Bobby/Malone don’t scream for us to have open/free access to ivermectin. 🤔

Has Bobby ever sued big pharma for anything ? He has sued everyone and their dog. But seriously has he ever sued a pharmaceutical company? If so ….I don’t remember hearing about it.

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Nope. Cannot seem to recall that bad ass Malone case against Big Pharma or the failing gov regulators... Do however, remember the Malone defamation cases to chill free speech being dropped with the judge asking why Malone should not be forced to pay the costs for Dr Jane Ruby and the Breggins... Guess he had priorities with hiring lawyers

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Jane Ruby ? You seen her followers ? "Malone's eyes are too close together". Real. By their followers ye shall know them".

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To sue pig harma successfully he must have a valid, legally enforceable cause of action otherwise his case will be dismissed and he will be ordered to pay costs.

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And the reverse….. Bobby has been bashing vaxxes/big pharma for a long time. How come they never sued him to shut him up?

Actuality… has he been distracting from bashing big pharma? I think he actually bashes the FDA/Fauci instead?

Hmmmmm…..interesting when you think about it. 🤔

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Suing him would give him publicity.

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I wondered why Robert Malone came out in the beginning, and said that the mRNA shot was dangerous and would kill and or disable everybody by weakening their immune system so bad, causing cancer and other diseases, and then I turned around and he changed his tune to the big wigs in Congress? I never did understand that. I just thought he must’ve been bought off. Money speaks louder than honor in this case.

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Now you've done it.

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He's afraid of discovery is why he does not sue you for defamation in a lawfare suit to shut you up Paul.

And of course you know that.

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Truth is a bitch

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How can one man be so based?

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Somehow I missed that Malone had said in late 2021 that jabs had helped. I saw him in June’21 warning against them which led to my already personal confirmation to not get the jab. So I thanked him for that and followed him until the Breggin lawsuit.

I saw he was the first speaker at the Romanian conference along with Dr. Cole. I hope that doesn’t mean he is also suspect? Or for that matter

Any of the others? Murdering most of humanity is so evil and to think most of those with any say-so are involved is disturbing whether covertly or overtly. All for profit, power and control or holding onto what they got. Most of our govt seems on board too. No conscious, no soul. Also it means they all consist of those awful DSM diagnoses of sociopath, narcissist, psychopath....

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COLE is definitely "suspect"...he shut down that ASTRID doctor to keep her from disclosing graphene hydroxide in the shots...

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He’s getting less & less invitations to Freedom Conferences & Summits. So, thankfully, people are figuring him out. Ha! Ha! Maloney. Your stupid “sexy” spoof in Mikki Willis’ documentary “The Great Awakening”, got axed. LMAO! I didn’t understand why Mikki made that scene in the first place. But glad he’s figured you out for the fraud you are. You’re being ghosted by the freedom movement & that is a positive thing! Good riddance glutenous fake.

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Thank you for this. Brutal, honest, brave. Gotta read Malone's latest article, "Who are Drs John Mascola..." We shall know them by their fruits. Who is throwing mud and sowing discord?

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He’s the best at that . & nobody sees his hypocrisy?

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Have you had a chance to look at Sage Hana's post today? "Expert #3". He shows two video clips where Malone tries to shut down discussion of possibility rNA could transfect (?) and alter our DNA. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/here-is-your-expert-3-two-clips-of

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Malone might have tried to shut doen that discussion because he is sensitive to vaccine opponents being labelled ignorant whack jobs. Now, it looks like integration may soon be proven. It didn't look that way before. It still hasn't been proven yet.

Kevin McKernan, the genomics scientist who made the discovery of DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines, says of the paper purportedly proving genomic integration: “It’s still an important paper but it will be easily critiqued by the jab jigalos.”

"McKernan says further testing is required to confirm genomic integration.

“It’s important to get evidence of integration which contains human DNA - spike DNA. If you just amplify and sequence something spikey, you haven’t really proven integration.

“They really need genome sequencing to see genome DNA fused to spike sequence so we can know this sequence isn’t some RNA artefact, but in fact a genomic integrant.

“It’s still an important paper but it will be easily critiqued by the jab jigalos.”

Evidence of mRNA vaccine genomic integration? A rapid response to emerging research, from three leading voices


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Not yet, & thanks for the link .

& the comment section there feels like family , a little bit

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Yes, Malone Malhotra and many others, who have now come around, were on the wrong side of history when the pandemic first hit. And, most of us have forgiven them. Similar to how Dr. Alexander is still on the wrong side of history as it relates to Israel's war in Gaza. When Dr. Alexander finally comes around to the right side on that issue, many of us will forgive him too.

