If they’re smart they’ll avoid rural America...the land guns and backhoes. The bodies will never be found.

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History: Was Hamas A Creation of Mossad?


Arafat said that “Hamas is Israel’s creature” Israeli Deep State likely to have set this up as their 911. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Hamas

“Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul


“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented


Who Is Hamas?

Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.

With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.

As Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”

Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.


There is no way in the world that an attack of this size by Gaza militants could have taken place without the foreknowledge of both Mossad and Shin Bet. Impossible. Unreal. Never gonna happen. Just like the CIA owns Al Qaeda, Hamas is a pawn in the service of the Israeli ruling elites. Remember, Hamas was created by Shin Bet. They wanted an alternative to the PLO. (Unfortunately I can't find my file with the Shin Bet info on Hamas. From memory it was a Shin Bet colonel who relayed the details.)

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Hamas are Sunni, their shot caller is the Church of Rome, Israel is a Vatican creation. Pagan Rome embraces Sunni but not the Shias; Iran is Shia. So...we have hidden players working inside the Hamas for unknown goals.

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No, it's Mohammed's. Islamic warfare is the whole point. Cruelty, beheading, burning to death, torturing & mutilating are the essence of Islam. This is how Islamic warfare was practiced beginning with Mohammed for over a thousand years" It hasn't changed. It won't changed. They don't want peace - period.

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"Civilization and savagery are fundamentally at war"

10/10/23 Daniel Greenfield


"Viable civilizations drive savages away to protect themselves & banishing them is what makes a civilization civilized. When they forget the difference between themselves & the savages,they can no longer explain why savagery's wrong. When faced with unimaginable crimes, they still equivocate a case for the criminals. Hamas terrorists rape & kill their victims & defenders explain why issue's more complicated than it seems. Tolerate savages, give them enough rope & they'll do all of these things to you. They're experts at getting around walls & security systems civilized people build to protect themselves" Civilized society shouldn't allow savages to hang around.

This is "a war between savages & civilization. Planes crashed into skyscrapers, beheading videos spread across social media. In Israel we saw Hamas terrorists raping, mutilating & defiling corpses - another bloody wake-up call. The barbarism of murdering women & children, taking them as hostages & posting photos of their dead bodies to social media, isn't a byproduct of Islamic warfare, it’s the whole point. Cruelty, beheading, burning to death, torturing & mutilating are the essence of Islam. This is how Islamic warfare was practiced beginning with Mohammed for over a thousand years"

"Islam was born out of a war by barbarians against the civilized societies of Persia & Byzantium. Despite academic mythmaking, its vision never extended beyond rape & slavery, its empires fell into power struggles, beginning with Sunnis & Shiites & its cultural & scientific accomplishments were all looted from conquered peoples. Israel is just one front in a global war between savages & civilization"

"We shouldn't blame ourselves, capitalism or colonialism for what the savages are because they have behaved this way long before modern western civilization amounted to anything. We sent forth our sons & daughters to make peace with them & to educate them. Our societies opened themselves to embrace & celebrate the virtues of the noble savage. When we realized we couldn't coexist with savages, we tried to remake our societies to serve them. All of that's been tried & civilization is still drowning in the violence of the savages"

"Civilization & savagery are innately at war with one another. Savages are offended by the existence of civilization. When they see one, they want to destroy it. There can be no peace with savages because, contrary to Islam, peace is a condition of civilization. To have peace, you must be civilized. Savages don’t even view peace as a value. Savages see no reason why they shouldn’t take something or someone if they are too weak to defend themselves. Savages, unlike civilized people, have no conscience & therefore no soul.

"Islam, unlike Judaism & Christianity, is not a religion of the soul, but entirely of power. From its genocidal chant 'Allahu Akbar' that proclaims the physical supremacy of Allah to all other religions through the military victories of its followers, Islam is validated through war.

"When faced with barbarism, they go down a dialectic rabbit hole that explains the savages in terms of how civilized people interacted with them. Did they hurt their feelings, overthrow their governments or draw mean cartoons? Did capitalism leave them adrift in the world economy? How did we fail to integrate the newest generation of immigrants with all the welfare checks? Decadent civilizations internalize all the criticism & their peoples endlessly quarrel & think the worst possible things in the world are the ones that exist among their own people. Savages remind us otherwise, they remind us of the alternative to civilization"

"Tolerate savages, give them enough rope & they'll do all of these things to you - and more. Savages are .experts at finding ways around whatever walls & security systems civilized people build to protect themselves. Civilizations that spend enough time allowing savages to hang around will fall"

:Civilization has to defeat savagery, without equivocation, apologies or sympathy, not only to win, but to revive its own soul. Negotiations & laws of war are for peer civilization. Savages offer nothing & so are owed nothing. They keep no agreements except when it suits them. Their word is worthless & their morality is non-existent. A civilization that does not understand all this will learn it the hard way.

"Civilizations are built on the suppression of savagery: both internally & externally. No form of war is more sacred than that of civilization against savagery. It's these wars that made Christianity & Judaism, not to mention all the ideas of western civilization, as well as those of Asia & India, possible. Either civilization or the savages will prevail. Any attempt at a middle ground is suicide. Our grandchildren will either make great things or they'll be hunted by roaming savages like the teenage girls at a concert in Israel or those similarly hunted in venues in Europe. All the hopes of mankind depend on the utter & total defeat of the savages, not just in Israel, but in America, in Europe, in India & Asia & around the world. This isn't the struggle of any single nation, but the crisis of mankind"

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Jihad or Holy War is the Ultimate Oxymoron.. Insanity.. there is No such thing.. War has absolutely No relationship whatsoever to being in a sacred state such as being Holy.. Murder of another human being for Any reason is the ultimate act of Violence... crazed extremism..

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Friday is the anniversary of the Fatima Revelation, where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the children in Portugal to reveal her message for peace. It is no coincidence evil chose this date. But evil ALWAYS loses, so take heart that good will triumph on this date also, if we just repent and pray.

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Translation: Israeli citizens, stay at home on Friday because the IDF is going to be rounding up some deep-state criminals and you don't want to get hurt.

The Gerald Ford is the perfect name for the ship to carry the child-rapists to GITMO.

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Interesting Guy Fawkes stylized mask. Bit of a paradox, as Guy was Vatican caught trying to blow up the UK Protestants, if recall. Hung him and the others, except one, but he was killed first. The point is that Israel is a Vatican creation; Vatican City took over UK about 1826 or so when the people of the Pagan Church of Rome officially gained the right to vote. Since that year, Rome began to work from the inside to regain Jerusalem. Templar thing. :) So, Hamas really have no clue as this one wears the Pagan Mask of the Church of Rome. Life is interesting.

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