Remember Swine flu? What a lying crock of shit that was? And the dangerous vaccine which the FDA actually put a stop to? How about SARS and MERS? Two more bullshit flash-in-the-pan fraudemics they tried but which went nowhere? Finally the WHO criminal syndicate got some traction with the "Covid" Scamdemic and consequently we've been through three years of Hell on Earth with no end in sight!

Do I have to remind you? Bolshevik-level curtailments of civil liberties, ludicrous and useless restrictions on travel, destruction of medium and small businesses, mass unemployment, hyperinflation is on the way, Orwellian "vaccine passports" and the die-offs thanks to Dr. Fraudci's Poison Death Shots are starting to be truly alarming. It's been lie after lie upon lie after lie! -- And after all this, you publish this post accepting at face value their latest bullshit scam about "Bird Flu"? -- another monumental fib which they've been trying to terrify the gullible with, for how many decades now? How many times do these rapacious, monumental bastards call "Wolf!" before humanity starts to "get it"?!?

Forgive me, Dr. Paul but...

"Bird Flu"? "The WHO"? 🀯


Give your head a shake!! πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ€¬πŸ’©

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RH, you are on the right track, I believe. I think if there was a real bird flu, that big pharma would have invented, at the minimum, a fake vaccine to sell to all those poor birds. A billion birds at $10 a shot...right up big pharma's ally.

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Let's see now.. Pearl Harbour. The overthrow of Iran's Prime Minister Mosaddegh in 1953. The assassination of JFK. The Gulf of Tonkin incident. The assassination of RFK. The assassination of MLK. The Kent State Shootings. The Energy Crisis of 1973. The Patricia Hearst Abduction. The October Surprise. The AIDS fraud. The murder of John Lennon. Waco. The Murrah Building Explosion. The Columbine High School Shootings. 9/11. Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction. The invasion of Afghanistan. 7/7 (Aka The London Bombings). The Russian Collusion Fraud. The Christ Church Shootings. The attempted phoney pandemics mentioned above...

Mindblowing, isn't it? To come to understand that every major historical incident since at least December 7, 1941 was based on a fraud, a false flag, or the endless repetition of outright lies that in hindsight, were all pitifully obvious.

"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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"You appear to have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck."

- The average punter

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Anyone that pathologically stupid deserves what happens to them. Trouble is, you and I are going to have it happen to us too..

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I beg to differ. It seems to me to be a realistic possibility that this will lead to renewed international and domestic travel bans, lock downs, school closures, social distancing, masking and forced vaccination. Dr Alexander was right to bring these two cases to readers' attention. I wish I shared your faith in the bureaucrats and politicians to not overreact on the basis of scant evidence but sorry Roy, I just don't.

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That's not what I'm saying at all "AwakeNotWoke": -- What I'm saying is "Get ready for 'Covid-19 Scamdemic V. 2.0' " this time with forced "vaccinations", mass arrests, civil asset forfeitures and concentration camps.

And the morons are so f***ing stupid they will of course, swallow it whole.

PS What precipitated my comment was the impression that Dr. Alexander believes this rubbish.

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Great post Capt Roy

As long as the brainwashed sheeple kneel before the altar of the germ theory and all of its ridiculous iterations, the world will constantly be fed stories of β€œgain of function”, β€œpathogenic viruses”, β€œmutating viruses”, β€œbarbaric jabs being safe and effective”, and will do whatever they’re told to do by β€œexperts” who know what’s good for them.

Until the shift in knowledge eradicates the belief in that antiquated story, we will continue to see this horror show repeated and repeated and repeated.

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The largest single Red Pill I have ever taken was Wade Frazier's monumental website "A Healed Planet." I strongly recommend the reading and re-reading thereof. All 1,800 hardcopy pages of it. In these dark times I particularly draw your attention to his "The Medical Racket" and "Medical Dark Ages" quotes.

β€’ "A Healed Planet" - https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm

β€’ "The Medical Racket" https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

β€’ "Ralph Hovnanian's 'Medical Dark Ages' " Quotes https://ahealedplanet.net/mdaq.htm

PS Some more than honorable mentions:

"The Real Anthony Fauci" - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"Turtles All the Way Down" - Anonymous (and understandably so)

"A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)" - https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

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Absolutely great post Roy, I’ll add this that I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again:

People need to do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

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It's such a shame Stefan Lanka was discredited. Things could be so different.

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That would never have happened. By the way, have you started to notice how co-opted and slanted your search results are starting to get? I could find nothing useful about Stefan Lanka until I went to "https://freespoke.com/"

Take the time to watch this: "Forget DEAD Internet: WEF & Google are DELETING It" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWhzHECM9is&t=132s

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I am sick of the threats of "avian flu", what a crock of ... One child whose father was found infected and was asymptomatic? The germ theory I studied declared that asymptomatic people were not contagious. And . . . how was the flu determined? a PCR test? The worthless PCR test? I find nothing here to worry about, except the willingness of the medical profession and the government to lie.

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"Bring out yer DEAD!" (CLANG!) "Bring out yer DEAD!" (CLANG!)


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"I'm not dead yet."

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"Yah well you will be soon -- you're very ill!"

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They tested using the PCR

Where’s the evidence this death was from avian flu ??

