The phoney " debates" are a waste of time. Trump does not need to prove himself in a debate.

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Totally agree!

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Trump is good with policies, he was a good president and making great decisions, he has fantastic rallies, but he really is a poor debater. He let her bait him, and he snapped at her baiting instead of deflecting, and using diplomacy and intellect. He lets ego get in his way. We really don’t have time for his ego, we have a country save. He needs not to debate. Everybody knows what they need to know about him. And he finished that debate with a great speech that got into the heads of every American, who listened. That was the greatest point made of the night by either of them. He needs to let that be the last word between the two of them.

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I agree that President Trump's closing statement was far superior to Kamala's. As I recall, he hit all the right notes.

Your mentioning it inspires me to google it and review exactly what he said.

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Trump is great at debating when it isn’t 2 moderators and an opponent against him. When he debated in a group of candidates and the moderators weren’t focused on targeting him, he was fabulous! He is a passionate orator, so why would you believe he can’t debate?

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Am I the only one that is sick-n-tired of the endless talking?

Kamala talks about all the things that she'll do. But in almost 4 years she's done NOTHING!

Trump said thousands of time that he was going to "lock her up" and "drain the swamp".

Then Trump became POTUS. He did NOTHING! And so the same swamp that he was supposed to drain booted his a$$ out of the White House. Now Trump is back to endless talk about all the things he's *going* to do. Another "debate" will be more and more of the same from BOTH of them.

So I ask again, am I the only one that's sick-n-tired of the endless blah-blah-blah?

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Trump has done more behind the scenes for the last six years than most know about. His speeches and rally's are full of comms and clues if one would just listen and pay attention. Most of these people you "see" are really not who they are, they've been long gone. A lot of smoke and mirrors going on, actors with masks, ie Obiden, doubles, CGI and a lot of AI going on. Kamala is a fake, who you see is not the real one, compared to pics from her Willie Brown days. Kamala is paying people to attend her so called rally's by the bus loads, some as far as four ours away. AI is being used to fill in the crowd size, black curtains concealing empty seating to make it look like the crowd is huge when the cameras pan around. AI was used to create a huge crowd at an airport when no one is allowed on the tarmac ever. The "people" were so deformed looking, one guy had four arms and many had deformed hands, lol. President Trump created Space Force for a reason, Trump has caught them all, it's the biggest sting operation ever! 🎥🍿🎥

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That's the general impression, namely, that Trump has "done a lot". Superficially it does seem like Trump has done a lot, but a little bit of digging uncovers three things:

(1) Most of the good things that Trump did were cosmetic and easily reversible.

(2) Many of the things that Trump did helped to ADVANCE the Globalist agenda.

(3) Many very important things that Trump SHOULD HAVE done he did NOT do them.

Those 3 points are demonstrably true. Sorry if that rains on your parade.

Lastly, most of what you say here about swamp creatures like Obama, Kamala, Biden, and so on is certainly true. However, that does let Trump off the hook.

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You really never have good things to say about Trump. I have a BIG really HUGE list of his accomplishments. It was provided to me by a very sharp person on substack.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Lynn - I've probably seen the same list you have ("a BIG really HUGE list of his accomplishments"). So rest assured, I know the score.

The difference is that I cut through the 'fluff' to get at *substance*. We must be mature and critical thinkers, not childish and superficial in our thoughts.

ONE EXAMPLE: When Trump got us out of the Paris Agreement, many Trump supporters went hog-wild, whooping and a-hollering. I too was happy about that accomplishment, but I retained my maturity about it. WHY? Primarily because I realized that that was a 'cosmetic and temporary' accomplishment. I wrote that getting us out of the Paris Agreement would likely be reversed at the first opportunity. SURE ENOUGH, within hours of the Globalists sitting in the White House, the USA was back in the Paris Agreement - a quick stroke of the pen was all it took.

What **permanent, substantive and needed** things could Trump have done? I'll mention just one, the one that, to me, was the MOST IMPORTANT. Here it is: Trump could and should have gone after and locked up, perhaps even executed, some of the most notorious and evil of the Globalist Fat Rats. IOW, Trump HAD to declare war on the Globalists to **REALLY** make good on his promise to drain the swamp. I predicted (wrote) to Trump several times telling him: "If you do not take THEM out, they will take YOU out." The rest is history.

I go by facts, evidence and objective logic, Lynn. I voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020. Trump FAILED us miserably in ***the most important job*** that a POTUS has, namely, to protect the country and its people from enemies, foreign and domestic, that would cause harm or seek to destroy the country. Look around you. We are living the consequences of Trump's total failure in that *most important job*. Now he wants a do-over.

