Fear porn from the global warmongers.

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I don’t believe anything the “authorities” report anymore and certainly not any health authority recommendations.

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Why do they disinfect the streets? Do people in China lick the pavement? Can car tires get infected?

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Is the possible swine flu case in an Englishman, Scotsman, Welshman...or an illegal alien?

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50 cases!!! Fuck, lock this mutha down!! Develop a new saviour "vaccine" before we all suffer a "dark winter of death." 50 cases my ass. So sick of this shit. Who the hell cares?! Life's a gamble. Suck it up and get on with it.

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sad to say the allopathic medical profession has been under the spell of pharmakeia for hundreds of years and remains terminally tainted

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Omg, do they ever stop with the gaslighting, now they gotta start killing off all the pigs so we don't catch anything, ffs, Im so over this shit.

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Gee, it's *almost* like there's a hugely critical election where the bad guys are behind in the polls, just around the corner...

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time for another safe and effective quaccine developed in warp-time (6 weeks) and tested on 8 mice …. sounds reasonable. the alternative is: quarantine camps

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Bullocks. I smell a false flag.

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Cross the swine flu with avian flu. This time pigs might fly.

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Gates is the government and the media is their messenger. As Tucker so well said recently, trust your gut.

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I don't have much doubts that these pneumonia outbreaks are related to the irrational and delusional mass vaccination. It's the best explanation I can find so far. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche was right. He predicted all these troubles happening and we ain't seen nothing yet.

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Another crock of nonsense designed to start a new wave of fear and panic. Will this finally become the new Co-V3 talked about by the Chinese in 2007? I hope so so that I can dismiss another fake pandemic before it grows into a full blown pack of lies.

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Are we back in 2009? With the same "vaccine"?

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The photo is blurring the car plates, with a reason..old photo.

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