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good question, had same myself. PCR is a process to amplify DNA etc. yet if used right, can it be of utility? I think a good question too, such that they took something and cycled beyond 24 for COVID knowing it was only viral dust and old coronavirus and recovered and not indicative of present or infectious or lethal COVID. what say you?

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Keri Mullis before his mysterious death was emphatic that his invention should never be used as a diagnostic tool...


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His death was "convenient."

He died in August 2019, just a few months before the plandemic.

Was Fauci or Bill Gates in the neighborhood?

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I often wondered if they used the heart attack gun on him.


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You are absolutely correct

Yet nobody seems to care and will swear they β€œgot Covid” because they β€œtested” positive.

The populace are walking morons I’m sad to say

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Will this be a good reason for these criminally insane psychopaths to kill off the chickens at the same time as a bit more people culling. Two birds with one stone! Though I noted that H5N1 is more prevalent in migratory birds but that won’t stop them. Guard your hen houses the foxes are closing in.

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Omg. How can these viruses come one after another and another??!! It’s like someone is spreading this stuff intentionally!

How convenient. A virus that can kill chickens ( or we have to cull them) when their eggs give us immunity and help against covid!!!

It’s sure seems like someone is trying to do us harm!!! Including our own governments! This is crazy.

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BINGO. Move to the head of the class!

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Check to see if Bill Gates was in the neighborhood.

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I suspect that her father, who tested positive but was asymptomatic, was either a false positive, or that he also got the virus from the chicken, and most likely not from his daughter. I doubt that the virus is spread from human to human. But, even if it can be spread human to human, I highly doubt that it will have anywhere near the 50% death rate that is being floated around. I suspect it would be less than 1% death rate, and that person to person transmission would be very rare. However, if gain-of-function lab research is done on this virus, I guess it is within the realm of possibilities that it could become very transmissible from human to human, but even if that was the case, I still don't think it would be much more than 1% death rate. And, likely would be treatable with ivermectin.

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I agree, not human to human, we have no evidence. I will update it now with your input. good work.

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You're accepting at face value a report delivered by a cabal of rapacious, proven pathological liars. You're accepting at face value this report, after three years of Hell on Earth? The World Health Organisation is a criminal gang, it should have been stopped decades ago, its assets seized, its principals arrested and held to account.

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Excellent!! That should be the response to anything coming from the media or US govt:

"You're accepting at face value a report delivered by a cabal of rapacious, proven pathological liars."


They are simply laying the propaganda groundwork for the next psyop!!

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You're welcome to use that phrase anywhere you like. It's sort of like Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon's comment that I've adopted: "Those of us who understand Covid-19 and the injections were nothing but a scam designed to profit from pre-meditated mass murder."

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What test was used to detect the presence of this virus? What is the reliability of these tests? I certainly hope it was not the PCR test. I think these questions need to be answered before we begin asking any more questions. We've been scammed once with bad tests. Let's not make the same mistake twice by relying on testing of dubious quality.

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I don't know about you, but I wouldn't trust any of these f***ers with the time of day, let alone the down-payment on a free lunch -- and never mind a burnt-out match.

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Just in time for Pedo Joe to sign the new WHO amendments.

Lockdowns coming.

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I agree. As far as I'm concerned, they can call all of these new viruses "wolf!"

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Pretty sure Geert was talking about this happening some time ago....πŸ˜•

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The CDC was transparent in a webinar yesterday that this avian flu is not effective in mammalian cell infection.

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They're as vicious a gang of criminals as the WHO.

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Notice the father was asymptomatic. Whether you believe in viruses or not, unique genetic material can be found in people with symptoms and people without symptoms. This is key. The presence of the genetic material can only result in symptoms in vulnerable people with immunosuppression. We need to do everything we can to make the vulnerable look like those who are not vulnerable. Injecting something into healthy people to create antibodies that can only react to the infection while simultaneously ruining the cellular protection of infection will be a complete disaster. The covid shot is trying to teach us this lesson. Will we learn?

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H5N1: Governments should invest in vaccines for all flu strains, says incoming WHO chief scientist


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They can all give themselves a triple dose first since they're so bloody keen.

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The real "stuff" is only for we the people the unwashed masses. Agape

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β€œInvest” in vaccines. Oh my. What a never ending money grab by these avaricious psychopaths!!

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"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

What blows me away? Even after three years of the patently obvious fraud of the Scamdemic, the power grab, the money grab, people starting to drop like flies from The Poison Death Shots, is that even now, the vast majority of the Bluepilled Pinheads will suck it up, just like it's their mother's milk.

John Wayne was so right: You can't fix stupid, no matter how you try.

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So, from which biolaboratory and in which country was this H5N1 'leaked?'

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50% mortality? Based upon what exactly? Only known clinically tested cases, right? How many undiagnosed self limiting cases have there been? 1, 10, 1000? Wasn't the same mathematics used to erroneously figure a 3-5% mortality rate regarding COVID-19? Incomplete data captain. Also, we can only speculate the pathogenicity should there be a recombinant version which may be spread through aerosolized droplets human to human. Many of our current circulating influenza virus's jumped the species barrier at one time or another with very different end results. And yes, IVM, HCQ, zinc, (see ionophores) Vitamin D, etc., should most certainly be efficacious in mitigating this virus. It is ,after all, of the segmented, negative-strand RNA genomes requiring an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of viral origin for replication.

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