We have to send a CLEAR message that NO ONE will EVER do this to us again!!!

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How would such a message be styled that its transmitters wouldn't be jailed like the J6 protestors?

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No mercy for Crimes Against Humanity. Hang them High once they are found guilty in a legal honest Court of Law.

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" ... a legal honest Court of Law." I know you mean well but does such a thing exist? Perhaps new courts or tribunals need to be created and the jurists who upheld mandates for coerced injection of a dangerous gene shot need to be tried as well?

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I totally agree.

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The only ones who are standing on the right side of the real life.

Sadly a lot of ppl cant say no when they are seeing $s.

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Surely you are not suggesting that the judiciary are whores who would rather take $s from Pharma than provide justice to the vaccine coerced, injured or bereaved, Bella?

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Im not so good to express me on english.

And have hard to find the right words.

I agree with you.

And suggest....

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Thank you for your contribution Bella. It is appreciated.

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Thank you too.

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Every JUDGE & Politician in the USA was pedophile compromised decades ago,


Until the entire system goes civil-war 2.0 an burnt to the ground and a new military court executes all traitors and then builds a new legal system, we all be fucked and hard;

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I have seen you call for this many times and each and every time I agree. Let us not stop until the last one is swinging.

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That is 100% exactly what needs to be done. All there money and assets taken and them put behind bars

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I agree with you...after they have fair trials, and are found guilty, let them pay for their high crimes so they won’t have the means, and others the hutzpah to even contemplate pursuing such a reckless &/or premeditated ‘plandemic’ with serious lifelong injuries and mass casualties ever again!

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I agree 💯!! IF they are found guilty of causing the death of (murdering) millions of people worldwide, then a public execution by hanging is not only in order, but necessary. No different than what the Nazis did in WW2. And we’d better start doing something about the lawlessness here at home in America.

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I think you are getting your stories mixed up, Jewish world population census figures compiled by 2 different organizations including a Jewish one from both just before WWII and just after WWII reveal that no 6 million Jews were ever missing, the Jews claimed 6 million Jews were being genocided in Russia in 1911, and have used that figure on other occasions, however, the 'ally' Joseph Stalin, who I have photos of wearing a Jewish black leather tefillin Jewish prayer box on his forehead, Jewish yarmulke skullcap and full Jewish religious regalia was still mass-murdering Christians throughout the USSR right through WWII right up even till 1953 when he died, he and his Jewish mates murdered 66 million Christians for real.

Stalin passed a law that anyone in Soviet Russia who was deemed to have expressed any anti-Jewish sentiment or to have engaged in any anti-Jewish activity would be sentenced to a mandatory automatic death penalty. He justified that law in his wording accompanying the law by stating that Judaism is both essential and fundamental to Judaism communism, but as usual, people are here to remind us of 'der Nazis' again, and to tell us that COVID is invented by 'der Nazis', I would like to remind you that all the people behind the COVID bioweapon are Jews or people working for the Jews who are very likely crypto-Jewish themselves as Sabbatai Zevi hundreds of years ago instructed half of all the 1 million Jews then in the world to go deep cover and pretend to convert to infiltrate into other religions such as Islam and Christianity, then to subvert them for tribal purposes, hence all the odd people who say they are Christians who will support Israel, when Jewish scriptures quite clearly state that all Christians are to be killed, and their Noahide Laws that have already been approved for future physical implementation by the US and the UN once one world military dictatorship to be controlled from Jerusalem has been established states that all members of all non-Jewish religions must all be executed for 'idolatry'.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated that NATO armies of nations controlled by Israel will carry out those killings. COVID is demonstrably a Jewish Israeli government bioweapon created through their operatives and controlled agents in the DOD, Ecohealth Alliance, Pfizer, Moderna and Sputnik for example by Jewish scientists like Tal Zaks and Al Bourla. You might try telling us how 66 million Christians were murdered by the Jewish-controlled 'Allied' leaders next time you wish to make any comparison, as that would be more accurate, as long as you identify the real culprit, Jewish communism and the Jewish capitalists that created Jewish communism as another form of slavery that could also be used to pit Gentile against Gentile 'East versus West'.

