I agree! They have killed millions of people worldwide, including children and babies! The mainstream media who repeatedly spouted the propaganda that the death shots were safe and effective are also complicit and need to be tried for crimes against humanity. They also have rivers of blood on their hands!

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hang them high I say...

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Before we get a rope ( to good for them ) let us ponder on how we to this point .

Nuremberg seems to have been an illusion created to put our minds at rest that this will never happen again. Yet our own government recruited Japanese scientists that were conducting the same kind of experiments .

So I say a rope is to good for these Evil 😈 S O Bs‼️

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And Nazi scientists, none of whom ever faced consequences. Operation Paperclip:

Hubertus Strunghold, Werner von Braun, Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler, to name a few, were brought to the US, worked in various US Government positions.

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Works for me. Go get em. Sick of this evil.

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Been on this old world almost 81 years. I've seen enough and have been through enough to understand. You canNOT use kid gloves. The only thing that works, is being bigger, tougher, and smarter. Wuss in the WH can't wipe his butt without help. Lies about his deceased son who died of cancer, other son got kicked out of the Navy for drug use. He was a draft dodger, 5x - 4 for school, one for "asthma". Yeah right. A high school star football player? Give me a break. God help us.

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Those that said follow the science or we follow the science are quilty. Being from Canada, there in one that is more guilty than all others.

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They only followed the science in the hope of mugging it in a dark alley before too many people saw it.

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Would that one be a self-righteous holier than thou hypocrite who wears blackface and gropes women by any chance?

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"Being from Canada, there in one that is more guilty than all others."

Being from the United States, I would guess that the guiltiest one in Canada is a mass murdering piece of human garbage, a.k.a. Fidel's little bastard ... whose policies kill ... and the sound of whose voice produces in me a feeling of overwhelming nausea.

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When we hear and or see him talk all I can think of is what does this evil, thieving, murderer have up his sleeve now that he can still act like he has done nothing wrong. How can he get up in front of people and without batting an eye say the things he does. He acts like he is our ruler and can do whatever his demented mind wants to the Canadian people. Just the fact that he is now, from what I read, $300,000,000,0 richer than he was before the jabs were pushed on the people makes me realize he should be charged for conflict of interest by making money from owning a large portion of shares in the company that produced the Nano particle delivery system in the jabs. He has refused to show who got millions of Canadian tax dollars and when asked in house showed blacked out pages. In the past this would have been grounds for the RCMP to investigate and he would have been removed from office immediately and imprisoned. So on top of nausea there is anger and disgust that he can even look Canadians in the face and spit his BS at us. Trudeau needs to go.

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Yes and he still acts like he did nothing wrong, must be one of the first to go.

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Yes! If those responsible for this planned genocide are not made an example of, that will be a sign of tolerance of evil which will only encourage it to continue and expand!

They must suffer the same fate to which they condemned their victims.

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Don't tell Pelosi. She'll be buying stock in lamp post companies before the little guy gets a chance.

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Not often I literally laugh out loud at a comment! Thanks, I needed that! I do, however, wish it wasn't so very true...

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Instead of hanging, can we put them in prison and inject them with the poison clot shot every month until they die?

I think making them sit there imagining every symptom off that undisclosed Known Side Effect list would be its own punishment too.

Actually, we need to hang at least a couple hundred of them too so we have some decent pictures to dissuade the next depop acolytes.

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Trouble with injecting them is they may enjoy it. In the story below, an enterprising German got himself jabbed repeatedly purportedly to make money. However, some of those who get daily mRNA jabs may possibly become addicted.

Man in Germany gets 90 COVID-19 shots to sell forged passes


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Make it happen now

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Enjoyed viewing Ron Johnson's Senate Roundtable Discussion - "COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries" - some very good / very NECESSARY discussion with many great thought-leaders participating, including yourself !

The BIG question - what comes of it, what happens next? In a sensible world, more discussion and eventual investigation by those in power and with the authority to say "HEY! This needs closer scrutiny." But our world today - NOT so very sensible.

What is your opinion on that, Paul?

link to vid. at Rumble (3 hours - but worth the time!)


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Yes, think about what they wanted to and would have done to us if they could. They wanted us fired, jailed, quarantined, surveilled and denied medical treatment. And this is still going on. I'm sorry. You all should have known better, because we did. You want amnesty? I have not heard yet more than one or two apologies and you all are still denying medical treatment (transplants, etc.) to the unjabbed and targeting doctors by threatening license revocation for simply following the oath they took when they became doctors. WE WILL NOT FORGET.

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Problem is Nuremberg was a sham trial conducted by the same people who created covid and the gene-jabs.

