Tom Polen, the CEO/Chairmen of Becton Dickinson made about $15M in 2021. Killing old people is good business to some, covering it up good business for others. There is good and evil in the world, and for those of us stuck in the Good Gulag, its pretty obvious who is "winning."

Have had MANY former friends tell me that I used to be much more fun to hang out with, and I realize there was a time I enjoyed life. While in theory I still "have it all," I really don't. The hatred and rage I feel for evil, has overtaken any Light.

Perhaps typing and exposing, or even chronicling the crimes against humanity is "helping." But I do not feel as though we are solving a thing. When 100M of us swarm the filthy streets of DC, all ready to die for truth, then, my life will have mattered.

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Have had MANY former friends tell me that I used to be much more fun to hang out with, and I realize there was a time I enjoyed life. While in theory I still "have it all," I really don't. The hatred and rage I feel for evil, has overtaken any Light.

#MeToo. I was told I was fun to be with and could accept various views, even those I didn’t agree with. Now my humours gone mostly and I feel a 24/7 cold hard rage against everyone except those standing up against the Great Reset Mob.

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Ro, I like to think RAGE, ANGER and yes, the bogeyman known as HATE are biologically adaptive. One thing I feel is very evident, love, prayer and typing have not been effective. Hail Victory.

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The 🐑'll Ain't gonna! 😑

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I'm with you, Paul. One of my most recent articles was also one of the most depressing I've written yet because of my bleak conclusion: ALL the important, large and influential organizations are now captured. As I see it, given this reality, it's going to take the smaller, "grassroots" organizations to do the heavy lifting to try to save the country and world. Substack is perhaps the most important of these non-captured smaller organizations. At least, for now, we have a platform to chip away at all the bogus and harmful narratives.

If the pen is mightier than the sword, we at least have many wonderful wordsmiths, skeptics and real journalists to try do defeat/debunk all the awful journalism (propaganda) the world's being force fed.

And Substack (and a few very good alternative media sites) are growing a lot faster than the captured MSM.


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The last time "hang 'em high" was in a title and I shared it, Twitter banned me - lol - for awhile even though I didn't leave a comment. Seems Mr. "X" still likes the power to punish.

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After my 10 year banishment ended on Twitter last October, I began to post there. Think I had reached about 5000 followers, and some were notable. So, I decided to go after Nicki Halley, Johnathon Greenblatt, Chucky Schumer and other members of the Cabal directly. Woke up one morning, to see the e-mail, telling me I was far too "hateful" for Mr. X and his new Globalist CEO. Typing, praying and voting is not very masculine anyway, and despite the 66 genders they worship, I'm still in the 2 genders, men go to war camp.

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Awesome comment. Thanks for sharing. It seems "permanent" was a long 10 years, for you. The reasons for your present ban don't make sense, without knowing the words you used - lol. With regard to genders and other obedient psychoses, WOKE is BROKE and they'll never put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

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I was permanently banned for sharing it on twitter.

How did you get back on your account if you dont mind me asking?

I was banned in june...

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BUMMER! They seem to think the "hang 'em high" deserved only a short warning. Perhaps Mr. X, a highly intelligent man, agrees with Dr. Alexander...

Anyway, I tried to follow the directions on the X email but it didn't work. All they wanted me to do was delete the post. About 2 weeks later, I found my Twitter page on my Twitter reading list, clicked on, and it put me back in. Maybe my ban expired? I'm technologically challenged - wish I could explain it better. Don't know how I did it, but would suggest ignoring the email and going straight to your Twitter page - ?

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Thanks for the advise....I launched another appeal just now so let's see if they see sense and restore my account.

Odd thing was I got no warning whatsoever as to why I was banned.

I also had to ask about multible times what I did before they finally admitted it was the " hang em high" post.

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I was shocked when I sent perhaps the 20th request to be unbanned (they do not give you much room to say much!) last October I sent a very snarky "No idea what I said wrong, but I thought all humans deserve a voice." I must have caught a very rare conservative reviewer, or perhaps Elon, like DJT, had some convictions, until they had a good talking to...