After WWII, the Kremlin tried to insist that the same law that Stalin had passed throughout Soviet Russia must also then be passed throughout the entire world, but they then reconsidered and thought it best to undermine the rest of the world by less obvious means so as not to risk a huge military backlash from the Gentiles around the world who would otherwise have certainly realized how many of them had just been conned into fighting against National Socialist Germany for no real reason at all, fighting a Jewish war for the Jews alone at the expense only of the Gentiles while callous and cruel Jewish war profiteers grew fat and rich.

Churchill, a Jew, born to a New York Jewess named Jerome, said the real difficulty was not how to avoid war, but how to get it started, and then not how to stop it, but how to keep it going as long as possible, he stated that even if Germany had been run by a Jesuit and had not been under National Socialism, war would still have been forced on Germany to complete the as yet unfinished dirty work of WWI, which had been to destroy the only country in Europe powerful enough to stop the advance through Europe by Russian communist forces that had been created by Jewish bankers in New York and London. The Jews like Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt just needed little stories to push people into attacking Germany and hating the Germans even after WWII.

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Well what you call JEW I call ZOG

IMHO 98% of the people in Israel are judeo god fearing jews;

The ZOG people are satanic, they are zionists and they are the bankers who brought, hitler, mao, and stalin to power

ZOG - zionist occupation governments and they rule all UK commonwealth countrys & USA, jap, taiwan, sk,

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Have you ever heard of the term propaganda? Have you ever heard of the fanatical hate-filled Jewish-named 'British' war propagandist Sefton Delmer and what he stated about how anti-German war propaganda is to be maintained throughout all the future like a well-manicured English lawn so that even the Germans will forever condemn themselves and National Socialism, and so that all others will also forever condemn the Germans and National Socialism?

Do you see any of your 98% 'good' Israeli Jews condemning the maintenance of Israeli government-controlled foreign ZOG governments in Europe, the US, Russia, Ukraine etc? You won't.

Your so-called 'god-fearing' Jews, not just your so-called ZOG Jews are backing the Israeli government who created the COVID bioweapon to sterilize all Gentiles out of existence.

On my Substack site I feature various excellent videos from Harry Vox and others clearly showing how Jews in Israel actually celebrate the corona bioweapon and openly declare that it is only intended for the Gentiles and not for the Jews and how they fake their publicly stated COVID epidemic and vaccine side-effects among their own people.

The Jews have secretly declared war against this entire planet even thousands of years ago, they mean to totally eradicate life here and take this planet for themselves alone, and their own 'scriptures' of your 'god-fearing Jews' state exactly that, see https://www.docdroid.net/j8NO2aV/jewish-talmudic-quotes-facts-arefacts-pdf#page=5

Hitler said that Christianity is the invention of sick minds, though he recognized that for the German people to be asked to wake up to understand that truth so suddenly, especially at that time of grave national crisis would be too much to ask of them, so he went along with the continued maintenance of Christianity in Germany at the time, though more privately he and some of the others intended to gradually educate people to become freed from such a Jewish poison psy-op. Hitler said that if the Jews ever succeeded in their plans, that this planet will become a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space, the invention of the cobalt dirty nuclear bomb patented in 1950 by the Jewish scientist Leo Szilard is testimony to the truth of Hitler's clear perception, which he stated in Mein Kampf.

The Torah OT in Deuteronomy 20:16 gives an indication of how they really mean to proceed. The words of Rabbi Yisrael Ariel clearly state that what was intended in Deuteronomy 20:16 is in reality intended to proceed all over the world when a Jewish-run NWO military dictatorship is imposed over te entire world.

But ZOG nations outside of Israel are surely controlled by the Israeli government.

If, as you assert, the majority of Jews in Israel are really supposedly 'god-fearing' 'real' Jews and not 'ZOG' 'fake' Jews themselves, then how come all those supposedly different and supposedly 'god-fearing' so-called real Jews always continually vote Israeli governments into power who continually run all those foreign ZOG hostile foreign power Israeli military occupation governments? Your argument completely fails there as being completely devoid of any real substance.

If they are not also demonic, why else are your supposed 98% 'god-fearing' 'real' Jews voting Israeli governments into power that maintain and control the ZOG hostile foreign power Israeli military occupation governments in the US, UK, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, all NATO nations, in fact just about all UN nations since the UN has already officially agreed as a collective by majority vote to impose genocidal Noahide Law when NWO one world government is imposed to be run from Jerusalem?

