Listen parents.....Either get a fucking backbone or stop participating....Stop showing up. Cut off the money supply.

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Canadians are such cowards. Any real man would have protected his daughter and removed this pos from the dressing room. A 50 year old man competing against teenage girls and no one does anything. And they still competed!!??? Canadians deserve this nonsense. Too weak stupid and comfortable. Maybe they’ll finally wake up.

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An old term - gutless wonders. If you can't/won't protect your children, maybe someone else should take the reins.

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Agree! Canadian's have been brainwashed gradually over many years . It's time to Wake up!

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I believe we have to start thinking like a Liberal, whenever these freaks show up the real girls have to all walk out and this goes for all sports, tell these assholes you will not participate in their freak shows, period. If people don't start standing up and walking out, this shit will never end.

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Refusing to participate would end this insanity, and end it quickly. There is no market or audience for competitions between mediocre, misfit, confused males.

Pro tip: Never count on those who helped create the problem to ever fix it.

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Your last sentence says it all. Thank you.

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They are the most protected class besides the invasionistas

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IF the girls STOP participating in this charade & leave - the pervs will have no audience

When did athletic participation become more important than a principled life’s position & protection of the innocent?

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Many took a lethal shot so they could continue participating.

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Tragically, yes

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"with the expectation that our registrants treat each other with respect and dignity, and keep our sport environment free from harassment


appears they are violating their own rules. A significant portion of the young girls are not treated with respect or dignity when they are forced to expose themselves. One more step toward dehumanization.

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"Melody Wiseheart" ?! ..C'mon, Man..

Why not Hammer Dickwise?

Or Spike Weiner? Flipper Pancake? Swallow Seaman?

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Canada has fallen. Sickening 😡

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Sorry, put the RESPONSIBILITY of the idiot girls who stay on the team.

If so upsetting then walk the f. Out...

The TEAM are spineless skockholm syndrome persons...

Simply refuse to swim...

Aren't you all tired of blaming the chemically manipulated and altered individual?

Focus on teaching these wimpy women to be the Proud

"feminists" they claim to be.


This is getting tiresome and monotonous....

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I know. I’m starting to not care anymore. I refuse to care more about their problem than they obviously do by NOT walking out. They will have to stick up for themselves or this will never stop.

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Was it born in the USA? Watch out Joe and Hunter, from the photo and the description of tbe behavior, Melody sounds like US presidential material. She/it could not make the US any more of a laughing stock than it already is.

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Regardless of where it was born, I note that Daily Mail reports the following regarding this swimming interloper's day job as a nutty professor:

"Her (sic) research at York university focuses on aging, children and youth behavioral science."

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That figures. The Penn State professor who was raping his dog was a donor to Hillary and Elizabeth Warren.

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Wow, had not heard that one. How sick is sick? Send him to my "little girl". He'll definitely be singing in another octave. She's only about 20#, and it's all muscle, no nonsense.

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Beyond putrid. In my opinion, anyone who rapes any thing, any age, any human, needs to be put in jail with a bunch of sadistic Am done with being the 'compassionate' one who will look for excuses. No mas.

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In Canada, rape is rare compared to the US. When it comes to raping, the US in in the top 15 countries in the world along with Botswana, Lesotho, Sweden and South Africa. Even in Florida, long seen as the future of the GOP, there is s big rape proble. A long time DeSantis supporter who is the Chairman of the Florida GOP has had to standdoen folowing credible allegations of rape by a woman whom the married GOP chairman was having a threesome with.


Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, husband of Moms for Liberty cofounder, accused of sexual assault by alleged menage a trois lover


Christian Ziegler: Republican chairman in Florida suspended amid rape allegation


Florida was supposed to be the future of the GOP — now the state party is in shambles. Gov. Ron DeSantis grasps desperately for attention, as the state party chair is pushed out after a rape allegation


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He is a disgusting despicable pig.

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Absolutely evil and disgusting. This must stop, NOW!

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Women provide liberals a majority of their votes. You can't pick and choose your policies like a smorgasbord. Until females change their majority voting habit (especially college and pro sports females) I'll leave it to them to solve their one issue with their fav political party.🤷🏻‍♂️

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You must not have any daughters competing for scholarships or who like to go to the local YMCA for recreational swimming.

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Women provide liberals a majority of their votes. You can't pick and choose your policies like a smorgasbord. Until females change their majority voting habit (especially college and pro sports females) I'll leave it to them to solve their one issue with their fav political party.🤷🏻‍♂️

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It is a rather bigoted and shortsighted comment I would say. A famous Winston Churchill quote “Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is not a conservative has no brains,” is more like it. The problem is that while you sit out on this issue, women, many who are neither liberal or conservative are being victimized in locker rooms by men who are predators, and you seem to have no interest in protecting the innocent.

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