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You were lucky....I'm still banned for posting the post.

I just put in another appeal just now.

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Mayhap we are luckier not to be there, slogging it out in the din of a falling empire?

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Me too! BANNED!

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I hate to see a substack get banned.

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Were you banned for sharing this post?

I was on twitter.

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South Carolina Professor finds 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection - 9/19/23


"There are an estimated 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA in each dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine. These pieces of DNA are packaged in lipid nanoparticles, basically a synthetic virus, and are delivered into vaccinees’ cells. The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. It’s not just mRNA, it’s got bits of DNA in it” This is why vaccines don't work. They are there for another reason. Just like the PCR tests that were there for a virus that wasn't. GET THE ROPES!

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9/18/23 In this riveting presentation, Bioterrorism and biowarfare expert Dr. David Martin explains why the World Health Organization must be destroyed. As the military arm of the United Nations (NOTHING TO DO WITH PUBLIC HEALTH), Dr. Martin lays out what happened in the last 3 years and how they did it. He nails fake Congressional members like Sen. Rand. Paul, Sen Ron Johnson and the entire lot because they are ALL paid off. It's about money and depopulation. And Pfizer is $100 BILLION richer.

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If they are paying off Sen. Ron Johnson, they are not getting a return on their investment. He's the one member of Congress who is attacking these evil monsters on multiple fronts ... or he is trying to ... his efforts are being ignored by the MSM and the regulators/agencies.

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Yes...david did an amazing presentation as always.

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I'm sorry but I don't have time for the video can you quickly explain how RP and RJ are controlled by Pfizer or Big Pharma?

Where's the beef ?

Thx in advance

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Watch the video David, when you have time. He is an expert(DAVID Martin). I agree with you that those two Senators seem to be the only ones fighting against the Covid Cabal, but Dr. Martin knows the situation better than I do.

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You don't have time, but you expect other people to take the time to provide you with an explanation?

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No I don't expect.

That's why I nicely asked.


Many people, I would say most don't like to click on links.

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Wrong place for that. This is for people who want to know, not impatient people. If Dr Alexander shares it, check it out.

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I'm sorry I thought that video link was provided by you.

Usually authors provide links in the body of the stack.

I didn't know you had all your links approved by Dr. Alexander.

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I agree, they all need to hang for what they've done, sadly I don't believe thats ever going to happen. I think if it ever got close to them being arrested, they would all flee somewhere that doesn't have an extradition treaty because they're all rats and cowards. Trudeau has already bought a place in Costa Rica in a muslim neighbourhood where he won't be recognized, he knows his days are numbered.

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Ready for when they jump ship and hope people forget the evil deeds they carried out against humanity.....they can all run but never hide.

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Add to your list to be hanged, all those in the media, social platforms and those who are censoring the truth about this bio-weapon from the people!

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I have estimated the number of criminals worthy of the death penalty by guestimating the number in various categories, such as:


CDC; FDA; NIH; Military; All Other

States: Health Dept; Governor and his/her office; All Other

Local: County Governments; Local School Boards; Local Town Boards. I estimated these for the most populous ten states, and then the remaining 42 states.

Companies: Fortune 1000. I assumed that in addition to the CEO, each had at least 25 other officials responsible for administering their various mandates.

Non-profit organizations: I assumed that at least five people in each were responsible for administering mandates.

Media: I assumed large companies like NYT, Washington Post, etc had at least 100 perps (reporters, on up), and local and regional media had at least 10 perps. This would include any and all who worked on vaccine passports; censorship; distribution of false information re the virus, the vaccine, and/or treatment.

"Tech": I assumed this category in its entirety had at least a million perps. This would include any and all who worked on vaccine passports; censorship; distribution of false information re the virus, the vaccine, and/or treatment.

Hospitals: I assumed 500 perps for large hospitals, and 100 perps for small and medium size hospitals. This excludes doctors, counted below.

