They castigated,vilified and mocked a sitting president of the U.S.A for nothing more than speaking the truth,only word for it Dr Alexander and that is treason and the punishment will certainly fit the crime,hopefully,keep up the good work sir and thank you

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For an eye opener, read the book, I Dare Call It Treason by Gonzalez. It's on the Council of Foreign Relations whose aim is to subjugate us and remove our soverignty. Biden is a member, so is Kerry and others of his cabinet.

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Need to get the firing squad out of retirement. Biden has been as useless as anyone, ever. Why people keep re-electing from the bottom of the barrel never ceases to amaze me. Bitch mc commie is another one, and so many others, both sides of the aisle.

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They weren’t elected they were placed. Some serious shit going on here

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I do know that fakesey was and is protected by hi ll ary. Michael Taylor of Monsanto went back and forth to the FDA. Margaret Hamburg, Commissoner of Food and Drugs was on the board of Henry Shein, largest producer of amalgams in the US. Most nations have gotten rid of it. Those are older examples, this mess goes back years. I wish Trump had just dumped every last one of them and had started from scratch.

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The voting is rigged.

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Yup, disgusting,

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22-380 !!!!

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I don't get why this authors more or less lie at worst and at best provide false hope.

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Good question, no simple answer, if any at all

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Please get to work on 22-380

We need to get the Supreme Court to positively rule on this. By Jan 6.

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Exactly. These brownshirt fascists set up people to die censoring the reality of this health menace. They caused uncalculable heart-ache and pain. Their cruelty seems boundless.

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Say it Loud Dr Alexander! I’m not easily offended, at least not by the like minded. You saw 1st hand what the cabal was up to [trying to bury the bodies]

Thank you for having the kahones to speak out publicly for everyone to hear the truth.

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We need a real... Great Reset... WITHIN our Country!

Our Constitution must be adhered to!

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I respect and admire your passion Dr Paul. No doubt there were misty eyed pearl clutchers who thought it inhuman to hang the brutal murderous Nazis at Nuremberg. However the world cannot revolve around such emotional weakness, which is the very human trait that today's medical 'Nazi' ghouls are exploiting. Mussolini was hung upside down in the street, yet he was unlikely responsible for as much misery and suffering as is being perpetrated today. Hang 'em from the yard arm!!!

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Hitler was anti-vax. We fought on the wrong side in that war. Your "history" has been taught to you by the most evil Tribe ever to exist, and the same one who gave us 9/11 and Convid.

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I understand and agree with your points, however my history comes from much investigation of facts, such as the always now historically overlooked calls by the Tribe in 1933 for economic embargoes against the German state, which was a stupid own-goal. It seems they were dissatisfied that their Versailles jack-boot hadn't economically destroyed the innocent German people enough, so they believed more of the same was needed.

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I feel your reproof for the ones who made the mandates however everyone bought into the idea that their body is owned by government and many insisted others take the jab when they didn't want to. Nobody got together with the people in their workplace and talked with the employers, almost everyone just caved. What we need to ask is to ourselves - "what did I do?" "Did I fall for the belief that someone has jurisdiction over my body?", "Did I force others as though I had jurisdiction over theirs?". Hanging the ones who called the orders will not solve the problem because the problem is people obeying authority. That is the problem, always was.

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Yep. Trust your government?

I am amazed people still believe planes hit the towers and the Pentagon.

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Exactly. And people don't want to talk about it. Head in the sand syndrome. Which only allows the perpetrators to think they can do anything to us.

