To add to Cicero's quote regarding traitors, Dante thought they were the worst of all sinners, and he dropped them in the very pit of hell alongside Satan in his famous work. Traitors destroy trust, and societies unravel without it.

Western governments have declared war on their citizens, an absolute betrayal.

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Great post, Dr. A - you're on fire these days!

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School shootings and gun laws are wedge issues demorats use against the gop. They refuse to pass a bill for school safety, because it gives the gop a win. That's what we're facing here - not real solutions, but posturing, grandstanding and campaigning. The gop needs to stand up and fight back to save our rights and our country.

How condescending is no nads is in his comments about women? We are not weak or incapable of protecting ourselves and our families.

My ancestors were pioneers and farmers who made homes in the midwest, and then the very rugged west. Real men and women, not what demorats call men and women. I am not stupid, or incapable of defending myself.

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The school shootings are planned and on purpose. They will continue until the guns are gone. This was written about quite a while ago, it’s not a secret plan.

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I’ll give my gun up, but “business” end only.

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Same here!

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Great, principled thinking here Dr. Paul. Thank you. You know what they say: “God created Man. Sam Colt made them equal.” Oh, and one more: “taking away guns from the law abiding is like taking away your car keys because your neighbor got a DUI”

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Guns don’t kill people, people do. We need to go back to the root of the problem! Why are people using guns to kill innocent children in their schools?!? Del Bigtree asked a really good questions… does it come back the Pharma products?

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These same politicians who want to strip away our 2A rights are also heavily invested in gun and ammo manufacturing. Take Northam for example. . .

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Studies are BS! They’re cowards

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Absolutely right! We all have very strong emotions when we see children hurt and wish to do something, anything to stop another tragic gun event, but do not be fooled or let then adjust the 2a at all. It was written very clearly for these very purposes and its the only thing standing between us and Canada or Australia. Harsher penalties for anyone committing any crime with any gun and crack down on crime will deter more violent crime. These past two years have taught me that a govt can go out of control, and I can lose my freedoms under an executive order. Do not be misled by terms "weapons of assault" which could include any semi automatic.

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Very good I approve this message except for the formalized training. But that's ok, I still approve.

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With all due respect Dr.Alexander, teen insurance for driving is expensive for a reason. They are not ready to be safe drivers. The insurance industry has the data to set those premiums. So teens cannot be trusted with guns either.

If the military is giving weapons to 18 year-olds without proper background checks, training, that is very dangerous too.

We need to address root cause of violence instead of arming everbody to the teeth.

Switzerland has a lot of guns but they have common sense gun laws, unlike the US.

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Thanks much for this sharing, but here is the point, the military trusts 18 year olds with their proper training e.g. in boot camp etc, to be able to handle a weapon...we never ever said own a weapon with no training...the wolf has entered Switzerland, I am sure you follow the news...soon they will need those very guns you mentioned...no one should have a weapon if not legal or trained...and use the laws already on the books...and consider the devastation of the lockdowns on mental health in already troubled young people...and the excess drug use and prescriptions and all of that....no one says arm everybody. If you do not yet see it, you will understand at some point why the founders were brilliant with the 2nd and placing it under the 1st, it is there to protect the first and rogue governments. Women must have the right to bear arms and use it once trained...an 18 year old is considered an adult. if we barred them from access, little by little, that age will be raised and then you will not be able to exercise your 2nd amendment right

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