Again happy Fourth of July Dr Paul

And to all the folks on this Substack !!!

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Same.... happy INDEPENDENCE DAY, One and All. 🇺🇸

And ..BBQ safely - do NOT eat zee bugzz !!

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I am truly afraid if Biden does quit(which he should) and Cackles comes in, I mean Biden was atrocious but she will be the worst thing to happen! Is there anyway we can avoid her, I dislike this speaker immensely also. I do not trust either one!

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A bit of " damned if you do, and damned if you don't ", ain't it ?

We gotta get out and vote, be heard and prod like-minded individuals to do the same.....and hold on until January 2025 !

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Of course! We the people are behind Trump, 10000000%. We are talking to anyone that will listen and those that do not to listen we just point out how much gas and food are!

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Ever wonder what's going on inside Biden? What would you find if you PET scanned him? Remember, he's had"covid" and jabs. Just stumbled across this, below, online. Not the best source but the study itself is interesting:

"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .

A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.

This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... '

'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...

'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."

COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects

HEALTH 04 July 2024


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Thank you for this information.

I would be interested to know if the study participants were all unvaccinated. If not...

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That is old news, the vax does in fact destroy their immune system slow but sure, and a little cold will eventually kill them if they don’t die from the variants their body is making! Yep a fine future!

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The study, as presented in the linked article, does not indicate whether the participants subjected to PET scans had been mRNA covid-"vaccinated" or not. If that information is not disclosed, it's a major flaw confounding the results.

If the participants were indeed unvaccinated, this would be a devastating finding.

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It would be good to know that information. By the way, did you see this stack at the link below?

"This has kind of gone viral, shared by people like Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Craig Kelly, and President Trump’s good friend General Michael Flynn."




And what was edited out:


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I did see that big news out of Australia! (Thought of you as I read and watched it!)

I follow Aussie17 and Rebekah Barnett - Dystopian Down Under, who also linked Alison Bevege's report which revealed some of what wound up on the cutting room floor.

I was impressed with Gigi Foster's ability to maintain composure in the midst of the three authoritarians who cannot possibly have believed what they said. The two male "experts" were particularly infuriating.

I was very pleased with the spontaneous grumblings and comments shouted from the audience.

It's surprising that 7News had the courage to broadcast this controversial event. I hope it's truly an important first step to dismantle Australian covid tyranny (and not just a "limited hangout" approved by the government to relieve and dismiss presssure.)

I doubt anyone in AU government or at the news station had any idea of the international attention it would garner. It's exciting.

I'm very curious to ask you how large 7News' viewership is and how big an impact this report had on the Australian population in general. Are everyday people talking about this?

I really appreciate the links you sent. I will be able to review them after dinner and expect they will fill in some blanks for me.

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Seven is the fastest growing news network in Australia apparently. Australia is about the same size as the continental US but its population, at approximately 27 million, is not much larger than Florida's. I don't know how big an impact the report has had in Australia. However, Seven reaches a significant proportion of the population

"Since the start of the year, Seven has reached 17 million Australians a month. The network's total TV all people average audience share so far this year is 40.1%, up from 38.3% in the same period in 2023." 

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Remember why we are a nation. Men and women fought our enemies to build a new nation.

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the idea on its own is unmatched

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Have a blessed Independence Day Dr. Paul. We are in the Second American Revolution, fighting again for our independence from the tyrannical controllers.

We shall win. COVFEFE.

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Thank you Doc for reminding us of this great nation’s blessings. Happy Birthday America and Happy 4th July to all her people.

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Happy Fourth of July y'all (my American friends). Love to you all! from Sophie in Montreal.

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Thank you, Dr Paul, for all your insights and observations on many topics of interest to us all!

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May we begin pulling it back from the brink over 129 years of progressive socialism has brought it to.

I suggest the Al Capone Solution.

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me thinks

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hhhmmm, should I say nice?

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It’s a way of getting rid of the largest number of the highest level leftists that have had their fingers in almost every major attempt to destabilize the US. It would be similar to the way that Al Capone was taken out. They had failed to bust him on all his different criminal enterprises, but they got him on a tax violation.

The idea is who cares what you get them on as long as you take them out of circulation.

What is something that has been going on now for decades in almost 540 different cities, counties, and states that involves high level leftists in elective and appointed government positions at every level of government, even the federal government, judges, both local and federal, businesses, entertainment, media, religious organizations, NGOs, think tanks and other large foundations, and academia?

It involves deliberate violation of a variety of federal laws. It involves close coordination by principal players across state lines making it fall under RICO statutes. It involves expenditure of public funds at every level of government.

It’s what I refer to as sanctuary secession. It’s almost exclusively Democrats in Democrat states who have been selectively seceding from the US by deliberately and in a concerted effort violating federal immigration law in a variety of ways.

The RICO aspects of their long collusion across state lines, their deliberate flouting of federal law, and the misprision of public money to do it, can be used to seize all their assets and property at the same time they are arrested for violation federal immigration law (and a bazillion lesser included charges). And since what they have been doing endangers public safety as well as national security, it can be prosecuted on other much more serious charges.

In addition to their property and assets being able to be seized in advance of any legal proceedings against them, even after any proceedings, under asset forfeiture laws, they have to go to an entirely different court to try to get their assets and property back.

Since the people involved in the sanctuary secession scheme are also intimately involved in one or another of every other means of leftist attack against US customs, laws, and business, taking them out this way will automatically solve a lot of other problems.

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This will happen. It was started years ago, and fortified with several Executive Orders from Trump. Much has already happened behind the scenes, and during the next four years we will see much more.

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Crosses are cheaper. 😃

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Happy 4th to you Dr. Paul!

Be aware - be awake. Read Mike McCormick’s Laptop of Good and Evil Sub-stack about what is going on at the Vatican.

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great sharing, thank you happy 4th

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just might take the lead to save America’s ELECTION INTEGRITY with the Michigan Supreme Court case filed last Friday against Joscelyn Benson who colluded with the SOSs of the other swing states!

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AND - the recall of Robin Vos, the worst RINO of them all.

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Was he recalled yet?

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As I understand it, the required number of signatures to force a recall election was gained. Let's hope the people's voice is not squelched.

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That should be Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil Substack

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Thank you for sharing the Declaration of Independence. I’m not sure I’ve ever read it in entirety. Very appropriate for our time.

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Paul, here is a link to some special 4th of July Memes, funny, but appropriate for our current times, and remembering our history.


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Thank you Dr Alexander. For all you do keeping us informed, alert and awake! Not woke! Your work is so valuable to everyone here and anyone seeking the truth, truthfully!

Happy 4th of July Sir!

Our Independence may be at stake and as the saying goes,

“it ain’t over till the fat lady sings”!

Thank you again Dr Alexander.

And a very “Happy 4th of July” to all those people and their families I’ve never met personally, but have come to know a little more through their reply’s to writing’s I’ve made on Dr Alexander’s “Substack Page”.

Right, wrong or indifferent, everyone here understands what’s at stake with America today. I’ve learned how each of us helps each other, better understand these issues through their own writings and thoughtful replies posted here.

Thank you all!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Great comment!

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May we work together to bring peace and prosperity for our future children and grandchildren.

Happy 4th to all & Dr Paul and the many good people on Substack

Freedom has never been free someone else gave their life for it to be here.

May it be free of bugs and pesticides we don't need that artificial junk in our temple of a body

With love, peace, freedom to all

Even the cackles, hyenas, and any other variety.

Blessings and God Bless America

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