I could not agree more -- hang them, nothing less is merited. The problem is, WHO'S GOING TO DO IT? I know of no one with the legal authority that is presently serving who will indict, prosecute, sentence and then carry out the sentence. Quite the opposite. They delay, obfuscate, and use every trick in the book, and some not in any book, to get them off scot-free. I'm all ears -- what do you suggest?

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As much as I think we in Canada needs Trump so that we may have a chance to get rid of our government criminals I can't help but realize there was and is no one in government etcetera really innocent when it comes to the plandemic response and agenda. They allowed it to continue even after evidence showed the gene shots to be dangerous, it should have been stopped immediately but was not. Surely there were some that saw the harm happening just as I'm sure many doctors did, we did. Just to keep ones job or I was just following orders won't cut it. As Dr. Alexander says hang them high. They all knew right from wrong just as we do, what is the true numbers of harmed and murdered?

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Yes yes yes

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Yes 100 percent , but it will take all out Civil War to happen .

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That would be Trump too! Come on man, your Trump-n-hugging is killin' me. I voted for the guy but if you STILL think he is who he is portraying to be, then you're being fooled by the theater. He's part of the SAME CABAL and owned by the SAME PEOPLE he's claiming to be fighting.

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And make certain the noose is just tight enough to cut off their airways so they all choke while slowly suffering to death as they have made millions upon millions suffer!!!! Or better still, put them on needless respirators and let them “drown” in their own fluids again, as they made millions upon millions “drown” in their own fluids!!! NEEDLESSLY! I am a extraordinary compassionate man and have been my entire life, I’ve not once hurt anyone physically nor would I or could I, but these “evil doers” care not about human life or any life for that matter, only the almighty dollar!!! They will reap what they have sewn and as much as I wish no harm to anyone, there’s a fine line in my mind for complete and utter distain for anyone who allowed the death and suffering of millions of Americans!!! Each and everyone of them MUST PAY!!! I believe God is the ultimate judge and jury so He will consider the magnitude of their EVIL and the proper punishment will be applied! Guaranteed!


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Dr. Alexander, we are making progress as the wheels are starting to turn and the Pandemic Pertrators are being rounded up. If Justice isn't served, the masses will have to see it thru. Its time to clean out the barn.

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Link to good Jimmy Dore show interview with Ryan Christian - one of first and most censored truth telling investigative journalist on Covid next to Dr. Francis Boyle - author of 1989 UN treaty prohibiting bio-terrorism on Alex Jones 1/2020


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It’s the only way forward.

Try in military tribunals and execute ALL who were complicit in this worldwide campaign of DEMOCIDE.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

If the numbers of guilty run into the millions of co-conspirators...then they run into the millions. Good riddance to bloodthirsty psychopaths.

Sentence to lengthy terms in labor camps all those apparatchiks and enablers who were “just following orders”. They must pay restitution to the nation and to the fellow Americans they BETRAYED.

They can start by rebuilding roads and expanding high-speed internet service to rural areas. Two decades of infrastructure building - no less - as punishment for committing Crimes Against Humanity.

We need RADICAL application of Rule of Law.

Otherwise, there will inevitably be a complete breakdown in social order. We can expect a decade - or more - of violent vigilante justice.

There is no other option. This is the most heinous crime in the history of the human race. These demons from hell have, essentially, MURDERED 65% - 70% of homo sapiens sapiens. They must pay the absolute highest cost.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Not sensing Malone or Baric a part of the DOD-Pharma nanos as both appear simply regular nerds working compartmentalized. I know you like Redfield, but he is a part of this group as he KNEW there was a problem, yet folded. He does have mitigating events, afterward. He was in charge and folded to Tony pressure after Caputo and you pointed out several layers of vaccine protocol violations.

About the vaccines, going through McRoy's book again. I suspect the bioweapons may be designed to induce forced autism with 5g activation, (for all nano vaxxed recipients). or greater as ran across a couple rumors that DOD's targeted 6g and 7g levels.

The above links to the insane transhuman agenda forcing total mind control over citizens. Culls appear to be well within the agenda. Trilateral is using Rigged Pedo as the key to initiate DOD Pentagon control, via martial law, when people go to crap.

Not trying to excite, but just using reasoning based upon research, my background and education. More, but that's kinda hard to read and not easy to report. :)

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An old saying, still is true " Once Power and Control is seized,relinquishing it, is difficult"....

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I agree 100 percent!! 🙌

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Sadly, I agree with you - they are going to hit us harder than the first time and it'll be fairly soon. I'd bet the farm that it'll be well before 2023 ends. I'm as ready as I can be -- hope you are also.

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Current Secretary of Veterans Affairs still pushing covid shots for veterans.

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How can you include Dr Malone when he was against mass vaccination and told about the dangers of this vaccine?

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