depth of corruption is deeper than whale poop! 💩 The entire scamdemic emergency shifted money to elitists and criminal enterprises: https://nypost.com/2021/06/10/half-of-unemployment-money-during-pandemic-may-have-been-stolen-report/

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This mess we find ourselves in is because of us…

It will be up to The People to fix this for future generations!

I am one who believes we ARE going to win!

Why? Because I work with the best!

Join us!

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Malone has a biowafare known background over many years. Ot was revealed here on SS.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Not only has Malone tried to SHUT UP professionals talking science, but he wants to CENSOR all of us by means of his argument that Mass Formation Psychosis is something real (when it is only a weak theory at most).

For instance, the first thing Robert Malone did when he had a huge platform on the Rogan show was push the idea of MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS. And Malone sued those who questioned his use of that term. I certainly think the MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS mumbo-jumbo has a purpose to blame the victims of these plandemic crimes for any problems that arise in society and social interactions and cooperative attitudes (which the authorities expand to include TOTAL COMPLIANCE with authorities and their narrative).

I see an unfortunate pattern taking shape since more of these overnight alternative media faces (like Jordan Peterson? and Tucker Carlson) are recently dominating the alternative media. AND most of them drop this term MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS as if it is a concrete reality and not just a mere theory or model about the behavior of humans under duress. Treating this theory as if it is unquestionable tells me that something is rotten among the users of the term. Because that concept is a suspect one, because it characterizes ALL of us little people as dangerously weak and empty-headed in a crisis, as if the problem is arriving out of us rather than the situation and how the authorities running fear-porn campaigns to affect us, nudging people into anxiety and reactive states, and even scripting the most extreme and bigoted positions -- like many talking heads on our screens from the head of the CDC (Walensky) to TV talk show hosts insisting in chorus that the C19 Pandemic was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- thereby demonizing the unvaccinated.

The upshot of a weapon like MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS is that it helps authorities take the high ground and claim the populace is so mentally weak in a crisis that the ONLY source of decision-making should be the ruling authorities, even to the point of censoring opposing views, labeling those views "misinformation and disinformation". NEVER forget that Robert Malone jammed open the door on this and has kept his foot in the door ever since!

Every time the Overlords claim there is an "emergency", they will fall back on this Malone-pushed theory that claims humans are weak-minded by nature (rather than victims of mind-altering propaganda and fear-porn programs by the Deep State).

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There you have it - we are an experiment in “mind altering programs” and “fear porn” programs. The government / military wanted to see just how far they could push us for the REAL PANDEMIC that they have prepared and waiting for us. It’s called Disease X. Look into the archives I think you can find traces of DISEASE X (unless they’ve wiped it) as far back as 2016!!!!

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Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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You, to Malone: "You are a nobody to me, nothing…"

🤣 Ha! How can you make such a preposterous statement, Paul, when you clearly have a huge investment in him, ranting about him almost daily?!! 🤔 😎

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Is there a way to demonstrate whether or not a person's been shotted? Is there a medical test available?

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Apparently there is - as it shows up in the blood analysis. But the experts in this field (Marie Zee Judy Malcovich etc) are saying they can no longer tell the difference between a C19 jab blood and a C19 unjabbed person, which has led to conjectures of this stuff working it’s way into unjabbed blood by way of:-

1/ shedding

2/ all other jabs including antibiotics tetanus Vit B12 etc

3/ blood transfusions

4/ transplants

5/ our drinking water

6/ our food

7 / transdermal cosmetics, toothpaste, mouth rinse etc

8/ by air via chemtrails etc

9/ infused in clothing textiles footwear etc

10/ medicines

11/ vitamins

The list of infusing into the body is as far as the imagination can take you, for how it is getting into even unjabbed bloodstreams.

We are dealing with the biggest CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY SINCE TIME BEGAN !!!

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Paul and all,

While you are busy playing politics instead of staying in your lane fixing medical problems…your lane of expertise…what do you think The People should be doing?

I think all that can should be participating in SOLUTIONS, yes solutions since we are into 4 shameful years of a war on humanity and 2 completely wrecked elections…and no wins!!!

Have you all lost your minds! Go look in the mirror for blame…

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP! Serious wins take serious We the People!!!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

You want…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Paul and all,

What are all the doctors and health professionals, scientists, all COVID19 whistleblowers and all their like minded colleagues doing to… STOP THE VACCINE?

Are you working together YET?

How much longer does humanity have to wait???

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Don’t you understand Paul is doing his bit. People like Malone will plead their innocence til they day they are justifiably swinging!!! There is no “working together” with these people!!!

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Thank you for your comment!

The good health professionals and scientists have NO expertise in fighting a serious war!

Why did several of them leave their lanes of expertise of medicine playing in the political lanes?

What are 2 necessities to win, STOPPING ALL VACCINES?


Serious strategic Leaders to follow whose expertise is war AND winning?

What happened?

They forgot to FOLLOW the advice of serious strategic planning leaders?

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I must say... this was a highly satisfying post to read.

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Malone THOUGHT he would step out and manage the narrative. Manage the people. What were the words he used? The psychiatrist that kept showing up in gov business to install himself? Oh, mass psychosis. Blame everything on the people and not the evil that walks among them. Hear tell Malone going to speak at a “conservative” pac. I don’t question the conservative attendee’s, I question the PAC!!! Malone thought he would be a savior. Of what? He isn’t a Dr McCullough that put everything on the line for humanity. Or an Alexander that had to hide for life. Not him. He stepped center stage amazingly. Not a hair damaged......

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Just keep on trucking - as most of "We The People" are not always in the know of all your medical insider language - but slowly & surely I start to comprehend, that Robert Malone qualifies to be called a real PSYCHOPATH.


Psychopathy means a human being is secretly driven by living FEAR - completely invaded by stealth FEAR from the own hidden past - and therefore totally dependent for success on his/her perfect & highly professional CAMOUFLAGE for survival.


And they can be world-champions in camouflage - ONLY THEIR FINAL PRODUCTS SHOW THEIR REAL INTENTIONS - "by their fruit you will know them" is what JESUS of NAZARETH taught us on those real Psychopaths.


So the concentration on irrefutable PROOF, PROOF & PROOF - on their committed CRIMES that are mostly well CAMOUFLAGED - will identify each & every real Psychopath beyond any doubt.

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I am glad to hear these Canadian docs and McCullough want to debate him.

He is clearly a coward.

Go good docs!

Thank you for your calling it out dr Alexander!

You have the biggest stones as you say. Lol!!

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This is just awesome! Thank you, Dr. Alexander.

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