First rule: Never believe the first thing the government tells you.

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Or ANYTHING the gov tells you.

Second rule: Do the opposite of what they tell you.

ie. Lahaina, Maui ; "Please turn around mama and go back into the fire at the harbor " or

" Inject this stuff into your arm, it is safe and affective " What is in there? Awwww...we don't know, we made it in a hurry under dod's orders, but it was planned for years.

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Or is it the United States of Israel?

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Nothing would surprise me.

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Welcome to the USSA

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I like

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Great minds think alike

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There's a lot of anomalies that make it highly unlikely to have been an accident. But for me what clinches it is the way Biden acted when he announced the government would pick up the entire tab. (so there's no insurance investigation) He looked positively gleeful. He's not really a very good actor; he lets his emotions show. (usually anger) He could not contain his happiness. So yes, I think it was an attack by friends of Biden.

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The O'biden Cartel downed a bridge in Pittsburgh while the fake actor Biden was on his way to Pittsburgh to make a short speech about how they need money from the tax payers for infrastructure. 😳I was on my way there also at the time. You can't even make this stuff up. The truth is stranger than fiction. It is so obvious they are trying to destroy our country and us. Not many bothered by it as far as I can tell, with the exceptions of those on these stacks....I hope I am wrong.

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very good observation thank you for sharing

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Another domestic terrorist attack from the American government

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I can't stand him, either, but rebuilding this bridge and restoring the port's usability is vital. In this case, the quickest route is to use Federal money while still suing the insurer. I have no idea how long it will take to get it rebuilt, but suing the insurer is a very long, litigious process that is guaranteed to take years. So, in reality, the only immediate course available is through the Feds, albeit they had damn well better be suing the crap out of the insurer for restitution.

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Definitely not an accident!

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Definitely not indeed. It smells of the Ohio train debacle. “They” are trying to make Baltimore a 15 minute city. The bridge was not taken down by the barge. It appeared to have been blown up before it got hit. Maybe the same people that wasted the Russia Pipeline?

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yes yes

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Did anyone do any research on the OHIO train disaster and all the goodies that were in the ground mmmm worth BILLIONS TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE CALLED GOVERNMENT

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Is there a site that determines which areas including which cities will contain these "15-minute cities"?

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If the government is telling us something, it is based on 3 strategies by them, either:

1)they are lying about something they are doing NOW, just happened

2)or covering up for something they are doing, going to do to you in the future

3)lying about something they did in the past

100% one of these 3 or all of them.

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They lie about everything

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anything your government tells you is a l, Canadian especially...

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Hey, don’t forget Australia!!

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Listen to Lara Logan. She will tell you what really happened. There was a barge that hit a bridge in Oklahoma this weekend. Didn't do much damage, but still!

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Yep seen that as well

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Think about it..they have all but completly destroyed the supply chain,the chicken plants burnt to the ground,their desire to elimate private farms,the distain for beef,for cows.this is a big port,a highly important port.And then the fact that its a deeply meaningful because of the history as to the founding of America and the star spangled banner.I feel this was intentional.by our own goverment.

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Inside job 100%

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Maybe it was a retaliation for our troops attacking Russia’s Crocus Music Hall. But then they would have been blaming Russia immediately. So it was most likely another inside job.

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Inside Traitor Job.

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Two loads of Bullshit. And … do not ever hop on a DEI plane.

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& is anything leaking? Is that the new train derailment stunt?

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Nope just a bunch of disposable bullshit from Asia. You know, where America's SLAVES LIVE TODAY?

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Not in US but read a post suggesting the number of dangerous goods crossing that bridge daily because they can’t use tunnels effective divides along the Masonic Dickson line and severely hampers transport to the south. Another 9/11 own goal?

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Transport options fine.

Same perps as 9/11.

Gov terrorizing us again. Put them in jail.

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Yep I followed the same path with the tunnels

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In a car, or carrying toxic chemicals and fuels?

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edit--Mason-Dixon line (no connection to Masonic Order--at least as far as I know)

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I’m not in the US , just quoting someone who is.

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I never expect our governments to tell us the truth they are all global terrorists creating wars so they get rich why did JP MORGAN BUY MILLIONS OF SHARES WITH THE DEFENCE COMPANY BEFORE THE WAR IN ISRAEL

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The video showed the bridge started going down before the barge hit. Definitely something is up. Now today another barge hit a bridge in OK but no real damage was done. Coincidence??

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It was the military industrial complex touting for more business. US, Israel, Ukrainian or Russian makes no difference. Same end result.

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Inside job, no doubt. This rogue Federal Government has been at war with WE THE PEOPLE especially with the covid scam, the lockdowns, masks, 5G towers, deadly covid jabs, etc. Consider the direct energy weapons that caused the “wildfires” in California and Canada-not to mention the murder of the beautiful people of Lahaina Maui. For they were fried in their homes and in their cars! Texas was punished with the Federal government destroying thousands of cattle and thousands of nacres of farmland for ignoring an unconstitutional ruling by the Federal Supreme Court (that actually is guilty of treason against the American people in their illegal decision to keep the Southern border open).

The Ohio train derailment was not only deliberate, but set the liquid toxins on fire to spread deadly poison even farther killing people and animals. These monsters planned and caused this disaster! Numerous food processing plants have been burnt down. I think I have even heard of oil refineries being destroyed. The invasion that has taken place and is taken place by illegal military aged men to Sabotage our infrastructure, food supply, and murder our people. We have to hold this illegal Federal Government accountable! I’m afraid the reason why we have not resisted and saved our country so far, is that the leadership in the country have been bribed or blackmailed. WE HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED in our schools, universities, churches, economic institutions, medical institutions, and Federal/State governments. If the Good Lord does not intervene, I personally see no hope. We need to seek forgiveness for our personal sins and for the sins committed by our nation. Beg the Lord to have mercy!

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Feds did it again. They ran aground a freighter about a year plus ago near this area also.

And the Panama Cannel freighter mishap. False flags. Thanks USA Fed Gov for spending our money trying to " scare " us and create these events. You all are pathetically obvious. " 2 min of black box missing " . 🙄

It appears you have a special destruction team for ships, planes, trains and schools. Oh, and large, tall buildings. Knock it off! How can you live with yourselves. Get a life.

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Crisis actors.

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