Doctors; I assumed 10% of licensed doctors.

Medical Journals: I assumed ten per journal, for the top 1000 journals.

All Other: I assumed one million perps who don't fall into any of the above categories.

Some of these estimates by category will be too high, while others will be too low. Overall, it probably balances out. The total falls within the five to ten million range. Attila Our Hun won't be waiting for Dr. Alexander's hoped for "proper legal tribunals" to deal with criminals whose crimes themselves had no proper legal basis.

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May the Almighty God Himself and his powerful angels help to carry out this just cause!

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Todd, I have fluttered between a few religious dogmas in my life. Mostly on the Christian side, but have strayed of late. Still, I like to remind my old christian pals, "God helps those who help themselves."

Hail Victory.

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Tell Trump, he STILL thinks the vaccines did some good early. He said so to Megyn Kelly and he said he over ruled Fauci a few times, which means he had the power to do so.

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Worth reading this in its entirety--info on the PREP act, how the are getting away with mass murder:

Update on CHD Lawsuit Challenging Government's License to Kill (PREP Act)

Or, why you should not expect Donald Trump speaking the truth about hospital murders or vax death/injury any time soon...


First, let me answer the burning question about Trump - no, it’s not because he is not a scientist and Fauci and Birx lied to him.

It’s the PREP Act, silly! In order to maintain his immunity from liability, he must push the genocidal HHS narrative (a “covered countermeasure”), or else he is not a “covered person” and then can be prosecuted for real crimes, not the fake made-up ones he is currently indicted for and fundraises from. Note that not a single hard-hitting investigative journalist (I mean real ones like Carlson and Beck) are even allowed to ask him pointed questions, because otherwise they would not be allowed “access” to Trump’s campaign. Which Tucker Carlson acknowledged and explained as a standard operating procedure in media...

PREP Act is a governments’ license to kill, and it must be repealed. Yet, not a single Congress person speaks about it. I don’t know when/if material progress toward this goal will be made. In the meantime, we must educate everyone around us about this atrocity.

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Yes his exact words when confronted about the experimental was....." I like them"

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Put the 25 into mrna clinical trials.

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I have a question for anyone working at any of the mentioned agencies.

Are you a whistle blower or a criminal?

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Crimes Against Humanity

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While I completely agree there needs to be accountability, I highly doubt anything will become of this. The Autism rates have sky rocketed since the late 60's when we went from a half dozen shots to 30 plus today for our "littles". Yet, there is no outrage, there is no-one being held accountable. I guess the difference is that this time, the sheer number of people vaccine injured around the world is much harder to keep quiet versus the family who's child is diagnosed with Autism.

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The increase in autism rates is different than the mass coercive vaccination program that just occurred. It was unprecedented. Be part of the solution not part of the problem. And part of the problem is naysayers and pessimistic people in our medical freedom locker room.

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Autism, as nasty as it can be, is nowhere near as horrible as around 80% of the disease states on the never ending Pfizer side-effect list (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#Fig18b).

Many are now outraged, and many more on the brink. It is a matter of time.

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I agree with you, but if these people took the shot (and it wasn't a fake shot or placebo), haven't they already been punished? I feel like we are spending so much time vilifying the people who have already sealed their fate. If a person is blind enough to follow this evil like sheep, without question, then they have to live (or not live) with the consequences. I have faith in my own God given immune system, therefore I choose not to put any toxic substance in my body. It's really all about faith. Without faith, you create your own punishment.

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The brainwashed took the jabs not the devil`s crew

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What a ridiculous thing to say? The people who are punished with the people who took this against their will but were putting a back against the wall situation. Why on Earth would you be talking about absolving criminals who exerted their power over society it's such an abusive and harmful manner? It's a very weak mindset that you're portraying under a very powerful substack.

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Update on my banned account due to shatpring this post.

I just appealed again today for the mipultible time and they just replied now saying my account violated their policy on hate speech....so I'm still banned.

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