Dr. Alexandrr go see Katherine Watts stack today..they all signed the who pandenic preparedness into law last december 2022....talk about clowns...

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Paul you nailed it.

We have a criminal intergenerational syndicate called the USA government, both the selected criminals, who the sheeple think are being elected, and the puppet masters who pull their strings, are true representatives of EVIL.

Everything they do has as its purpose, creating suffering, destruction and control.

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Paid actors and actresses playing their roles. Government is the enemy.

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it is the enemy, 100%

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I’m convinced that it is all a show, both sides acting the part. I mean, they literally have a set for the Oval Office nowadays! It’s Hollywood. In your face .

Used to be they would try to patronize you when you disagreed even thorough debate sometimes and then flip you the bird. Now, it’s in your face and if you don’t like it f¥€£ you without any respect or decency!

Funny though, Crockett literally let the homegirl slip!

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DC Zoo 😂 might be a better moniker than the DC Swamp!

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Please, don't offend the animals. More of a circus no?

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“You get surprised these people were voted in”?

I cut the part of your headline Dr for one simple reason, is there any doubt “election fraud” is rampant?

There’s no way on Gods great earth, these type of, type of? I don’t know what to call them!

Honestly, it’s so disturbing how many examples of people, people I call,”moronic ideologues”, especially on the democrats side, have been elected!

I can’t imagine how anyone, can look themselves in the mirror, after watching some of their congressional hearings.

Is there any wonder why, America has lost engine power? Has taken a straight and deliberately strategically steered, “nosedive”, aimed directly towards the side of a mountain? Nope, none at all!

None whatsoever. After watching Senator Kennedy question FDIC Chairman Gruenberg yesterday, this man is the most creepiest, maligned, dishonest and completely corrupt person I’ve listened to. An absolute embarrassment to human life! Not to mention, IMO he’s a “predator”!

I wondered, what are people saying around the world? What are they thinking? Especially our adversaries? Good God?

My summations, “America is ripe for the taking”! And isn’t that what’s happening? Every single government agency has been infiltrated with the likes of Christoper Wray and his gang of cronies, the “useful idiots”! How do they live with themselves?

Here’s the kicker; they’re all bedfellows? Probably literally in some cases, “not that there’s anything wrong with that”. (Thank you Seinfeld for that line)

Is there any respectable government agency left? I’m not talking about everyone in government, I’m talking about the rank and file hacks! The “grifters”! A simple search, go figure, look how well the dots connect:

Who controls the F.B.I?

“Within the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is responsible to the attorney general, and it reports its findings to U.S. Attorneys across the country. The FBI's intelligence activities are overseen by the Director of National Intelligence.”

Such an abomination, is there any wonder why? Why America is being “Steered” right into the side of a mountain? While all rank and file elites stamp their “ticket to paradise” which is tightly tied directly to their “golden parachutes”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Frankly I am tired of school boys and girls getting rolled over by Dem Shenanighans for points on the left side then pushed out to the airwaves. Good to see some mouthing off from the right.

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All part if the script. The other side helps them get away with it. 1 party, 2 names.

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Scary when you understand the House holds the purse strings of the country. Scarier to know Biden’s dirty hand is on the nuclear button! ☢️ Balance of power right?

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Crockett a diversity hire trying to perform. Blame her voters

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Democrat Crockett revealed herself as a revolting, insulting troublemaker -- devoid of decency and apparently unaware of the decorum required by her office. Criticizing the hair and body of an opponent on the other side of the aisle!

Equally ignorant Jamie Raskin laughed, apparently enjoying hearing Crockett bully Marjorie Taylor Greene with personal insults. Crockett should have been admonished.

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Crockett, typical Democrat behavior.

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Representative democracy is a lie. Or is it? Who amongst all my friends and family are not deaf, dumb and lazy? Very few. If any.

We get what we deserve.

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When voting, you can never tell one idiot from another.

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