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Excuse...me....mature and critical thinkers not childish superficial. You are starting to sound like the Leftists with their salad words. The Election of

2020 was stolen. TRUMP WON. Papa JOE was voter frauded into

office. That's what happened. No wonder the Paris Agreement was reversed.

Where's your objective logic on that one. I can tell by your writing that your objective logic is one-sided. You with them?

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With that comment, I'm done. Thank you. Enjoy your day.

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Keep Telling the truth, Jorge.

This place wouldn't be the same without you.

As for Trump, he still is part of the neocon model that we cannot get rid of.

Send 20 million people home?

With what manpower?

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Who is your choice then?

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Sadly, in today's world most people can't think that far or deep. It's like many of Kamala's economic promises. A little bit of basic arithmetic shows that Kamal;a cannot possibly realize some of the economic things she is promising - it would bankrupt the country. Sheeple stand up and cheer without thinking.

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Who is your choice then?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

At this moment there is no one on the ballot that I would choose.

If she were on the ballot, I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard.

If he were on the ballot, Id vote for Douglas Macgregor.

There are other people for whom I would give serious consideration for POTUS if they were on the ballot - they aren't, of course.

The want us to choose "the lesser of two evils". As I constantly remind people, the "lesser" of two evils is still an EVIL. I pass.

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Trump. I sincerely believe that the folks in Kamala's corner are simihuman at best.

At the wost thay are shape-shiftiers. Many native people have legends of such. Can these legends be at least partially true?

Thus,Trump is the guy I'm voting for.

It's better than any other choice we've got.

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Baa! When did Peace and Freedom around the world become part of the globalist agenda?? JF, are you trolling me? What did Trump not do?? You always leave your reader hanging without giving any evidence of your claims. 👿

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In my comments on Dr. Alexander's blog I've left *plenty* of evidence. Of course, I don't expect you to read all of it, or to acknowledge it if you do read it. That's on you, not on me.

A quick one: Trump COULD HAVE (but did not) fire AG Jeff Sessions the very same day that Sessions declared he was recusing himself from going after Clinton. Instead, Trump allowed Sessions (later known as "Do-Nothing Mr. Magoo) to remain as AG. That's just one of many.

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There is NO DOUBT that Kamala was being told what to say!

Those Big Earings were earphones from Barak and Unholy Hillery on how to lie .

Solution: "Ban ALL such devices"!!!!

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I'm actually sad the bad guys are using old tech like that

Why not just give her brain chip an upgrade?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

It DID help him to do no primaries. There were better debaters on the stage, and he was leading in the polls.

And, no more debates, unless he can demonstrate restraint and focus. Why would he help her out?

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I agree it helped Trump not to participate in the primary debates this election cycle. Even so, his presence dominated the debates between the 'also-rans.'

In general it seems that Republicans tear each other apart in debates to the benefit of Democrats who typically know well enough at a certain point to coalesce behind their leading candidate. Haley and Vivek should have dropped out and endorsed Trump far sooner.

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Haley was trying to damage him so that Biden or Harris could win.Vivek dropped out earlier than Haley because his loyalty is to the US. Haley's loyalty, like Harris' loyalty, is to India.

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Yes that's true, just like Vance's Pajeet.

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Haley is another Walter Mondale type with aspirations beyond their level of skill. Vivek is a Republican Obama, clean and articulate. 😏 Money and power are their objectives. Hard to get interviews when you aren’t running.

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I hoped WWE would run things and we could skip the next debate. Because the last on didn't reflect lots of my concerns .

1 : Epstine's client list, was not mentioned

2 :No one mentioned how bad the VA is now.

3 : While tougher laws were covered ( always the choice of a weak leader).No solutions were given beside the Left and Right standard.

4: if all we are doing is giving a Left or Right playbook to a monkey, why vote at all ?

This time maybe we'll get lucky.

And Kamala will change into a snake.

It'll be good for ratings.

Still voting for Trump, because I dislike snakes.

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Please have a look at this post on DoD-led the tabletop exercise in December 2019 which featured the US 2020 election: the event was significant re COVID (according to organizers).

Much to investigate here.


And maybe bring it to Trump's attention!

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Very disturbing.

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Please read and share - important info to get out there!

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Hi again Kathleen, I'm sharing this Substack post with you.

It's amazing to actually see their plans


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Thanks, Darkstar. I'll pin that for the morning.

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Subscribed !