Obviously, not just the supposed mere 2% so-called ZOG Jews in Israel are behind this. The real answer is that all Jews are in it together, they sell the idea of themselves being divided to prevent oppositional sentiment being developed against them as a whole, when they are in fact operating as a united whole, as a concerted military organization against all of humanity, with all Jews all over the world fanatically loyal only to the tribe of Israel alone (and now the nation of Israel today), as the Jewish death cult that all self-declared Jews are surely consciously part of and really fully in agreement with is in fact throughly intended on totally conquering this planet and ultimately killing all others on it as their scriptures very clearly and unambiguously say.

Such Jewish military plans include enforcing Christianity as a psy-op within subjugated Gentiles to make them into sheeple, who will then welcome 1984-style suicidal claptrap like "A man's greatest enemies will be in his own household", and "I will set brother against brother" and all that other entirely sinister and malevolent Jesus crap, which when you think about it is exactly the same crap as the Jews state in Isaiah 19:2 about how they will use one means or another ( political, military and occult), to set brother against brother in any declared enemy state there too (Egypt is deceptive Jewspeak code for Gentile).

Gentiles are declared by the Jews as the eternal enemy of the Jews, and a little bit of cruel Jewish chutzpah humour is thrown in here and there like where 'Jesus' says "do not go amongst the Gentiles and the Samaritans", and that he has not come to save anyone but the lost children of Israel (who are declared of course not to be Gentiles themselves), further Jewish jokes are included where 'Jesus' then seems to say the exact opposite of these words, just to really mess with duped people's heads.

Christianity, especially now in its still further modified form with the Schofield con man Bible is a cruel Jewish joke intended to be inflicted on a mentally beaten and weak victim people who are being continually subjugated, with the intention to really rub constant defeat in, always inflicting the twisted Jewish style of humour that the Jews call chutzpah on the hapless Gentiles who remain willing to be hoodwinked.

The soul group behind the creation of 'the Jews' (who are also deeply infiltrated incognito among other peoples, races and religions according to Rabbi Laitman and according to evidence about the instructions of Sabbatai Zevi, are spiritually recalcitrant, and remain perennially incorrigible exploiters and parasites who seem to have been dwelling in this material world a lot longer than most for obvious reasons.

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Have you ever heard that mothman is a fuckhead limited OP hangout designed to make anti-ZOG look like morons

AshkeNazi 6AD, called themselves NAZI, in 12AD they became bankers and declared themselves jews, they lived in Khazaria, a place we call Ukraine today;

zio-Nazi's have ruled world from London since 16AD, they brought Hitler to power to round up all the worlds jews into one place and murder them, a place called Israel; Balfour 1913, 1933 Hitler sent zio-nazis to palestine, 1948 Nazis won, Germans lost; Israel created by UN zio-nazi ROCKEFELLER

They used the USA/USD to finance their perpetual wars on Christians & Jews

Since 6AD ashkeNAZI were pedophiles, satanic, cannibals nothing has changed

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So you say the Jews you don't like are really Gentiles pretending to be Jews. You reckon the Jews you do like are OK then? Uh huh.

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No I said you were a IDF unit 8200 Hasbara agent spouting shit to make goyim anti-zionists look like morons, and I never said anything about "Gentiles"

I said that you are a LIM OP Hangout designed to make anti-ZOG people look like fools; People like you attacking the poor Gypsy Jews are exactly the same Hitler types post 1930's Germany; Hitler rescued the elite rich jews of Germany, and packed them off to Palestine; He culled the poor Jews of Germany;

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Like 'old cons', the Jews seem to know how to selfishly exploit the system and even get around it by using such cruel demonic means as black magic kapparot blood sacrifice to expiate their own sins, and always eagerly await the next batch of 'new fish' Gentile souls being temporarily relocated within the temporal material planes of existence to predate on them, as they know the newbies are relatively wet behind the ears and the Jews know how to milk them heavily as soon as they come in, they have surely been in rhe material world a lot longer than most, as they are rebels who intend to challenge and usurp the real God who exists in a far higher dimension, yet this real God is eternally within the souls of even the lowest demonic souls waiting for even them to turn around spiritually as all souls surely must at some point in the future (the cruel and spiritually ignorant Jewish religion itself declares that all non-Jewish souls come only from 3 lower satanic spheres of creation, are eternally different and inferior, are eternally irredeemable and can only ever return to hell after this world ends). Any Christian should have a really good think about exactly what it is that the fairy tale Jesus is really intended to say when he says he has not come to oppose or deny any words of his father or the prophets, who can undoubtedly only be the Jewish Yahweh and his prophets.

