Excellent and very informative article. And yet, the unvaccinated are still being used as scapegoats for emerging variants. So glad I am not vaccinated. Thank-you. Really appreciate all the time and energy you put in.

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This is outstanding information - and reasoning.

I am in Queenstown NZ and I am looking forward to Omicron ripping through the country. The MSM is warning that it's imminent - '2-3 weeks away'

I am assuming the unvaxxed will have some innate immunity to Omicron as we have dealt with coronaviruses previously and have full spectrum soldiers primed and ready to see it off.

But these f789ing idiots who injected the experiment have soldiers that are only able to fight against Wuhan Covid - and that no longer exists.

I can't wait to see these clowns dropping like flies with Omicron and being stuffed into the ICUs.

Oh and I also have the full slate of meds (including horse dewormer) prepped in the event that anyone in our family get into trouble.

The Schadenfreude God is waiting to be sated with the sacrificed bodies of the CovIDIOTS!!!

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The prepping will serve you well. My whole family was massively exposed to Omi (intentionally, we were not sending the boyfriend home to be alone over Christmas). We all got infected, but we all took pre-emptive and concurrent "horse dewormer" + steroids. Hardly noticed we were sick, maybe one or two days of symptoms + rather tired for about a week.

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I only have the med pack because I want to be alive and well to witness what the End Game is.

I am fairly certain this is an extinction event so I want to be one of the last 'dinosaurs' standing.

BTW I have been expecting something like this since reading this 10+ years ago https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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"Australia suffers deadliest day of pandemic as Omicron drives up hospital cases": I have been saying, this is what happens when you locked down too long and hard, no acquired-adaptive immunity When you locked down, you deny natural immunity, and thus inching closer to herd immunity, you actually HARMED and damaged your population; we, I, Gupta, Atlas, Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, McCullough etc


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Greet van der Bosch said these things at least 6 months ago...

As speculation...now proven correct

Not sure how to spell his name...

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Geert. Make America geert again


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HA! I love it!!!!!!!

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Yes, I definitely haven't memorized how to spell his name [yet]! But, here's his substack:


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People should really get familiar with Marek's Disease in chickens. We seem to be asking this SARS cov-2 virus to do the same thing...in fact some places are practically begging for it.

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I keep hoping for a great awakening to the truth to happen at once by something epic revealed. It can't happen soon enough! Thank you for all of your posts, Dr. Alexander.

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My deep gratitude to you and your colleagues who are helping me understand and be true to my decisions. My best to you and your loved ones. This is such a time of turmoil, anger and misunderstandings. I hope we can unit with our loved ones without fear and all move forward in our lies. Blessings

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Another perfect “reveal” - thank you !

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vaccine failure

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant has given some more information about the 36 people who died from COVID-19 in the latest daily reporting period.

Of the 22 men and 14 women, 33 were vaccinated and three were not. Those who were vaccinated had “generally” not received a booster shot, Dr Chant said.

Three people who died were aged under 65 – including one person in their 40s – and two of these people were not vaccinated. All three had “underlying serious health conditions”, the Chief Health Officer added.


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So what you're saying is: this pandemic has been handled incorrectly in every. single. way.

Thank you, very helpful writing on complex topics...

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Thank you Dr. Alexander, I am grateful for your dedication to get information across the great divide, and I especially respect and appreciate your commitment to our children.

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Thank you for this article. I am very thankful that I chose not to get vaccinated

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