I shed no tears for Israel. It deserves every bit of the horror...rapes, slaughter, beheading, injuries inflicted by the small Hamas insurgents. This is War and Hamas fought back fiercely without being that well-armed. Israelis can only fight back with massive bombing...a completely one-sided response.
I shed no tears for Israel. It deserves every bit of the horror...rapes, slaughter, beheading, injuries inflicted by the small Hamas insurgents. This is War and Hamas fought back fiercely without being that well-armed. Israelis can only fight back with massive bombing...a completely one-sided response.
I shed no tears for Israel. It deserves every bit of the horror...rapes, slaughter, beheading, injuries inflicted by the small Hamas insurgents. This is War and Hamas fought back fiercely without being that well-armed. Israelis can only fight back with massive bombing...a completely one-sided response.