They even arrogantly declare in the Bible that if a Gentile strikes a Jew, it is as if he has hit god himself and must be executed, and in their own scriptures outside the Bible it is stated that every Jew is 'god' walking upon this Earth.

The Jews are actually atheists even though they pretend to be 'theistic', they believe that their own collective, and their own collective alone has actually come from what they consider to be god and that their collective alone can return to being combined in what they consider to be 'god' (their own self-deluded power mad soul collective).

Jesus is referred to several times as 'Rabbi' in the NT. The Jewish scriptures that Christians and all others are never supposed to see say that all Gentiles are to be exterminated and sent to hell, especially Christians in the more immediate instance and of course Muslims, before the Jews get round to totally exterminating all the rest of the Gentile dupes as well.

The Jews are very crafty, their propaganda is that any Jews doing bad things are supposedly fake Jews in one form or another, which of course would make them Gentiles, and thus the Jew craftily has Gentiles condemning what they are made to believe are really just other Gentiles, while all the Gentiles are intended to give the so-called 'real Jews' a free pass to allow them to continue their machinations and predations unsuspected and unhindered.

But all Jews are real Jews, all Jews in Israel have to pass a genetic test to have citizenship there, there are no fake Jews, there are no Gentiles faking being Jews there.

The Jews are very clever, so naturally they tell you that Hitler was their agent so that everyone will then mistrust and reject any possibility of ever looking to the possibility of embracing National Socialism again. So what are the Jews all complaining about Hitler for then? There were over 40 different assassination attempts against Hitler, which would most certainly never have occurred if he really ever had been a Jewish agent.

Think how National Socialism worked and enabled the German people to keep the profits of their own labour and rapidly build their economy and social welfare structure instead of seeing their wealth constantly siphoned off as before into rich Jews' pockets to leave the German people continually impoverished as a slave people.

Consider this, it is perfectly simple, German National Socialism succeeded because it rejected usury, Hitler confiscated Rothschild banker funds in Germany, you might want to research that also. If Hitler had really had to borrow money from Jewish banks, he would then have had to pay it back with interest, and thus the economic miracle that National Socialism achieved in Germany though having rejected the parasitic usurious Jewish banking system could never ever have occurred. You can't have it both ways.

National Socialism is not a Jewish operation, and never was, but Jews try to smear it in all kinds of ways to make sure that anyone will be too scared to ever consider it again.

You really think that you need to fear god? That is so sad, I think people should be able to regard God as their spiritual friend and companion. There are many principalities on many levels, both in the various material planes, some of which are stated in vedic scriptures as 'heavenly', with even the Bible mentioning 3 heavens, and in the actual spiritual dimensions themselves, but in loose terms, ultimately we can say there is one 'God' though the Bible says that they made man in their image, but the Chabad Lubavitchers openly teach that they are that god and that they themselves made this dimension of matter, this dimension of matter, this entire planet and all the human beings on this planet, and they had the genocidal Noahide Laws accepted by the US and UN, it can't get more nutty than that, and they are the politically and religiously dominant sect of Jews on this entire planet, the real movers and shakers today among the Jews, who seek to dominate this entire planet in their total insanity.

What you are mistaking for 'God' in the form of Yahweh is in fact a very low collective principality and actually a very demonic one. Think of Deuteronomy 20-:16 for example, is that the product of a sane or compassionate or even remotely spiritual mind? No, it is the product of a demonically hostile, vile, sick and sadistic mind. You can 'fear' all you want, but Yahweh is pure poison, I recommend you look to higher spiritual levels, though I know the possibility of being able to do so is taught to you as being inadvisable and even impossible and purely negative or necessarily being satanic in itself through heavy propaganda having been inflicted on you and other Gentiles by actually Jewish-controlled governments over very many years.