Thank you 😊

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More people died of or with covid under Biden and Harris than during Trump's administration even though Biden and Harris had a vaccine thanks to Trump. Although Trump took the credit during the last debate for making masks and ventilators available he didn't emphasize how more peoplle died under Biden and Harris than under his administration despite him leaving them with a vaccine. He would probably make this point forcefully during another debate.

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It's true the comparative number of deaths from one administration to the other is a significant point incriminating Biden/Harris. But I'm truly afraid it will be traumatic for the country and not necessarily helpful to Trump even to discuss the carnage before the election. Although, if necessary, I strongly support Trump's continuing to stress his opposition to vaccine mandates and his promise to defund any educational institution that mandates vaccines.

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Fake vaccine bioweapon injures and kills $$$

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Newer shots are coming Linda, if you're looking for an alternative to the earlier shots. As reported from Yale (see yalemedicine.org), one of America's leading universities:

"The new shots are expected to provide protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death related to COVID. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get one of the updated vaccines. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s updated mRNA vaccines were fully approved in the middle of August for everyone ages 12 and older, and each has a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA) for infants and children ages 6 months through 11 years." 

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More big pharma life long customers on the way

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You know what they can do with new poison

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Next debate moderators PETER NAVARRO and STEVE BANNON and make gd sure there is wireless jamming.

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I would love a debate with Tucker Carlson as moderator, just him! Of course, Kamala would refuse, but that would be the condition of any further debate! My Way now!

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Trump isn't going to have another debate. He's a one man show. All he needs to do is have his rallies, press conferences, and interviews before Election Day. I don't know why you keep pushing for

another waste of time debate.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Why don’t people get it!

No, she didn’t get questions ahead of time from ABC. Dems did the opposite. Trump/ Vance were analyzed to the finest hair. Then ( what I believe) ABC was told about, provided with EVERYTHING Harris would be throwing up like vomit. EVERYTHING. It never stopped! ABC moderators are criticized but what they did was to promote Harris. She is lazy … the debate was a quick way to get attention. No more debates…they are phoney anyway and so different from the international debates that our students have won ( 1st place…)

Then …you don’t get about voodoo and animal sacrifice. When I was in South America as missionary I was sickened to learn of all the child/ woman sacrifice. Openly, they admitted about the past and the sacrifices made. Presently Haiti is a shithole…it has worsened from the time 40 years ago when profs at Laval were from Haiti. Now after what Canada and the USA have done there, it’s a mess. At the beginning of the open borders, Haitians were denied entry and sent back. Then at some point, groups of Haitians did come of course to Springfield. Back in Haiti recently…lots of uprisings and missionaries, young missionaries were killed.

As for the cats…the true story is told on TikTok, a posting that Dr. Malone made available. The young woman describes all the Voodoo and animal sacrifice practised in Haiti. Also the fact that poor, starving Haitians do eat cats. I knew it to be true right away…you cannot reason using western values and sum it all up in an erudite way such as the guest on Redacted did. The man interviewed, however, was knowledgeable about all the destabilization done by USA/Canada.

I do not write unless I am sure. I am absolutely sure about the last 40 years of Haiti that I am personally aware of.

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I saw that video, Karen. It certainly was impressive

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He will need to hurry, "they" will attempt to make Harris wet in the first week in October and blame a Trumpster. Enter Hillary. Trump will still win however... then the fire works starts.

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In the language of theoretical physics, a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties," each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system. A revealing difference between the behaviors of Harris and Trump is that Harris mistakes "complex" physical systems for "non-complex physical aystems in the construction of the models of these systems that support hee public policy objectives wheras rTump does not make this mistate.

In the statistical research that he conducted in ht historical record, the statistician and professor of clinical psychology Mattis Desmet found that for a large group of the citizens of a country to make this mistake is a precursor to totalitarian rule over this country. H presents these findings' in the book that is titled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." I am Terry Oldbeerg Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher, Los Altos Hills, California. 650_518_6636 (mobile) terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email))

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President Trump is in the driver’s seat. At the VERY MINIMUM, he needs some way to ensure Harris does NOT again get the questions in advance; is NOT allowed to wear Nova earbud audio transmission earrings nor any other communication devices; and Trump has full control of choice of interrogators, making perfectly clear THERE WILL BE NO ONE-WAY BOGUS ‘Fact checking’ aimed only at him!

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Anxiety 😟! I just want him to do well… It’s like those horror movies where you can’t look, probably never happens to you. Lol. My pessimism is showing. Thank you for reminding me to be strong. I got it. I’m good now.

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