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I don’t believe for a second it was a surprise attack??

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True dat!👍🏻

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Oh what, I take a few days off, where my last conversation on this platform was a polite debate with someone over scum ConOp Maloney and come back to see he's suing someone else now? I did wonder whether I should just keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself but no, he needs to be exposed. No more being silent and turning a blind eye.

PLEASE do keep exposing him. We need these frauds exposed and taken down. My concerns with Controlled Operatives is they are put in place clearly to control the oppositions narratives "on the other side" because its how they play their war games, controlling both sides while taking down the system and replacing it.

My concerns is that he is setting up a supposed new and better corporation similar to The WHO thats supposedly going to be "safe and effective" when in fact its still "them" running the show. People are so gullible and will think we are in better hands. BUT, we will be jumping from the fat into the fire. Dont forget, its their specialty - Klaus Schwab proudly gloats they have infiltrated every government, every department, every corner of the globe. That includes ConOps like Maloney placed into the opposition and run his SCAM. They use this method with all their resets.

I totally agree that he should accept some challenges and do some debates to prove contrary to what we believe beyond reasonable doubt and not use the justice system as a weapon like he did with the Breggins. Which is cruel financially and emotionally. But, that too shows the sort of SCUM he is to do it this way. A genuine man standing for truth and freedom does not do this to people unless the intent is both hide behind it remaining silent and to destroy using the so-called justice system as a weapon instead of his voice through debates. Note its also possible that even though the judge threw out the Breggins case, that the total suing thing is staged. Where those who are a threat to the ConOps will do this to put the financial and emotional strain on them which takes them out of the game. Let them suffer while its going through that BS legal process then drop it. Oooh, better take my tin foil hat off. That IS an assumption and I mean no disrespect to the judge in this case but cant help but wonder. Its happening here where I live, not the USA. All the truthers at various protests get arrested. Get put through hell, have restrictions put on them pending their hearing, it gets delayed and delayed, then its just dropped. Many end up in debt from the costs and emotionally broken.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Malone has always wanted all the credit and none of the paternity. One should subscribe to his substack if only to witness the conjoined twins of personal hubris and audience contempt via insipid memes and dodge ball semantics - not once has he answered your challenges. You piss me off more than you should, what with the puerile “Boom!” crap and more. But I will give you this much: you don’t censor your critics, or were a party to the globalist’s plandemic charade.

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Why does this read like it was written by AI?

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Think so? I hadn’t noticed.

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"they even told me they could provide girls as young as I want."

isn't it time to name names here?

did anybody go to the cops with this?

i know the fbi is useless at this point

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Dr Alexander I would that you just ignore this BS . The majority of the people know who is honest . We trust you Dr McCullough, Naomi Wolf .

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& I trust mike Yeadon

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We the People need/deserve transparency.

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Yuh. Bobby Malone's eyes is too close together. Uhhuh.

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This was really addressed to Sage but it was hot off the presses so I piggybacked.....

Well here we are. Little old contrarian that I am.

Malone speaks well. He really does. Too well.That's the problem.

Mike Yeadon has been ostracised for Speaking Too Damn Well. From moral and intellectual outrage.

In terms of their public utterances, Malone and RFK have not put a foot wrong. Which is a bad thing. Sage hasn't addressed RFK yet. But he will Oscar, he will.

Public utterances are all we have to go by. Unless of course we have a hotline to the Cabal, which a surprising number of people do, I might add.

How to segue ? I can't.

Reactive molecules. The Thing, as William Cobbett called it, likes reactive molecules. Let me list a few:

Aliens From Outta Gaza ? Cyber Attack Epidemic from Russian Ebola Dope Fiend Immigrants ? Financial Lockdown Satanist Cops ? With Marburg Turbo-Cancer Trails ?

Raw Sewage Obama ?


On Blue Beam you say ?

Man hand me my Flakka !

Poetry. I'm an adolescent. Sorry.

Anyhow you get the Reactive Thing I'm on about. This was not the news 10 years ago.

They like Reactive Molecules. Creates Chaos. The CIA Way since forever. And who are the WEF to reject the voice of experience.

Ok. Sage Hana is a reactive molecule. I kept that lower case because I really don't know what he's up to. Fair play Sage. You called the "Trust Nobody Rules".

Observation the First:

Ego is a confession of weakness. MKULTRA is interested in Victims.

Esoteric I know, but then,

You called the shots.

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Thank you for exposing him.

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