The Jewish fake religion itself is not a religious or even an actually spiritual movement, it is in reality purely only an aggressively invasive political and military movement of conquest alone that is merely put forward as being based in some actually spiritual reality, when it is not. It's so-called 'spiritual' qualities are entirely resident within the material dimensions, it's so-called spiritual powers and graces consist entirely of material siddhic powers, or multidimensional material powers and multidimensional material states of consciousness.

The Jewish Piso family created the fictional Jesus while ostensibly creating a link religion for the Roman Emperor Constantine to use to unite the faiths of his different Roman Empire nations, but the Piso family, conscious of how the Romans had earlier tried to suppress the Jewish belief system, was vengeful against the Romans and really created a psy-op weapon that would eventually destroy the peoples of the Roman Empire and any other peoples who might come to embrace it.

Even calling to Jesus is useless even according to the tenets of Christianity itself, as Yeshua is what he should actually be called, calling him Jesus is actually useless even according to the understandings in the Bible, being really just like calling him Ralph or Kyle.

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I’m glad more people are finally discussing the Jewish elite . They are satanic evil liars who have manipulated the world for long enough. They talk about six million Jews but no word of the 9 million others that died. My grandmother was polish and her parents were murdered and she was sent as a slave at 14 to Germany and after refusing a man she was sent to a camp. So many lies have been told. Yes Jews suffered, gentiles suffered too!! Millions of gentiles! More than the 9 million recorded . It’s way past time we recognized all the others that died. One common thread of all the camps though is they were all white. Theres also a lot we are not being told about the books they burned

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Indeed, only around 280,000 total died in all the camps, only a tiny proportion of whom could possibly have been Jews from among all the categories there, and none from any gas chambers, this later revised figure differing from the original International Red Cross figure which was slightly lower, from around 271,000 or so.

The Russians killed many Poles, not only in the Katyn Forest massacre but even in the camps when they arrived, raping and killing everyone, even Jewish women, they did not care in their bloodlust what they did.

And then of course, even after the ostensible cause of the war had been to preserve the sovereignty and freedom of Poland, Poland was entirely handed over to the Jewish dictator and murderous psychopath Joseph Stalin after WWII in any case, when Hitler had only entered Poland to stop genocidal bloodshed against Germans then still living on Polish territory ceded to Poland after the Versailles 'treaty' after WWI.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica 1921-22 states how Germans were being genocidally raped, murdered and mutilated in large numbers and being forced off the land by Poles, who actually turned out to be Jewish communists for the most part. And despite many very diplomatic attempts by Hitler to arrive at a peaceful agreement with the Polish government to have that sort of thing stopped, with very generous offers from Germany at the time, all such attempted negotiations were deliberately refused by Poland so as to push Germany into having to enter Poland to make such things stop.

The Polish government was secretly acting in cahoots with the Jewish-controlled British government to ensure that war with Germany could actually be made to break out.

When the actually Jewish Churchill (his mother was a New York Jewess called Jerome) was substituted for Chamberlain, without ever having been chosen by the British people or even elected by them in any manner, he stated that what had been most difficult was not how to stop any war with Germany from starting, but how to get it started, and once it had started, not how to stop it as soon as possible, but how to keep it going as long as possible, I am never keen on those types who are rabidly opposed to National Socialism as they are quite mistaken or misinformed or simply Jewish agents.

The same needless violently insane Jewish policy had been used against Germany in WWI, the real purpose being the massive destruction of German society and her economy to make Europe then weak enough for the simultaneously planned communist takeover of Europe from the east, afer Natty Rothschild had funded a group of 'elites' that conspired to bring about not just WWI and then WWII but also the Bolshevik Jewish terorist takeover of Russia in 1917, after abortive attempts to achieve the same had failed in 1905.

