What a scum bag POS...let's hope he meets someone who can respond with equal deadly force someday. Misdemeanor? This could have killed that guy. Oregon is insane. It's almost as if they're trying to create social chaos...hmmm, go figure. Just one more leggo in the new satanic tower of Babel they're trying to build.

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Way past time to bring back proper punishment. Stocks to shame petty thieves. Public floggings to punish serious crime.

As someone who's a lifelong anti capital punishment. I'm wavering, Considering the hundreds of thousands. all involved in the scamdemic's Crimes Against Humanity. Capital punishment would save us the public, considerable sums of our money. Execution way cheaper than life long imprisonment.

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This monster and others like him are not fit to live in society. Deposit them in a prison, throw away the key, and make them work for their food. Otherwise they starve. That is what they have "earned."

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Everyone enjoying the "inclusive, woke, everything's whiteys fault" Democrat socialist Nirvana? Then you'll enjoy owning nothing, being nothing, eating bugs and dying early as well. Carry on serfs!

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A soulless wicked society is evolving.

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Shout out to the late, great, Colin Flaherty, author of "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry." As he said, the Biggest Lie of (his) Generation...the media long ago decided to minimize the violent criminal activity of blacks, where the victims were whites. We saw how during the pandemic, with the whole propaganda campaign of 'Stop Hate Against Asians' that the media and activists blamed white people for the attacks on Asian Americans, even when the black perpetrators were caught on film. You know that sort of thing was going on long before, it was called "The Knock Out Game." Groups of black youth playing a street game, picking a victim such as an elderly person or a woman, and sucker punching that person, the object of the game was to knock out the person with one hit. Our media and Big Tech overlords decided to not report it, and to delete social media posts depicting it. Again, I only knew about it because of Colin Flaherty's reporting. There's a professional association of African American journalists; the National Association of Black Journalists, or the NABJ, founded in 1975. They long ago decided to change how black people are reported on in media, and they deliberately decided to minimize crimes committed by black people. They pressured all media outlets to hire black journalists, and they "lobbied" media to minimize race in criminal reporting. Again, thanks to Colin Flaherty. If you know this, you notice TV news broadcasters sometimes struggle with reporting incidents, when it comes to describing an assailant. During the Obama administration, the FBI stopped reporting crime statistics by race, as in "# of crimes committed black race against white race" et cetera. Before they stopped, the stat that kept showing up was 13/50, which means, 13 percent of the population, committing (at least) 50 percent of the violent crimes. These statistics being somehow "racist", they stopped getting published.

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This is all being done by design. "They" are dismantling our society one town, city, person at a time. If you don't know already, this is a spiritual war. There are demons walking this earth masquerading as humans and they're destroying us. The ultimate goal is for the 2 class society: us and them. I'm not going to tell you who the "them" is because of you don't know, you won't believe me anyway. It's time we band together and defeat these demons if we want our children's children to have some kind of free existence and not be subservient to a "race" of people who think they are better than us and want nothing more than to wipe out seed from this earth. God help us; we need You more than ever. Easter blessings to my fellow Christian's. In case you haven't gotten the memo, they've declared war on us. STICK TOGETHER OR PERISH🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿

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This is so evil. So incomprehensible that people would do this to others... Sad and horrific.

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I have long thought, at first as a joke, but then more and more seriously, that we should have public floggings. I think there should be a new staff member in every school, his rank shall be Corporal and his business shall be Punishment. We are animals first. We inhabit our bodies before we inhabit society. Link the pain center in our febrile brains to proper behavior in society. I think if we tried it for a generation, that a lot of madness would disappear. When I was in the legions, we would have these touchy-feely sessions where we discussed everything under the sun. Whenever the topic of child rearing came up, every single black soldier indicated that they were in favor of corporal punishment. They all were familiar with the experience of having to go 'cut a switch' and then bring it to their father for him to mete out their punishment. Only about half the white soldiers had that experience. The coffee shop employees, should get a few raps, like they do in Singapore, even for littering. Just a bit of pain to remind you that you are a citizen, not a barbarian.

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The world has lost its collective minds. Learn how to shoot and defend yourself. Become self sufficient.

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I'm of the considered opinion that things like The Stocks and Pillories and public executions should never have been abandoned. Bloody harsh and reactionary of me to say the least. But when I read about and watch things like this...

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You're exactly right, until something is done to punish these crimes nothing will deter this type of behavior. If you live in a blue state it's actively being encouraged.

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The sub human who assaulted an innocent human must face criminal justice. If that fails, then street justice. Since when does standing by and not interceding is identified as good by Portland police. History has always shown that standing by is as guilty as the crime. Germany 1940?

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Ni more bail or parole for violent offenders. This has to stop.

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Put that coffee shop out of business.

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