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Nuremberg was headed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who, along with over 1000 lawyers globally, is working on Nuremberg 2.0 trials and have been for over a year. He nor his team of lawyers or experts are not, in any way, shape or form involved with those people. He is one of the first to notice what was happening and started to act right away.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

The primary American judge at Nuremberg was Francis Biddle. In total, 8 people, 2 'judges' each from the US, UK, USSR, & France, ran the clown show.

They represented the forces that carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships carrrying thousands of refugees in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atomic bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here.

To apply the title of "Nuremberg" to the execution of justice on today's covid cabal is to mock the very concept of justice.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022


Too much truth, your comment will vanish.

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History is written by the victors which is why few know of the culpability of the likes of Roosevelt, Churchill and Bomber Harris and others. WWII with its 59 million dead could have been averted but Roosevelt, who loved the Chinese and hated the Japanese put Japan into an untenable position with his aggressive economic sanctions on Japan and Churchill, who was an admirer of Islam and nearly converted, repeatedly rejected Germany's repeated peace overtures.

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My earlier post now gone:

There is a problem with Nuremberg 1 though. It was nothing more than a victors show trial that included evidence obtained by torture and convictions based solely on this torture and/or dubious eye witness accounts I would advise doing some research on Nuremberg.

Paul Craig Roberts has a short summary here:


PCR was Assistant Treasury Secretary under Reagan so is no internet nutter.

We must be totally above board and transparent but see my other comment.

My conclusion now:

Vengeance, ain’t gonna happen.

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I saw a video a while back of Russians killing and rapping German women and shooting German officers in mass graves. It looked like they were enjoying it. Left me with chills. This not the first time I have heard of truths left out of war crimes.

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Yeah, they let the Nazi judges at Nuremberg skate. Fauci et al will all be awarded medals.

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Medals... 1,000 pound medals wrapped around their necks!

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Nice slide attempt

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I posted similar but it is now gone, let's see how long your post lasts.

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Very soon, people will lose interest in jab deaths because the economy will be in such bad shape that it will preoccupy them. A US and global recession is coming, caused by Biden's policies. Biden will say that the recession is global, to exonerate himself, without acknowledging that he is responsible for the global recession as well as the US recession.

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Distraction of all kinds is one of the methods used by evil in control, what better distraction then starvation and inability to travel as is in North Korea etcetera. Trudeau also blames the problems he created, on the global situation. We all know the truth.

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A, we're in a recession now. Imho, looking at the various industry indicators, we're going to be in a depression that will make the 1930s look like a picnic because our gov'ts have chosen to cut off cheep energies like fossil, nuclear, etc. Energy affects the price of everything (e.g., production of goods/services, transportation of goods/services, etc.).

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Soon Biden won't be able to deny it any longer. He caved to the cult of climate change hysteria. That is the same cult that gave rise to the COVID industrial complex and the new cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria. It won't help the economy when Biden decrees, as he surely will, that reparations for slavery should be $1M per person, at least, because the $230,000 per person in California is not enough. The money will go to the likes of Kamala Harris, even though she is descended from slave owners.

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Hope it will happen soon. The crimes are still going on much too long now.

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I also agree. The only punishment they deserve is death. It won't bring back the millions they have killed or help the ones who were permanently disabled by them, but it will hopefully deter anyone else with sinister thoughts and plans to act upon them.

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Got a red dress picked out for the occasion.

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Can't wait for some real justice. I was against the death penalty but I would gladly watch the likes of Faucci and his cohorts hang.

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Criminals are frequently not deterred as much by harsh penalties as they are by their subjective appraisal that there is a high probability of being caught and held to account. Those who, recklessly and with disregard for human life, impose the jab on others seem to think they are above the law.

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Yes…. Why is this taking so long…when Iios of lives have been ost & ot reported p….Omg ….

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Yes! This is a genocidal massive, intended deaths, eugenics Malthusian evil dark logic program, 100% absent God, full human failing by intentions, no less than Hitleresque, Leninesque, Holodomor style programmed deaths. Conducted, planned by an assembly of aristocratic elite of university-based Ivory Towers, excessive moneyed and powered, megalomaniacs, and all vastly overrating their intelligence, wisdom, and position in the world. Do not forget those former Twits who were fired for cause (of criminal behavior of violating the A1, because they took orders from the gov't agents) and whose actions directly caused the deaths of many by not allowing the low information Twitter followers to learn early of the obvious dangers of the so-called vaccine aka gene modifier agents, nor as time and knowledge progressed, the increasing details of the vast toxic properties, the deadly properties, of this biological agent. Yes, countless others complicit in similar suppressions of ample truths and cautionary symptoms and tales. No less the guilt, however.

Yet, all the above occurred even though the global population growth was for decades throttling down.

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