See the book 'An Eye For An Eye' by John Sack which discloses all this with much eye witness and victim testimony. He is a Jewish investigative journalist who I suppose had to say what he said about the holocaust of the Jews having really happened in the atmosphere of the time, but he also surprisingly discloses that Jewish armed partisans and Polish Catholic armed partisans took 200,000 Germans as prisoners into the camps, almost entirely civilians, including many babies and women, with only one half of a percent of them ever later having been found to have ever been involved in any level of the German military around the end of the war when they were no longer used by the Germans, and there they deliberately starved, tortured and beat 60,000 to 80,000 of these Germans to death in the most horrific and sadistic ways possible, likely to provide propaganda pictures they could state to be those of Jewish victims, as there was a heavy agenda to do just that with captured German troops held by Americans in train cars till they starved to death or died from dysentery, all wasted away, and then these bodies were dumped into the camps after the war and photographed as 'Jewish victims of Nazism', this is how war propaganda and post war propaganda really got created, with horror film director Alfred Hitchcock (Jewish name) and Billy Wilder, a film director from America being sent to make propaganda films in the camps, not any objective genuine documentaries, they just wanted horror fiction to be created. https://aaargh.vho.org/fran/livres7/SACKeye.pdf

5.5 million Russian POW's were also in the camps, who were all later returned to Stalin to be executed. Camp deaths occurred through all kinds of causes like starvation after supply routes getting bombed out, and ensuing disease, but photos of Geman civilians show them stick thin in huge piles of dead after having starved to death, much of Germany was starving after the bombing, many Germans were literally just skin on bone, you can see a photo of a huge pile of such German civilian bodies in Germany resulting from such general starvation in the book by AR Butz, 'The Hoax of the 20th Century'.

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Zionist Nazis brought Hitler to power, where he killed 6M gypsy and chassidic jews

NAZI JEW brought hitler to power he sent them all to Palestine in 1933, because they brought him to power

Zionists brought Stalin to power, he killed 30M in Ukraine in 1932-33

Why CIA needs to deny that Hitler killed "real jews' is just what they do cloud the human mind; Zionists want all real-jews & christians dead

Zionism is Satanism

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Don't worry, 'Jebus' loves you.

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Yes he does, on that Note What would baby jeebuz say about Trump??

[ Note in reading this Pedophilia is already legal in Israel, and no pedophile can be extradited; They want the same system brought to USA ]

See that's the rhetorical question, as they tear down Trump exactly how long will the most loyal 'base' aka lemmings follow their pied-piper;

Human's are like dogs, the follow the pack, once a dog is ostracized nobody will hang with them.

Normally in NYC the way they kill you is that they take away your 'license to practice law', in Trump's case he has no 'license' for them to revoke, so they must use the CRIMINAL JUST-US system to reign in TRUMP, or "Bridle" him as we used to say in early USA context;

Whether it be Acosta, or Ghislaine Maxwell ( whose father created Israeli Mossad ), or any of 100's of EPSTEIN 'partners' who will flip against Trump in a NY-Second if it means a criminal pardon; They will parade these 'witnesses' before the court and tear Trump down by association.

Again lets ask "How long will the base defend their pied-piper" when every MSM in the USA is 24/7 calling him a pedophile???

There is no good or bad here or left&right, its just the system, a DC&NYC system ran & owned by Satanic assholes, but they are the owners and this is what they do; They destroy people who fuck with their business; That business is pedophilia, sodomy, cannibalism, and human-vampirism ( bleed children by IV for immortality/youth )

Whether Trump is a good or bad guy is irrelevant the real PEDOPHILE's have decided to project everything on him.

Now one explanation is that they could all be doing this to normalize pedophilia, which is their highest priority,

If Trump's base can come around and say "Pedophilia is NO Big Deal", then the demoRats&Rinos can say, well maybe your right;

Then BINGO the USA becomes pedophile world holiday pervert destination for every pedophile on earth, which has been the Elite Owners goal for decades to MONETIZE the Goyim and make them useful for profit.

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ZOG are NOT JEWS, they call themselves JEWS but they are satanic

All real jews know that AshkeNAZI zionists are not real jews

Most judeo jews are just normal poor people; Raised on a Kibbutz, or Orthodox

Most Israeli Billionaires are satanic zionists;

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I have to do more research but doesn’t the Talmud talk about killing or enslaving Christians?

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Yes it does indeed. Check out the link


Jerusalem University itself has declared that the story of Khazarian converts from which the mythical 'Khazarian Mafia' come is purely a story with no genuine historicity. Dr Karl Skorecki proves this amply here;


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Yes, let the punishment fit the crime. Thanks to Dr. Alexander for his righteous stand.