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Annie, you probably know of David Ray Griffin. He passed away last month: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/the-passing-of-david-ray-griffin

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Not "everyone" bought into the idea that their body is owned by government. I didn't. However, many did and it's likely they are the same gullible, unintelligent fools who failed to correctly deduce that Colon Powell was spouting bullsh-t when he stood up in the UN and presented his "incontrovertible evidence" that Saddam had an active WMD program. As I recall, in Milgram's famous experiments on obedience to purported authority, almost everyone continued to attempt to administer electric shocks to the confederate of the experimenter, when exhorted to do so, even when the confederate begged them to stop and told them he had a weak heart. Only one man refused and instead punched out the experimenter. Not everyone is strong. Also, these people are not obeying "authority." They are obeying "power," i.e., the power to compel compliance. Authority refers to "legitimate power." The state's claim to have authority is predicated on the notion of a social contract between the governed and the government. That social contract is entirely mythical but suckers believe in it. Also, there can be serious consequences for standing up to psychopaths. In Iran people are being executed for protesting against the idea that the state there owns women's bodies, to the extent even that those bodies must be made to wear headscarves. Let's not blame the jab victims for their human frailty. Would you blame sheep for being led to the slaughter?

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Are you sure you know the truth about Iran? There's footage ofv the woman who supposedly died in custody dying "suddenly" in a public space. The US likes to incite revolutions or assassinate leaders when they try to run their own currency apart from the central banking system. This might be another case of that.

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Going back a long way - Sound of Music "you've got to be carefully taught"... That's exactly what has happened.

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Yup, taught to be good little soldiers since pre-school. Independent assessment skills have gone by the board. They just don't know how to think.

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nothing more to add

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Yes. These crimes are so egregious that they demand society's ultimate punishment. I am inspired by Dr. Alexander's ability to express unfiltered, honest and deeply human reactions to these capital crimes without mincing words. We need more of that. It's how I believe America's Founding Father's also expressed themselves when faced with equivalent brutality.

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(Oops! Founding Fathers not "Father's")

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Edit comment using the ellipsis under the comment.

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Thanks, SaHiB.

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Also Linkedin which permanently banned me because I shared one of your articles and asked a couple of effective challenge questions.

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Same here, Teresa. My "final straw" on LinkedIn came when I published an article with an imbedded video featuring Stefan Oelrich. Oelrich is VP of Bayer Europe. Out of his own mouth, he stated that these mRNA injections are good examples for "cell and gene therapy" and that if two years ago you'd asked people if they would be willing to be injected with this, "95%" would have said no.

"Be gone!" says LinkedIn. Permanently.

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Sue them. Others are. Check out the Rutherford Institute for attorneys.

Rutherford Institute. Get an attorney and sue. This is a Bill of Rights Constitutional issue.

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So many are dropping dead. Everyday I see an article about a 20 year old suddenly dying. I save them all and I’m going to use them to get prosecutors to investigate along with the irrefutable data and science. What about the ones that aren’t being reported by the news? There’s so many. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare.

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You are, we all are.

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Dr. Alexander, yes say it louder! The sheeple that still don’t realize all of this must hear this! Thanks for having the church bells to always speak the truth about the evil agendas afflicting humankind! Yes indeed, this cruel Cabal and all their minions must all be held accountable! Thank you for your great work! Many blessings!

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We need to Hit the streets PEACEFULLY all across America in the same day, yes just like Brazil did... We need the visual, the optics of a country who cares enough to step out and standup...Who the he-- do these bastards think they are... they r killing people & we are standing still.

Dr. Alexander & all of the Drs present in DC who spoke & Drs. who weren’t there who have struggled almost 3 yrs trying to save lives & being outspoken and being ridiculed & losing their jobs, and now it’s time for we the people to show that we will not take it anymore!

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No one of rank is going to trial. Certainly no one will be convicted. A group of demons who are willing to kill in this way are going to ensure no legal action will deter them. Having an arbitrary legal system is much less evil than population reduction. We passed the point of of no return long ago.

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I posted your previous post with "Hang them High" on Telegram and I was banned from 5 groups for 5 days. Please, IMO, do not get soft on criminals. Just keep doing what you are doing because you remind criminals what is the end result. Thank you.

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Get rid of 90-95% of the garbage in the District of Corruption, and go from there.

And the rino rat retards still reelect bitch mc commie? Useless as t*ts on a boar hog, sorry for being rude, but it covers the stupidity.

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DC is a true cesspool.

I was stationed there while in the military.

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How sad. The once greatest country on earth, maybe in history, has devolved into this.

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