Amen. Biden should not only face immediate impeachment, but then removal and charges for treason, and receive the ultimate penalty, publicly.

Early in his "career" as a politician he actually said he would gladly accept money to do others bidding. He admitted to being a sellout whore. This is why Obama chose him as a running mate.

We are in the final stages if this war folks.

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UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”

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Here's an ¡amén! Also, no surprise whatsoever at all. As you probably know about 400 years before Christ the great Greek historian Thucydides said: All governments lie. And also about 400 years before Christ, the Greek historian Xenophon said: Appearances rule the world. Jesus in Mt 20:25 didn't mince any words in speaking about government. Speaking to his disciples, one translation reads that He said to them: As you know, leaders of nations oppress their people, and their high officials (for some examples think Fauci, Walensky, Collins) abuse their authority. Mark Twain of course said: A lie travels half way around the world before the truth had gotten out of bed and put it's shoes on. Love you brother! Please keep up the so, so fine work, the so, so noble work, the so, so beautiful work. ¡Amén!

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Biden shouldn't be re-elected until he begins nightly violin sonatas.

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AMEN to all you say except I do not think that the so called Republicans will do squat...they ALL know what goes on in DC and keep their mouths shut making them complicit and just as guilty. Think back to Mr Cawthorn who spoke out about the drug use and sex parties in DC..instead of saying this is a serious accusation we need to investigate it..the 2 top republican people in the house yes McCarthy and Scalise both chastised and threatened him and carried it further by making sure he was not reelected to the house. So don't even hang on to ANYONE being held accountable for ANYTHING that is, was or will be done by ANYONE connect to government.PERIOD!

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I would imagine Dr Alexander is speaking about Victor Hanson.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Nothing will happen until the DC Swamp is completely razed over and buried. Both sides are far too corrupt to ever reverse course.

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" ... if a Republican administration returns to power ..." 🤣🤣🤣🤣

As if that is ever going to happen again.

The Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe stayed in power for decades.

Actually it still is in power. Mugabe died buthis partyisstill in power headed by someone just like him.

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Yes, anyone can be president and that is the law. That is how we got stuck with the criminal, eugenicist Trump! This is tedious hearing Paul screaming hostility about Dems which only distracts the real issues about Trump. Stay focused and support democracy. Trump flaunted the law that he claimed to support more times than can be counted. That is why he has so many indictments against him He is recorded on tape so many times promoting his criminality that it is quite stunning people will still try to deny his culpability. But perhaps you support his fascism and efforts to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights!

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One question, though. Who is Hanson?

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