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Even bigger culprits are probably higher up. The public may not know their names. Depopulation may be their motivation.

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The creeps were desperate to get the shots into children. Healthy children and healthy young adults were never at risk of serious illness from any respiratory virus in 2020 and 2021.

I hope not but I’m suspicious that many of these vaccinated people will find it harder to reproduce.

Many people are so completely brainwashed they would just shrug their shoulders if this situation came to pass and they knew the vaccine was to blame.

The brainwashed regularly spout about too many people, climate catastrophe etc.

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If there is enough circumstantial evidence then charge them with conspiracy.

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Public Hanging to deter others from doing this in the future. Hanging Bill Gates will deter the Elites. No amount of money can save those who commit Crimes Against Humanity. Let Justice be served.

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I being of sound mind agree wholeheartedly. The billboards on the side of the freeways,the doctors,the media,the education system all droning on non stop about how safe and effective it was even for pregnant women, it was your duty to save your fellow citizens all while encouraging unvetted,unvacinated illegal immigrants to flood our country bringing fentenal and other deadly drugs over the border encouraging child trafficking while asking rich the cartels.stuffing their pockets with our money all while we have homeless veterans living and dieing on our streets. Uncomprahencable and shameful.And if we don't hold them to account, we are shameful.

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Hang them REAL High!

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Dr. P, no. They deserve no legal facades, nor are any honest enough to do what NEEDS to be done. I would suggest we swing them over head, like they do with chickens, when "transferring their sins" to the chicken. Let's start with Woody Allen, if that pedo is still alive.

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Absolutely hang them high if found guilty and soon after. Not months or years.

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Yes sir! This IS the answer. No other will do. These are insane psychopathic satanists with no morals or emotions. Time for ALL of them to leave...for good.

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Another P.S. from TRUTH MATTERS…

Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?

Sooner or later information/evidence must be coordinated action information!

War is a TEAM sport, right?

Paul…WE NEED YOU, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, David Martin, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions!



A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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I think a better punishment is to put them in solitary confinement, make them wear a mask and wash their hands every hour for 20 seconds. Then inject them once a day with an experimental gene modification solution. If they should die, make Lord Pfizer pay for the funeral.

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I agree with all but I think they deserve less and those that have been tortured by these monsters (like all of us), should be getting retributions from fizer and every corporation that's involved and there are hundreds (just look at the portfolio of blackrock, vanguard, and state street). Everyone keeps calling out fizer but it's also J&J (I know of 2 people who were sick from the J&J shots). What about moderna? What about all the media that's controlled by blackrock? What about blackrock? Google financed the astra zeneca shots. They all need to pay out retributions to all of us and go bankcrupt because of that. Our taxpayer dollars have been used to poison people without our consent (which because we're sane and kind people would NEVER have been allowed). They owe every America citizen. They actually owe every citizen of a western country or any country that they've harmed for that matter.

They can not get away with this. They have put our country in harms way in so many directions. They have brought our economy down, caused people to lose their jobs, made it hard for people to buy food and pay their rent, and many more horrific atrocities that we all know about. And, they have put our country into a downward spiral on the world stage. Making us look like fools when we're not. We have propped up the countries that are now going to harm us mainly china. Who in their right mind does business with communists? This was all started on purpose decades ago to destroy our freedoms. They seem to be accomplishing it too. How do we get out from under this? How do we save OUR country that they've literally stolen (pension funds) and sold out (land sold to the chinese, etc) from under us? How are these monsters ever going to be caught and prosecuted and pay for what they've done?

Those mentioned are criminals yes but they are the puppets, minions of their monster overlords that are extremely dangerous and want our country to end. They've tried time and again and now it seems like they are succeeding. I hope someone can show me that I'm wrong and that there is hope here. I just watched a video that stated that the US dollar is going to be replaced starting tomorrow by the digital dollar. If you go to a national park or museum you an only use central bank digital currency. So, how can we get out of this?

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Please ,Let us not forget Corrupt Tyrant Trudeau in Canada. He should be one of the First to Hang.

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None will be forgotten.

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